
  • 网络the Geneva agreement;Geneva Accords;Geneva protocol
  1. 尽管日内瓦协议遭到有计划的破坏,然而新政策还是收到了明显的效果。

    Yet , despite the systematic violation of the Geneva Agreement , the new policy brought clear gains .

  2. 1966年,法学家会议在位于布达佩斯的法学家协会总部召开,此时距法国与越南签署停止敌对行动的《日内瓦协议》已有12周年。

    A meeting of jurists was held in the headquarters of the Jurists'Association on the occasion of the12th anniversary of the signing of the Geneva Agreement on Vietnam , in Budapest , 1966 .

  3. 关押在X射线营地的拘留犯们正在回家,美军方官员表示,根据日内瓦协议条款,拘留犯可以每月寄四张贺卡和两封信件。

    Detainees at Camp X-ray are arriving home.U.S.military officials say under the Geneva Convention Articles , the detainees are allowed to send four postcards and two letters per month .

  4. 你在正式要求我违犯日内瓦协议?

    Are you formally requesting me to contravene the Geneva convention ?

  5. 第一次印支战争结束以后,依据日内瓦协议,越南南北暂时分治。

    After the first Indo-china war , Vietnam was divided into two parts temporarily according to the Geneva Agreements .

  6. 国际社会通过1925年的日内瓦协议的实施禁止使用化学及生物武器,而叙利亚就是其中一个签约国。

    the international community banned the use of chemical and biological weapons through the implementation of the Geneva Protocol of 1925 , to which Syria is a signatory .

  7. 俄罗斯谴责乌克兰军事镇压东部城市斯拉维扬斯克的行动,称这一举动导致维系日内瓦协议的最后希望破灭。

    Russia is slamming Ukraine for its military crackdown in the eastern city of Slavyansk , saying it is going to wipe out all hope for the viability of the Geneva agreements .

  8. 星期一在日内瓦签署的协议已经开始执行。

    The agreement signed on Monday in Geneva is already being implemented .

  9. 他称这一举动埋葬了4月17日在日内瓦达成的协议。

    He suggests the operation has " crossed out " the agreements reached in Geneva on April 17th .

  10. 日内瓦会谈未能达成协议一事不太可能成为美国国会讨论的焦点。

    The failure of talks in Geneva to yield an accord is not likely to be a focal point of discussion on Capitol Hill .

  11. 从西方国家的角度来看,他们在一年前在日内瓦达成的临时协议中赢得了一项重大的让步,那就是承认伊朗有权在伊朗境内发展浓缩铀。

    They won a major concession , really , from the Western point of view , in the interim deal that was agreed to in Geneva a year ago , and that was a recognition of the right to enrich some uranium on Iranian soil .

  12. 为此,本文着重对日内瓦会议的实际过程进行历史考证,揭示日内瓦协议达成的实质及其影响,同时结合整个冷战的进程来看日内瓦会议及其结果,力图使这一研究在综合程度上有所推进。

    Consequently , this thesis focuses its textual researches on the physical process of that conference to reveal the Geneva Agreements ' essence and its effects by setting the process onto a more macroscopic background of the Cold War with an attempt to further the comprehensive study on this subject .