
  • 网络tourism talents
  1. 高职旅游人才培养模式探讨

    Probe into the Tourism Talents Training Model in Vocational Technical College

  2. 体育旅游人才缺乏间接影响体育旅游形象。

    Sports tourism talents lack of indirect impact of sports tourism image .

  3. 关于广西乡村旅游人才建设的战略思考

    Strategies thought on the talent construction of rural tourism in Guangxi

  4. 旅游人才开发管理中的十大关系

    On Ten Relationships Concerning the Development and Administration of Tourism Professionals

  5. 地方旅游人才培养模式若干问题的探索

    Discussing Divers Problems on the Tourism Education of Regional Travel Talent

  6. 对民族地区旅游人才培养的思考

    Thought of Cultivating the Talents of Tourism in Region of Minority

  7. 关于旅游人才培养模式和教育方法的思考与实践

    Thoughts and Practice on Cultivating Mode of Tourism Talents and Training Methods

  8. 面向培养创新型旅游人才的旅游管理专业教学改革研究

    The Study of the Teaching Reform of Travel Management on Innovating Talent

  9. 基于双高旅游人才培养目标的民俗学课程教学改革

    The Practice on Reforming Folklore Course for Nurturing Tourism Personnel

  10. 培养区域旅游人才队伍,提高旅游人才综合素质。

    To cultivate talents for regional tourism and improve their comprehensive quality .

  11. 旅游人才是旅游业可持续发展关键。

    Tourism personnel are the key to the sustainable development of tourism .

  12. 西南地区体育旅游人才培养研究

    Study on Personnel Training of Sports Tourism in Southwest Region

  13. 汶川地震后四川旅游人才队伍建设探讨

    Discussion on the Construction of Tourism Personnel of Sichuan Province after Wenchuan Earthquake

  14. 高素质的旅游人才的培养,必须依赖旅游教育。

    The cultivation of high quality tourism talents must rely on tourism education .

  15. 生态旅游人才分类培养模式的研究

    Study on Sort Mode of Ecotourism Students in University

  16. 关于旅游人才创新能力培养的思考与实践

    Thinking And Practice On Creative Ability Of Tourist Talents

  17. 论乡村旅游人才的培养

    On Training and Cultivation of Rural Tourist talented people

  18. 加大旅游人才的培训力度;

    Increase the training steps of tourist professional ;

  19. 对高山滑雪旅游人才培养的研究

    Study on Cultivating Tourist Personnel in Alpine Skiing

  20. 旅游人才是旅游事业发展、旅游业竞争取胜的关键。

    Tourism talent is the key to the development and success of tourism industry .

  21. 浅谈动态竞争环境下旅游人才的培养

    A Brief Discussion on the Cultivation of Qualified Personnel in Tourism under Dynamic Competition

  22. 民族地区新建本科院校应用型旅游人才培养的思考

    Thinking about Training of Applied Tourism Talents in the Newly-built Universities of Minority Areas

  23. 以上造成了内蒙古旅游人才供需错位。

    The above has created the Inner Mongolian traveling talented person supply and demand dislocation .

  24. 校企合作是旅游人才培养的必由之路,而旅游高等院校参与旅游企业培训是有效的合作途径。

    The cooperation between colleges and enterprises is the only way for talents ' training .

  25. 上海旅游人才供给与旅游高等教育现状分析

    An Analysis of Tourism Talents Supply and the State of Tourism Higher Education in Shanghai

  26. 旅游人才培养日益成为制约旅游业长足发展的瓶颈。

    Cultivation of tourism talents has increasingly become a bottleneck that restricts the development of tourism industry .

  27. 中外对比视角的高职旅游人才培养模式研究

    A Comparative Research on the Personnel Training Mode of Higher Tourism Vocational Education in China and Foreign Countries

  28. 采取政府营销、事件营销、媒体营销、价格营销等方式;四是培养旅游人才。

    Adopt government marketing , event marketing , medium marketing , price marketing etc. Fourthly : cultivating tourist talents .

  29. 重视和加强旅游人才的培养是中国旅游业当前的重要任务之一。

    It 's an important task for Chinese tourism to take seriously and strengthen the training of tour talents .

  30. 基于就业与个人发展为导向的高职旅游人才培养路径探索

    An Exploration for a New Way to Cultivate Tourism Talents in Vocational Colleges Based on Individual Development and Employment