
jiào yán huó dònɡ
  • teaching activities
  1. 接着在进行实地调查与需求分析的基础上,以知识的共享与交流为出发点,设计了Google云服务下的校本教研活动平台。

    The author has design the network platform of school-based teaching and research activities under Google cloud services , based on the fieldwork and requirements analysis , and knowledge sharing and exchange as the starting point .

  2. 实践证明,WIKI平台深受教师的喜爱,是一种行之有效地开展网络教研活动的新途径。

    Practice has proved that , WIKI platform is welcomed by teachers , which is an effective new way to carry out the web teaching and research activities .

  3. 加强数学教研活动,提高教师素质;

    Strengthens mathematics research activity , improves the teacher quality ;

  4. 教师在从事教研活动的发展过程中存在阶段性;

    The development with phases does exist in the activities .

  5. 盲校教研活动的困境与出路&兼谈个别化教学情境下教研活动的开展

    The Plight and Outlet of Teaching Research in School for the Blind

  6. 对当前职工培训教研活动的思考

    Reflection on Teaching and Researching Activities of Present Staff Training

  7. 开展群众性教研活动全面推进素质教育

    Mass Teaching and Research and Promoting the All-round Development Education

  8. 教研活动的新形式&说课

    A New Form of Teaching and Researching Activities & " Speaking Lesson "

  9. 校本教研活动的组织一定要围绕学校工作重点展开。

    The school-based educational research activities should be launched surrounding the schoolwork focus .

  10. 论大学外语教研活动的教师培训功能

    On College English Instructors ' Teaching and Research Activities Cultivated through Teaching Research Activities

  11. 每周三参加中方英语教师的教研活动。

    Attend the teaching and research activities of our Chinese English teachers each Wednesday .

  12. 说课给教研活动注入了活力

    Saying Lesson Infusing Energy into Teaching and Research

  13. 说课让教研活动的内容更加丰富,形式更加多样;

    It enriches the contents of teaching research and diversifies the form of teaching research .

  14. 特殊体育教研活动少,缺少交流机会;

    Special P.E teaching and research activity is very few and lacking chance of exchanging .

  15. 可以充分发挥教师在教研活动中的主体作用;

    It can sufficiently bring into play the teachers ' role in instruction research activities .

  16. 关于教师教研活动的思考

    Thoughts on Teaching Research of Teachers

  17. 新课程的实施,引发了新一轮中学生物学教研活动。

    The implement of new curriculum arouses a new round of Biology teaching and researching activities .

  18. 而早年教学和从政的经历及随后的各种教研活动,不仅使其阅历增加,而且使教育理念也开始萌芽。

    The experiences of teaching and administration in early time made his progressive education ideas grow up ;

  19. 评课是幼儿园一项常规的教研活动,它是进行园本培训的重要途径。

    As an important kindergarten-based training approach , teaching assessment activity could improve teachers professional development greatly .

  20. 评课是教研活动中的常规工作,合理的评课标准对于改进教学具有重要意义。

    Class evaluation is a regular activity in teaching research , and rational evaluation standards can improve teaching .

  21. 加强师资队伍建设、开展教研活动和学术交流及采用多媒体辅助教学能促进教学水平的提高。

    Enhancing the teachers building , developing the intercourse of teaching and using CAI can improve the teaching level .

  22. 有效地开展教研活动对提高教学质量和教学能力有着十分重要的作用。

    To develop teaching and researching activities effectively plays an important role in improving teaching quality and teaching capacity .

  23. 公开课是一种特殊的教研活动形式,在学校教育中起着主要作用。

    Demonstration classes are a special type of teaching research , which plays a very important role in teaching .

  24. “说课”是20世纪末期兴起的教研活动形式。

    " Saying lesson " is a kind of teaching research activity , which started in the late 20th century .

  25. 同时,不同特质的教师在个体知识的获得途径方面也有一定差异,具体表现为:骨干教师更能够从有组织的教研活动中获得公共隐性知识。

    Meanwhile , there are some differences in terms of approaches of acquiring personal knowledge among teachers of different qualities .

  26. 本文以对比分析错误分析相关理论为理论依据,采用的研究方法有学生作品分析法问卷调查法和教研活动法。

    The author adopts the research methods including the students ' work analysis , the questionnaire and the teaching research activities .

  27. 说课让教学和研究找到了结合点,从而提高了教学质量,给教研活动注入了活力。

    Saying lesson connects teaching and research so as to improve the quality of teaching . It 's pouring vigor into teaching research .

  28. 在本研究中,笔者经过了半年实地听课,参与到教师的教研活动和教师集体培训中,深入一线教师的日常教学中,与他们一起共同研究关键事件,从而揭示影响教师专业判断力发展的因素。

    Together with the teachers , the author makes critical incidents research , which reveals the impact of teacher professional development judgment factors .

  29. 较有组织的开展教研活动,即时通讯软件更多的是应用于无组织的自由研讨和资源共享。

    Therefore carried out a more structured teaching and research activities , instant messaging software are used more freely in unorganized discussions and sharing of resources .

  30. 而说课作为体育教研活动的一种形式,也同样在体育课程改革的浪潮中,发生新的变化。

    The Speaking Lesson as a form of sports teaching and research activities , also in the physical education curriculum reform movement , place the new changes .