
  • 网络values;Cultural Value
  1. 全球化与本土化:当代青年文化价值观的双向构建

    The Bidirectional Construction of Youth Cultural Values : Globalization and Localization

  2. 关于科技与文化价值观的若干思考

    Some Reflections on the Values about Science , Technology and Culture

  3. 研究目的–本论文探讨Hofstede所揭示的一些中西文化价值观差异是否源自古代–扎根在西方和中国的创世神话之中。

    Purpose – The paper aims to understand whether some contemporary cultural value differences between Western and Chinese societies as indicated by Hofstede have an ancient root in creation myths .

  4. 要培育和弘扬独特的企业文化价值观、开展以企业文化为导向的人力资源管理、充分发挥企业家的作用、注意员工意识和企业诚信精神的培养,并大力实施CIS战略;

    Must cultivate and bring honor unique corporate culture value , develop human resources management guided by corporate culture , fully play entrepreneur 's role , pay attention to the cultivation of staff consciousness and good faith spirit , and vigorously implement the CIS strategy ;

  5. 汉语书面广告语文化价值观变迁的历时研究

    Longitudinal Study : Cultural Value Shift Reflected in Chinese Print Advertisements

  6. 从电影《当幸福来敲门》看美国文化价值观

    Exploring American Cultural Values in the Film The Pursuit of Happiness

  7. 对西方中心文化价值观的反抗意识;

    Jane 's resistant consciousness to the value of Western central culture ;

  8. 之后,对三种文化价值观的不同本质做出了比较。

    Then compare differ essence about three kinds of culture .

  9. 工作环境中中美员工文化价值观差异研究

    A Contrastive Study of Chinese and American Cultural Values in the Workplace

  10. 关于和谐视域下农民文化价值观的思考

    The Thinking about Peasant 's Culture Values in the Angle of Harmony

  11. 文化价值观作为一种历史的积淀,对外交有着潜移默化的影响。

    Cultural values as a historical accumulation plays a subtle influence on diplomacy .

  12. 现代陶艺中的传统文化价值观思考

    Thinking for Traditional Culture Value Of Modern Ceramic Arts

  13. 网络广告中的文化价值观的对比研究

    A Comparative Study of Cultural Values in Internet Advertising

  14. 企业文化价值观体系的构建

    The Construction of Corporate Culture of Value Conception System

  15. 论武术走向奥运会的体育文化价值观嬗变

    A Transformation of Athletics Culture Values about Wushu Being Accepted by The Olympics

  16. 丛林世界中的西方精神及其危机&兼论中华文化价值观

    Western Spirit in the " Jungle World " and Cultural values of China

  17. 与经济的变化相伴的是文化价值观的改变。

    And economic transformation accompanys changes in cultural values .

  18. 从这些截然不同的处理方法上,也可以看出中西文化价值观的巨大差异。

    Cultural differences between the east and the west could account for this phenomenon .

  19. 文化价值观与交际风格&英汉请求言语行为对比研究

    Cultural Values and Interactional Styles & A Comparative Study of English and Chinese Requests

  20. 中国情境下,新兴文化价值观会促进个人层面的炫耀性消费。

    Modern cultural values will promote conspicuous consumption at individual level in Chinese context .

  21. 另一方面,分析美国的文化价值观对美国外交政策的影响,从而可以以新的文化视角来看待美国的外交关系。

    Therefore we can study the American diplomatic relation from the new cultural perspective .

  22. 中国传统文化价值观的两次转换

    Double Conversions of the Chinese Traditional Cultural Values

  23. 文化价值观在中美会话风格中的体现

    Cultural Values in Chinese and American Conversational Styles

  24. 文化价值观在个体消费者的行为、态度及其决策中起着特别重要的作用。

    Culture value plays a important role in individual consumer behavior , attitude and decision .

  25. 从概念隐喻观文化价值观模式

    Cultural Model of Values Through Conceptual Metaphor

  26. 论倡导先进文化价值观对提升国家核心竞争力的作用

    On the Influence of View of Advanced Culture Value to Improving the National Core Competitiveness

  27. 跨文化价值观理论和模型的引入

    Importation of Intercultural Value Theories and Models

  28. 美国对外政策的每一步变化均未摆脱其文化价值观的束缚和制约。

    Every change in the foreign policies has never lost the constraint of cultural values .

  29. 服饰的流行与文化价值观

    Discussion of fashion currency and culture value

  30. 发展模式的变化与其民族文化价值观有着重要关系。

    The changes of development model have an important relationship with their national cultural values .