
duàn diǎn
  • breakpoint;breaking point
断点 [duàn diǎn]
  • (1) [breakpoint]

  • (2) 在一种用氯处理饮用水的方法中,水中的有用氯量降至最少的一点,此后,随着加入氯量的增加,水中的有用氯量也按比例增加,表明大部分不希望有的味和色已被除去

  • (3) 通过手动置位开关使机械的操作(如计算机)暂停,以便进行校核和检查的一点

  • (4) [breaking point]∶使材料断裂的张力或应力的程度

断点[duàn diǎn]
  1. 运用艾灸血清和小鼠胸腺细胞瘤(EL4)进行细胞培养,观察艾灸血清在体外对肿瘤细胞形态、细胞周期及DNA断点的影响。

    By culture EL 4 tumor cells with Murine Moxibustion Serum ( MS ), influence of MS to cell structure , cell cycle and breaking point of DNA was studied .

  2. 此过程可有效地延伸人力资源以消除断点。

    This process can significantly stretch your human resources to the breaking point .

  3. 通过WEBService体系、断点续传和带宽控制技术的综合应用,实现了易于部署,可以实现动态带宽控制的大规模软件发布系统。

    Large scale software distribution technology using Web service architecture , bandwidth throttling and checkpoint were discussed .

  4. 下面是用调试器在PHP中设置断点。

    Next up is setting breakpoints in PHP using the debugger .

  5. 设置了断点后,单击Run按钮(样子为一个奔跑的人)来启动程序。

    With the breakpoint set , click on the Run button , which displays a man running , to start the program .

  6. 可以使用命令'breakmain'在进入main()函数时设置断点,或者可以指定其它任何感兴趣的函数名来设置断点。

    We could set a breakpoint when the main () function is entered with the command'break main ' , or specify any other function name we were interested in .

  7. 或者,您可以选择该断点,然后按delete键,将其删除。

    Alternatively , you can delete a breakpoint by selecting the breakpoint and pressing delete .

  8. 调试C程序时,断点条件可以是任何有效的C表达式,一定要是程序所使用语言的任意有效表达式。

    Breakpoint conditions can be any valid C expression when debugging C programs , indeed any valid expression in the language your program is using .

  9. bc命令从断点表中除去断点。

    The bc command removes a breakpoint from the breakpoint table .

  10. 在第二个断点上单击右键,源代码buffer会访问含有这个断点的文件并显示其位置。

    Right-click on the second breakpoint and the source buffer visits the file containing the breakpoint and displays its location .

  11. 每个断点后跳过的行的数量可以使用BREAK命令的SKIP选项进行修改。

    The number of lines skipped after each breakpoint can be modified using the SKIP option in the BREAK command .

  12. 请记住,如果第二手动模拟事件在到达该断点之后发生,则您仍然需要在测试客户端中单击Continue。

    Remember that if the second manual emulation event occurred after the breakpoint was reached , you still need to click Continue in the test client .

  13. 有一个箭头指向当前指令,你可以像在源代码buffer中一样设置和清除断点。

    An overlay arrow points to the current instruction , and you can set and remove breakpoints as with the source buffer .

  14. Eclipse支持设置断点,逐步调试代码,检查变量,以及执行其他有用的操作。

    Eclipse allows you to set breakpoints , step through code , examine variables , and do other useful stuff .

  15. 本文给出了医院ORACLE数据库在热备份过程中的断点恢复及操作过程的方法。

    The methods and operation of breakpoints recovery during hot backup in the ORACLE database of the hospital is introduced .

  16. 基于TDR的ADSL线缆断点测试仪设计

    Design of a test instrument for measuring ADSL cable breakpoint based on TDR

  17. 同时新的断点出现在BreakPoints视图列表中。

    Also , the new breakpoint appears in the Breakpoints view list .

  18. 从ORACLE的设置、备份和恢复过程,本文给出了医院HIS系统ORACLE数据库的断点恢复及操作过程的方法。

    It gives a method of the recovery and operation of HIS database from the configuration , backup and recovery of ORACLE .

  19. 在此基础上,提出了基于D-S证据理论的接地网断点诊断方法。

    Based on it , D-S evidence theory is applied to breakpoint diagnosis in grounding electrodes .

  20. bd命令禁用特殊断点。

    The bd command disables a particular breakpoint .

  21. 这么做的优点在于可以保持GUDbuffer的shell历史以及GDB的断点。

    This has the the advantage of keeping the shell history of the GUD buffer as well as GDB 's breakpoints .

  22. 仿真器在本质上是调试器,因此您还可以设置断点并与设备、CPU以及内存进行互动。

    The simulator in essence is a debugger , so you can also set breakpoints and interact with the devices , CPU , and memory .

  23. 为了在所需的位置停止执行,在freelist()例程上设置一个断点。

    To stop the execution at the desired location , set a breakpoint at free_list () routine , so that nodes don 't get free before you could have a look at their contents .

  24. 如果在遇到断点之前有很多组件调用,将会在Debug视图中看到调用堆栈。

    If there were many component calls before your breakpoint was hit , you would see the call stack in the Debug view .

  25. 如果旅程中有GroovyEclipse插件一起陪伴你,那么你可以在main方法的开始设置一个断点,并跟踪进入这个代码。

    If you are following along with the Groovy Eclipse plugin , you can a breakpoint at the start of the main method and step through the code .

  26. 还可以在MappingEditor中对转换设置断点,方法是右键单击转换并从“Debug”菜单中选择一个操作。

    You can also set breakpoints on the transformations in the Mapping Editor by right-clicking the transformation and selecting an action from the " Debug " menu .

  27. 首先双击编辑器视图左端的灰色边沿,从而在调用System.out.println()之后的main()System.out.println()中设置一个断点。

    First , set a breakpoint in main () System . out . println () by double-clicking in the gray margin on the left side of the editor view , next to the call to System . out . println () .

  28. 如果我们对“value”什么时候变得与“div”相等更感兴趣,那么可以使用另一种断点,称作监视。

    If we were more interested in when " value " became equal to " div " we could set a different type of breakpoint called a watch .

  29. 现在单击左上角菜单项上的Resume按钮(看上去像一个绿色的箭头),以跳过断点。

    Now click the Resume button on the top left menu item , which looks like a green arrow , to step past the breakpoint .

  30. 用MEGA软件按断点分段做基因进化树分析以验证该断点的正确性;

    To confirm the breakpoints , separate phylogenetic analysis according to the breakpoints was performed with MEGA software .