
  • 网络Ordinary language philosophy
  1. 此著催生所谓日常语言哲学。

    This book helped to inspire so-called ordinary language philosophy .

  2. 这两者之间的分野大致同日常语言哲学与理想语言哲学的区别相吻合。

    This distinction roughly dovetails with the opposition between ordinary language philosophy and ideal language philosophy .

  3. 日常语言哲学中的他心问题

    The Problem of Other Minds in the Philosophy of Ordinary Language

  4. 日常语言哲学虽然也对人进行研究,但人的作用只表现为环境刺激作用的动作;

    The philosophy of ordinary language does study " human ", but in its frame the role of human is only equal to his responses to a certain environmental stimulus ;

  5. 而哈特精于分析,将日常语言哲学引入法学领域,完成了二十世纪法学研究的语言学转向,开拓了法哲学研究的新境界。

    Compared with him , Hart was skilled in analysis and he introduced common linguistic philosophy into jurisprudent field in the consequences of transformation and new realm of legal research .

  6. 奥斯汀(J.L.Austin,1911-1960)是二战后英国最有影响的哲学权威之一,言语行为理论的首创者,是日常语言哲学中牛津学派的主要代表人物。

    Austin was one of the most influential philosophy authorities after World War n in England , the founder of the theory of speech acts , the main representative person of the Oxford school of thought of the ordinary language philosophy .

  7. 由此,维特根斯坦开创了日常语言分析哲学的先河。

    So , Wittgenstein initiated ordinary language philosophy .

  8. 论日常语言与哲学语言的差异性

    Difference Between Common Language and Philosophical Language

  9. 日常语言和哲学概念过于笼统和抽象,所以无法做到这一点。

    The concepts of ordinary language and philosophy are too general and abstract to do this .

  10. 日常语言是哲学语言产生的基础,但哲学语言和日常语言相互区别。

    Common language is the basis of philosophical language , but they are different from each other .

  11. 笔者运用海德格尔生存论语言哲学思想,对日常语言分析哲学,特别是当前语用分析哲学中的一大焦点意义与语境的关系问题,做出了本体论性的解读。

    Based on the reflections of Heidegger 's Existentialism , the present thesis presents an ontological research of the relationships between meaning and contexts , which are of great concern in the study of analytic philosophy , especially in philosophy of pragmatics .

  12. 另外,本文也是首次以日常语言这一哲学概念为基础来整体描述人类语言的典型性。

    In addition , the thesis also goes first to holistically exploit the natural language in terms of the philosophy concept ' natural language ' .

  13. 将日常语言纳入到语言哲学的研究范围之中,在更广大的范畴内对语言进行分析,才能够更加接近语言的本质。

    Incorporated the school of daily language into language of philosophy , analyzed in the broader context of language , can get closer to the nature of it .

  14. 维特根斯坦对语言的分析,从语言与日常生活的关系来加以论述,对语言哲学,尤其是日常语言哲学产生了重大影响。

    The analysis of language was his philosophy , which was about language and ordinary life . It had influenced philosophy of language , especially ordinary language .