
wén xué fēnɡ ɡé
  • literary style
  1. 散文风格翻译是文学风格翻译的一部分。

    Prose style translation is a part of literary style translation .

  2. 优美但未充分形成的文学风格。

    A graceful but not yet fully perfected literary style .

  3. 文学风格的地域性是古老且常说常新的话题。

    The regional character of literature style is a common topic .

  4. 凡建筑,凡文学风格,悉以古之巨作伟构为师。

    Architecture and literary style were adapted to ancient models .

  5. 金朝后期的政治生态,引发了文学风格的转变。

    The political environment in later Chin Dynasty triggered a literary style change .

  6. 论作家个性气质与文学风格的关系

    The Relation of Writer Individuality Makings and Literature Style

  7. 金代后期政治生态与文学风格的演变

    The Evolution of Political Ecology and Literary Style in the Late Chin Dynasty

  8. 小说风格翻译是文学风格翻译的一个很重要的部分。

    Translating fictional style is an important part of the translation of literary style .

  9. 文学风格的形成与瓦解

    Development of the Literature Style and Its Destruction

  10. 声满东南几处箫&深于情对龚自珍文学风格形成的影响

    The Influence of Emotional Enthrallment on the Formation of Gong Zizhen 's Literary Style

  11. 于是他们将矛头对准了章宗朝盛行的浮艳尖新的文学风格。

    So they targeted the sharp literary style which was popular in Zhang-tsung Dynasty .

  12. 二是从词句、辞藻方面探讨其文学风格。

    The second one is probing its literary feature from its sentences and rhetoric .

  13. 另一种观点认为由于英汉两种语言存在着许多差异,因此文学风格是不可译的。

    One is that it is both possible and necessary to translate literary style .

  14. 他的新小说很有意思,但那是混合了很多种不同的文学风格的。

    His new novel is interesting but it 's a mishmash of literary styles .

  15. 英雄主义及其反动&20世纪崇高文学风格概观

    On Heroism & An Analysis of the Noble Literary Style in the 20th Century

  16. 他的文学风格还很不成熟。

    His literary style is still rather raw .

  17. 个性的张扬与现代文学风格的演变

    Personality Projection and Stylistic Transition of Modern Literature

  18. 文学风格对于文学创作至关重要。

    Style is crucial in literary creation .

  19. 试论文学风格研究引入记者风格研究的意义和方法

    Significance and method of introducing the stylistic studies of literature into such studies of Journalists

  20. 第三章介绍了接受理论并在接受理论的基础上阐释了文学风格的可译性。

    Chapter Three is about Reception Theory and briefly discusses the translatability of literary style .

  21. 文学风格翻译的制约因素

    Restrictive Factors in Literary Style Translation

  22. 文学风格的翻译,历来在翻译界中存在着很大的争议。

    The reproduction of literary style has always been a controversial problem in the translation circle .

  23. “出水芙蓉,错彩镂金”的文学风格论。

    Finally elaborates " freshly and beautifully , the wrong color Lou gold " literature style theory .

  24. 日本中世时期,文学风格与文学理论呈现多元化趋势。

    During the Middle Ages , there were diverse variety of literary styles and theories in Japan .

  25. 抒情的力量&沈从文文学风格形成论

    The Power of Lyricism

  26. 她凭借高超的写作艺术和独特的文学风格,被公认为是现代美国出色的文体学家。

    With superb writing techniques and unique literary style , she is recognized as an excellent modern American writer .

  27. 在这些思想的影响下,博尔赫斯形成了唯心主义思想和神秘主义的文学风格。

    Under the influence of these thoughts , Borges has formed the idealistic thoughts and the mystical literary thoughts .

  28. 受邀出席亚利桑那州书本节的作家,各自代表了不同的文化、文学风格及主题。

    The authors invited to the Arizona Book Festival represent different cultures , literary styles , and subject matter .

  29. 幽默是老舍突出的文学风格,离开了幽默,就没有了老舍。

    Humor is unique style of Lao she literary ," left the humor , there is no Lao she " .

  30. 本文对中国古典文学风格论的形成进行了探寻,试图挖掘中国古典文学风格理论的源起。

    This thesis approaches the forming of the style theory about Chinese classical literature and attempts to excavate its origin .