
dòu jī
  • cockfighting;gamecock;game fowl
斗鸡 [dòu jī]
  • (1) [cockfighting]∶雄鸡之间斗架的一种游戏或比赛,有时用于赌博

  • (2) [gamecock]∶用于斗鸡游戏或比赛的雄性鸡

斗鸡[dòu jī]
  1. 河南斗鸡与艾维茵肉鸡杂交一代的产肉性能测定

    Determination on the F_1 Meat-production of Henan Game Fowl and Avian Broiler

  2. 人参皂苷体外抗鸡新城疫病毒的效果观察斗鸡新城疫病毒的分离与生物学特性鉴定

    Anti-NDV Effect of Ginsenoside in vitro Isolation and Biological Characteristics Identification of Newcastle Disease Virus from Game Fowl

  3. 从前,有个叫纪渻子的人为国王驯养斗鸡。

    Once upon a time , there was a man named Ji Shengzi who raised fighting-cocks for the king .

  4. 中国斗鸡高分子质量DNA的高效制备

    An Efficient Preparation of High Molecular Weight DNA from Chinese Cockfight

  5. 在这场斗鸡博弈中,IBM似乎已心生退意。

    In this game of chicken , it looks like IBM blinked .

  6. 河南斗鸡、固始鸡、大骨鸡染色体核型、G带及AgNORs的研究

    Studies on Karyotype G-banded Patterns AgNORs of Henan Game Chickens 、 Gushi Chickes and Dagu Chickens

  7. 中国斗鸡mtDNA遗传多样性及起源研究

    Analysis on the Genetic Diversity and the Origin of mtDNA in Chinese Game Chicken

  8. 费希尔指出,这种运动美国参议员约翰麦凯恩(JohnMcCain)称之为真人斗鸡在中国仍处于发展初期,但中国民众对它的兴趣正在迅速增长。

    Mr Fischer says the sport – which US senator John McCain described as human cockfighting – is still nascent in China , but interest is growing quickly .

  9. 莱比锡动物园发表一项声明称:Heidi,我们的斗鸡眼负鼠已经于今日早上永远地闭上了双眼。

    Leipzig Zoo released a statement saying : Heidi , our cross-eyed opossum , has closed her eyes forever today .

  10. 亲属报告了在症状出现前几天发生该农民饲养的几只斗鸡突然死亡,因而怀疑可能H5N1感染。

    Possible H5N1 infection was suspected when relatives reported the sudden death , in the days prior to symptom onset , of several fighting cocks raised by the farmer .

  11. 并且,当使用Botox已批准的剂量用于治疗眼皮痉挛或“斗鸡眼”(crossedeyes)时亦未见因毒素作用远端扩散而导致的最终严重不良事件报道。

    As well , no definitive serious adverse event reports of distant spread of toxin effect have been associated with Botox when used at approved doses for eyelid twitches or for crossed eyes .

  12. 它的妹妹Naira同样是斗鸡眼,但动物园的另外一只雄性负鼠Teddy却没有跟它们一样成为斗鸡眼。

    Her sister , named Naira , is also cross-eyed but the zoo 's third opossum , a male called Teddy , lacks their distinctive looks .

  13. 来认识一下Aloş吧!这只来自土耳其两岁大的猫咪,一蓝一绿色的斗鸡眼在网络上引起了新的轰动。

    Meet Alo ş , the 2-year-old Van cat from Turkey whose slightly crossed blue and green eyes have made him the newest Internet sensation .

  14. 试验1.对吐鲁番斗鸡部分血液生理生化指标进行测定的结果表明不同性别间呼吸、红细胞数、红细胞沉降率(30、45、60min)、血红蛋白、白细胞分类等生理指标差异显著;

    The results showed that there were significant differences in respiratory rate 、 red cell counts 、 sedimentation rate ( 30 、 45 、 60 min )、 hemoglobin differential count of Leukocytes between the sexes .

  15. 40条斗鸡序列与GeneBank上红色原鸡相应序列比较,并构建基于单倍型的系统发生树,结果表明中国斗鸡的母系可能来源于多个红原鸡亚种。

    The 40 sequences compared to that of red jungle issued in GeneBank and phylogenetic trees for the chickens constructed based on the haplotypes . The result indicated that the Chinese game chicken may originated from several subspecies of red jungle .

  16. 在斗鸡中参加比赛斗鸡的运动。

    Participation in the sport of matching gamecocks in a cockfight .

  17. 我们期待着展示我们最好的南部招待费-斗鸡风格!

    We look forward to showcasing our finest Southern hospitality-Gamecock style !

  18. 还有的受害者是由于聚精会神找胶带头罹患斗鸡眼。

    Fig3.Other victims suffer from cross-eye while looking for the end .

  19. 他讨厌(看)斗鸡。

    He has an aversion to ( seeing ) cockfights .

  20. 丹,你和那个斗鸡眼的卡蒂之间到底怎么了?

    Dano , whatever happened between you and cockeyed katie , anyway ?

  21. 离我的孙女远些斗鸡眼小流氓

    Stay away from my granddaughter , you cockeyed hooligan .

  22. 斗鸡发威时竖起了羽毛。

    The fighting cock ruffled up its feathers in anger .

  23. 他得意洋洋地转动着水汪汪的斗鸡眼。

    His watery , crossed eyes rolled in exaltation .

  24. 斗鸡在任何情况下都是非常残忍的。

    Game birds are very cannibalistic under any circumstances .

  25. 纪渻子是有名的斗鸡训练师。

    Ji Shengzi was celebrated for training fighting cock .

  26. 他没有斗鸡眼,不过,他的行动却是愚昧的。

    He does not have a cock-eye , but his actions are cock-eyed .

  27. 德国斗鸡眼负鼠将现身奥斯卡。

    Cross-eyed opossum to join the Academy Awards Ceremony .

  28. 美国许多州禁止斗鸡。

    Cockfighting is banned in many states in US .

  29. 河南斗鸡一些器官的组织结构特征

    Some fine structure characteristics of organs of Henan cockfighting

  30. 这只公鸡是一只“常胜将军”,已经赢得了四场斗鸡比赛。

    The rooster is a champion rooster that has won about four cockfighting bouts .