
  • 网络data evaluation;Data Assessment;date evaluation
  1. 本文的数据评估和调整方法有效,但仍存在相当大的不确定性。

    Our data evaluation and adjustment methods worked , but with considerable uncertainty .

  2. 分析了现有测试性验证方法应用情况,阐述了测试性研制阶段数据评估验证方法的必要性。

    The application of existing testability verification methods is analyzed , and the necessity of a testability verification method based on data evaluation in development phase is described .

  3. 利用间隔之间的约束关系,可以根据已压缩的XML数据评估路径表达式。

    Using the containment relationships among the intervals , path expressions are evaluated on compressed XML data .

  4. MOM将定期使用收集的数据评估用户提供的策略。

    Periodically , MOM will evaluate the user-supplied policy using the collected data .

  5. 利用陆地卫星TM数据评估森林病虫害

    Assessment of Forest Diseases and Insects with Landsat TM Data

  6. 另一种管理数据库中写入争用的方法是为一些或所有应用程序数据评估使用NoSQL数据存储的可能性。

    Another approach to managing write contention in the database is to evaluate the possibility of using NoSQL data stores for some or all of your application data .

  7. 通过MIT/BIT数据评估了算法的可靠性。

    Its reliability is evaluated through statistical test against MIT / BIT data .

  8. 还通过肛管直肠测压、表面肌电图客观数据评估术后肛门功能。

    Through anorectal manometry and surface electromyography assessment of anal function of objective data .

  9. 包装品数据评估系统方法的研究

    A Study about Systematic Way to Evaluate Packaging

  10. 基于实测数据评估交通事件检测中神经网络应用性的研究

    Research on Applicability of Neural Network with Field Data of Automatic Traffic Incident Detection

  11. 探究其因,可能与估计的参数适合于样本外数据评估。

    The reason may be that the estimative parameter is appropriate for the data estimation outside the sample .

  12. 我怀疑那些数据评估,可能在申请程序的表述方面存在一些错误。

    I would suspect that looking at data appraisals , data underwriting / s / which would mean false statements on low applications .

  13. 互联网公司还可以利用海量用户数据评估小额贷款人的信用风险。

    There is also the potential for internet companies to draw on troves of user data to evaluate small borrowers ' credit risk .

  14. 我们开发一个稳定和强大但操作简便的统计程序用来从子网数据评估整个网络规模。

    We develop a stable and powerful , yet simple , statistical procedure to estimate the size of the whole network from subnet data .

  15. 这份报告公布了对于每个人而言关于房价、汽车销售、消费信贷广泛的数据评估,

    This report looks at a wide range of measurements , home prices , auto sales , consumer lending and more , on the everyone ,

  16. 本文的主要目的是寻找一种反演方法,利用月球探测卫星微波辐射计的亮度温度数据评估月壤厚度。

    The aim of this paper is to find a method to estimate the thickness of lunar soil from the values measured by lunar microwave radiometer .

  17. 是否有必要进行更多轮次的口服脊髓灰质炎疫苗大规模免疫接种活动,将以正在进行的流行病学和实验室数据评估情况作为根据。

    The need for additional rounds of mass oral polio vaccine ( OPV ) immunization will be based on an ongoing evaluation of epidemiological and laboratory data .

  18. 本论文研究和开发的运载火箭数字化智能数据评估系统,是作为运载火箭数字化测试仿真系统的一部分。

    The digital intelligent data evaluation system for launch vehicles researched and developed in this paper is a part of the digital test and simulation system for launch vehicles .

  19. 结果证明该模型和方法不仅在参数估计方面比传统的模型有更高的精度,而且还可以应用到可靠性增长试验的数据评估中。

    Results show that the model and method proposed is not only good at parameter evaluation with high accuracy in comparison with the traditional , but also can be applied to reliability growth testing .

  20. 另外,作为吸收式制冷设计难点的吸收器,不仅氨水工质对吸收实验研究很少,而且吸收实验数据评估方法也缺乏统一性。

    In the other hand , absorber is usually the main difficulty when designing absorption refrigeration system . The researches of absorption behaviors of ammonia-water as working pair are less , even the evaluation methods are not unified .

  21. 他们会根据这些报表中的数据评估全球各大公司的策略与绩效,并在集训营结束时分组陈述评估结果。集训时间约为四周,通常安排在寒、暑假。

    They evaluate global companies ' strategies and performance based on those numbers , and then present their findings in teams at the end of a 20-day , four-week boot camp & typically over winter or summer break .

  22. 本文的目的是运用非平衡面板数据评估美国华盛顿州就业服务指导和被指导对象个人情况,对25~35岁女性福利受益者就业率的影响。

    This paper uses an unbalanced panel dataset to evaluate how repeated job search services ( JSS ) and personal characteristics affect the employment rate of the female welfare recipients aged 25 ~ 35 in Washington State of the United States .

  23. 利用遥感数据评估震害,方便、迅速、效率高,一直是防灾减灾领域和遥感应用技术领域研究人员共同关注的问题。

    It is convenient , fast , effective way to evaluate earthquake damage with remote sensing data , is all along a problem commonly attended by researchers in both areas of disaster prevention and reduction and of remote sensing technology application .

  24. 状态检修是根据状态检测数据评估设备健康状况,据此采取相应的检修策略,准确诊断和评估设备的健康状况即设备的故障诊断是状态检修的技术关键。

    State maintenance is based on state test data to assess equipment " health status ", according to the appropriate maintenance strategy , accurate diagnosis and assessment of the health status of the equipment , equipment fault diagnosis is the key technical condition maintenance .

  25. 将企业业绩管理工程通过相应的ERP数据管理评估来完成。

    With the evaluation to ERP data management , we could management the performance well .

  26. IMF的数据质量评估框架及启示

    Estimating Framework of Data Quality of IMF and Its Enlightenment

  27. 最后,本文通过实例研究对ERP系统数据质量评估和质量控制方法进行了验证。

    Finally , this paper has carried on the confirmation through the case study to the ERP system data quality appraisal and the quality control method .

  28. 在回应调查所得,FDA已要求默克公司对顺尔宁关于企图自杀和自杀性行为的研究数据进行评估。

    In response to inquiries received by the FDA , the FDA has asked Merck to evaluate Singulair study data for more information about suicidality and suicide .

  29. 两年前,阿里巴巴的支付业务关联公司蚂蚁金服(AntFinancial)上线了芝麻信用(SesameCredit),利用其掌握的消费者数据来评估他们的信用,为小企业和消费者带来安慰。

    Ant Financial , Alibaba 's payments affiliate , launched its Sesame Credit two years ago , parlaying its data on consumers into a measure of their trustworthiness , providing comfort for small businesses and consumers alike .

  30. CBERS-02B星数据质量评估及土地调查监测应用潜力分析

    Evaluation on CBERS - 02B Data Quality and Analysis on Application Potential of Land Survey & Monitoring