
  • 网络mathematical culture;math culture
  1. 数学文化在大学数学教学中的重要性分析

    Analysis on the Importance of Mathematical Culture in College Mathematics Teaching

  2. 在高职院校开设数学文化欣赏与趣味数学课程的探讨

    On the Public Elective Course of Mathematical Culture Appreciation and Interesting Mathematics

  3. 利玛窦对中西方数学文化融合的贡献

    Matteo Ricci Contribution to Fusion of Chinese and Western Mathematic Culture

  4. 以数学文化提高大学生的科技文化素养

    Promote College Students ' Quality of Scientific Culture through Mathematics Culture

  5. 数学文化对大学数学教育的影响的研究

    Study on the Influence of Mathematics Culture on College Mathematics Education

  6. 对数学文化及其创新观的思考

    An Reflection on the Mathematics Culture and its Innovation Outlook

  7. 渗透数学文化教育的高中数学教学研究

    A Research on High School Math Teaching with a Math Culture Education

  8. 因此,全面认识数学文化是很必要的。

    So it is necessary for us to know about mathematics culture .

  9. 数学文化观念下的课程资源开发

    Development of Curriculum Resource Under the Notion of Mathematics Culture

  10. 数学文化在数学教育中的作用和地位

    The Effect of Mathematical Culture and the Status in the Mathematical Education

  11. 高中微积分教学中融入数学文化的初步研究

    The Preliminary Research of Calculus Teaching Infusing Mathematical Culture in High School

  12. 正态分布两发现过程的数学文化比较

    Comparision of mathematical culture in processes about the discovery of normal distribution

  13. 数学文化对数学教育的启示

    The Inspiration of Maths Culture to the Maths Education

  14. 蒙古族传统生活中的数学文化

    Mathematical Culture in the Traditional Life of the Mongols

  15. 分析学生在数学文化背景方面的强势与弱势。

    We also analyse their advantages and disadvantages in the mathematical cultural background .

  16. 论文化价值观念的更新浅谈数学文化体系

    On the Renewal of Cultural Values Discussion on " Mathematical Culture " System

  17. 着眼于使学生认识数学文化的魅力;

    Make students know the charm of mathematical culture ;

  18. 析数学文化及其教育性

    The Analysis on Mathematics Culture and Its Education Function

  19. 地方大学讲座形态下数学文化课程的研究

    Research on the course of mathematics culture under lecture form of local university

  20. 数学文化是人类的基本文化,这在新一轮数学课程改革中已得到充分的关注。

    Mathematics culture is the foundation of human culture .

  21. 数学文化的含义及其哲学分析

    The Meaning and Philosophical Analysis of Mathematical Culture

  22. 数学文化观与中国数学史研究

    Research of Mathematics Culture and Ancient Chinese Mathematics

  23. 数学文化与数学课程改革

    Mathematics Culture and the Reform of Mathematics Curriculum

  24. 数学文化观念下的数学素质教育

    Quality Education under the Notion of Mathematics Culture

  25. 数学文化观扩展了课程资源的视野。

    The notion of mathematics culture extends the field of vision of curriculum resource .

  26. 数学文化具有丰富的内涵,数学教育是数学文化的教育。

    Mathematics culture has rich connotations . Mathematics education is based on mathematics culture .

  27. 可见人们越来越意识到数学文化强大的价值功能。

    There is a growing awareness of the powerful value function of mathematical culture .

  28. 一般高等院校开设数学文化课的几点建议

    Mathematics course teaching suggestion in general college

  29. 浅谈数学文化的育人功能

    On the Educational Functions of Mathematical Culture

  30. 中学的数学文化与数学教育

    Mathematical culture and education of middle schools