
zhěnɡ hé zuò yònɡ
  • integration;chelation
  1. 克隆植物生理整合作用的研究方法及其应用

    Research Methods for Physiological Integration of Clonal Plants and Their Application

  2. 突触信息的整合作用。

    Second , the integration of information on the synapse .

  3. 他说GABA行使信号整合作用,避免细胞过度活化。

    GABA , he says , is like the marshal that prevents the cells from being too active .

  4. 重视中药多组分整合作用的研究

    Paying Great Attention to Study on Integration Effects of Multi-components of Traditional Chinese Medicines

  5. 社会整合作用是本研究作为考察万村农民篮球赛事社会意义的核心问题。

    This study investigated ten thousand village farmers basketball tournament as the core problem .

  6. 回忆的整合作用让个人得以与世界和谐相处。

    The concordant function of recollection enables an individual to find harmony with the world .

  7. 加强信息的整合作用,提高管理手段的科学性。

    Strengthening the information conformity action , increasing the science character of the managing measure .

  8. 神经系统的整合作用

    The Integrative Action of the Nervous System

  9. 符号学方法在大众传播研究中的运用,将可能对大众传播研究的松散状态起学科整合作用;

    The application of semeiology method may lead the conformity of subjects in mass communication studies .

  10. 由于有大的骨性宿主-移植物接触面,还可以有稳定的同种异体移植物整合作用。

    It further offers the possibility for stable allograft integration because of the large osseous host-graft interface .

  11. 耻文化对传统道德文化的积淀、涵育和整合作用;

    Shame culture have accumulation , is it educate and combine function to contain to traditional morals culture ;

  12. 财富观对人们的经济行为具有重要的导向作用、协调作用和整合作用。

    It plays an important role in guiding , coordinating , and integrating the economic behaviors of people .

  13. 下丘神经元的频率及强度选择性受频谱整合作用的调制。

    The acoustic responses selectivity of IC neurons to frequency and intensity were modulated by frequency spectral integration .

  14. 又,如果没有人心的创造性活动即人类精神的整合作用,宇宙世界的历史性特征无以呈现。

    Furthermore , the historicity of the universe cannot be embodied without creative activities of Xin , human spirits .

  15. 腺相关病毒末端反向重复顺序折叠结构在真核细胞染色体基因组上的整合作用

    Study on the Integration of the Adeno-associated Virus Inverted Terminal Repeat Fold Structure in Eukaryotic Cell Chromosome in Vitro

  16. 同时港口对腹地经济起到带动与整合作用,增强腹地区域的竞争优势。

    Port hinterland economy has played a driven and integrated role in enhancing the competitive advantage of the hinterland region .

  17. 内脏传入信息可能通过在脑的皮质、海马部位的整合作用达到有效地阻抑躯体痫性活动。

    Somatic epileptiform activity could be effectively inhibited by the integration of visceral afferent information in cortical and hippocampal parts .

  18. 从生物科技发展看20世纪社会对科学技术的整合作用

    The Integration Effect of Society on Science and Technology in the 20th Century as Viewed from the Development of Biotechnology

  19. 创伤愈合是一种复杂的由多种类型的细胞、可溶性介质以及细胞外基质参与的整合作用过程。

    Wound healing is a complex process involving the integrated actions of numerous cell types , soluble mediators , and ECM .

  20. 穴位刺激和心脏病灶产生的传入信号在脊髓内跨节段整合作用的研究

    Study on the Trans-segmental Integration of the Spinal Cord on Afferent Information from Acupoint Stimulation and Cardiac Focus in the Rabbit

  21. 记忆具有文学史的超越性和价值功能,即这种记忆不只是简单实录文学史现象,而是有着整合作用,它是建立文学秩序的关键步骤。

    It also has the nature of transcendency and valuable function which plays a pivotal role in the foundation of literature order .

  22. 这种各个环节上的整合作用,也是知识经济对高等教育功能、作用的新的更高的要求。

    The function of integrating all these segments is also the new higher requirement of knowledge economy for the functions of higher education .

  23. 第二部分,以整个传统聚落为研究对象,探析祭祀行为对其的界定、整合作用。

    The second part , the whole traditional settlement as a research object , analysis of ritual behavior of its definition , integration .

  24. 以无性系植物的生理整合作用理论为指导,通过不同密度处理系列试验、采笋与不采笋对比试验等,探讨了密度调节、轮闲制采笋与筇竹林竹笋&幼竹生长的关系。

    The effects of density regulation and rotation harvesting shoot on the shoot and young bamboo growth were studied under the different experimental treatments .

  25. 地方社会力量在灾荒救济中的社会整合作用&以近代苏州地区为中心的考察

    On the Integrating Role of the Local Social Forces in Famine Relief & A Research Based in Suzhou in the Early Half of 20th Century

  26. 本文在阐述交通文化的定义、特征的基础上,说明了交通文化对城市形象建设的整合作用。

    Based on the expounding definition and the characteristics of communication culture , this paper shows the integrating function of communication culture and its city identity .

  27. 脱氢表雄酮对慢性轻度应激小鼠认知功能的影响海马结构是介导应激反应的最重要脑区之一,对应激反应起整合作用;

    Effects of dehydroepiandrosterone on cognitive function in mice with chronic mild stress Recently , it has been demonstrated that chronic mild stress could lead to depression .

  28. 和合文化在东亚区域合作理念构建中的作用,主要体现在因果作用、建构作用和整合作用三个方面。

    Harmonious cultural function in regional cooperation ideas structure in East Asia , embody in cause and effect function , construction function and combine function 3 mainly .

  29. 摘要在努力推进和谐社区建设的进程中,需要发挥道德的协调作用、整合作用和道德的支撑作用。

    During the course of the harmonious community constuction , it is necessary to exert the coordination function , integration function , prop-up function of the morals .

  30. 文章从集体消费、频繁的村庄内部流动和无闲暇时间的劳动三个方面,展现了村庄惯习作为无形的道德力量所起的整合作用;

    From the perspective of collective consumption , frequent internal mobility , and working without leisure , this paper exams the invisible moral power-habitus has soft integration function .