
  1. 为了方便阅读,结果保存为HTML报告。

    The results are saved as an HTML report for easy reading .

  2. 为方便阅读查看,本研究采用了写-写词汇联想测试方法。

    In view of convenience , write-write WAT method was adopted .

  3. 为了方便阅读,我们按照技术进行了归类。

    For your convenience we have sorted the fix list by technology .

  4. 用大字印刷方便阅读。

    The large print makes foreasy reading .

  5. 本服务条款中的小节标题仅为方便阅读起见,而无任何法律效力或合同效力。

    The section headings in the terms of service are for convenience only and have no legal or contractual effect .

  6. 通常,这些工具采用彩色编码来突出显示语法,并提供对文本或格式化的自动完成功能,来方便阅读。

    Often , these tools have color coding for syntax highlighting and provide automatic completion of text or formatting to ease reading .

  7. 上述的五种习惯会帮助开发团队创造出方便阅读、理解和修改的软件。

    Following these five habits will help development teams create software that everyone on the team can read , understand , and modify .

  8. 但由于散注者的目的在于方便阅读,尽管被分拆散置后的注文已非《集解》之原本旧式,然裴注的内容仍基本保存。

    Because the purpose of the notes scholar is convenience for the reader , the original contents are kept though changes are made .

  9. 但调查发现,只有一半的公司将报告分拆成方便阅读的章节很多情况下,这会让翻阅打印报告的速度更快。

    But the survey found only half divided them into convenient sections in many cases it would have been quicker to thumb through the printed report .

  10. 第一个列表是序列(157269)(从现在起,为了方便阅读,我将把列表写在圆括号中)。

    The first list is the sequence ( 157269 )( from now on , I am going to write my lists in parentheses to make them easier to read ) .

  11. 一位穿着矫形鞋的女士走进办公楼,另一位女士戴着双焦眼镜看着自己的智能手机,手机上的字体很大,以方便阅读。

    A woman in orthopedic shoes makes her way into an office building , while another peers through her bifocal glasses at her smartphone , the font on the screen bumped up a few sizes for easier reading .

  12. 字体变大了,更方便阅读,而且还有好玩的内置动画能激起我发邮件的欲望:每次我点击“发送”的时候,整个邮件似乎立刻缩小然后被发送出去。

    Fonts are larger and easier to read , and it has built-in , playful animations that made me want to send emails : Each time I hit Send , the whole message appeared to instantly shrink and be sent off away from me .

  13. 注意:换行符方便您阅读代码,它不会影响XML。

    Note : The line breaks make it easier for you to read your code and do not affect the XML .

  14. 现在XQuery语言既有一种方便人们阅读的语法,也有一种基于XML的语法。

    The XQuery language now has both a human-readable syntax and an XML-based syntax .

  15. 他表示,这套丛书采用英汉对照的方式更加方便读者阅读。

    He said these bilingual books are easy for readers to study .

  16. 许多文档和书籍都在末尾列出了词汇表,以方便读者阅读相关内容。

    Many documentation and books have glossaries listed at the end to facilitate reading .

  17. 基本规则:你的邮件应该方便他人阅读。

    The cardinal rule : Your emails should be easy for other people to read .

  18. 出版商们纷纷发行大号的新型平装书,以方便读者阅读。

    Publishers are issuing new Paperbacks in a bigger size to make them easier to read .

  19. 对于这些特点的分析,能使我们熟悉一些既定的表达方式,方便我们阅读及翻译。

    The analysis of its features can familiarize us with the accepted trade expressions , facilitating our reading and translation .

  20. 设计了统计方法和规则方法相结合的专业术语抽取算法,并对由此算法抽取的术语作进一步的处理,以方便人们阅读专业文献。

    This paper designs a multi-strategy term extracting algorithm on statistics-based and rule-based methods and operates the result for further use .

  21. 准备演讲时,为方便观众阅读,请使用大且清晰的字母写出或印刷出你的演讲笔记。

    When preparing your speech , make your notes easy to read by writing or printing them in large , clear letters .

  22. 透过画面导览模式、全页浏览模式及画面缩放功能,「香港漫画」为你提供一个方便的阅读环境。

    With navigation features of focal-point guided view , page view and zooming , our App provides you with a user-friendly comic reading environment .

  23. 如果你更青睐于在自己的笔记本或者阅读器上方便地阅读,可以在亚马逊花1美元购买独立作家的书籍。

    If you rather read from the comfort of your own laptop or Kindle , check out $ 1 ebooks by indie authors on Amazon .

  24. 其原因可能是由于所收集的结论为学术类文章,且为了方便读者阅读,采用该类主位有利于人们在阅读文章时节约时间。

    Since the collected conclusions are in the field of EAP , the applicationof these themes can facilitate the reading and save the readers ' time .

  25. 给每个人一个卡片和问他们识别对争论和问题的的影响因素,在每个卡片上写上一个构思(足够大的卡片方便他们阅读)。

    Give everyone cards and ask them to identify the factors that affect the issue or problem , writing one idea per card ( big enough so that they are easy to read ) .

  26. 下面是一个示例:未经组织的数据(如一组测定数据)通常采用某种方式进行处理,以便用户能方便地阅读,如处理为图形或图表。

    Here 's an example : unorganized data , such as a group of measurements , is usually processed in some manner to make it easily readable for users , such as a graph or a chart .

  27. 为方便外国朋友阅读,本人提供英文说明。

    In order to facilitate foreign friends to read , I have instructions in English .

  28. 这里备有这门课程的所有作业,另有补充字汇资源线上查询方便学生进行阅读。

    A complete set of assignments are available for this course , and are complemented by vocabulary resources for the readings .

  29. 下面也附上英文版的相关报道,以给那些想提高英文的朋友或者方便外国朋友阅读。

    Hereunder attached the related reporting in English , for English lovers to improve your English , also convenient for Foreign friends smooth reading then .

  30. 为了方便英文读者阅读,特把所有英文文章集录在此有新的文章也会在此更新,请点击阅读。

    For English readers , hereby is the list of all my blog in English , please click to read more , this list will keep updated in the future .