
  • 网络Japanese universities;nihon university;Nihon Daigaku
  1. 每年日本大学学汉语的学生近30万人,可是考HSK的仅有3千多人,而且真正掌握好汉语的也寥寥无几。

    There are 300,000 university students learning Chinese throughout Japan every year , but only about 3,000 of them participate in HSK every year , and very few can be said to have mastered the Chinese .

  2. 日本大学教授会自治的形成与演变

    The Formation and Development of Faculty Meeting Autonomy of Japanese Universities

  3. 日本大学教师评估制度改革动向分析

    An Analysis of Teacher Appraisal System Reform for Japanese College Teachers

  4. 二战后日本大学评价的发展历程及基本特点

    The Developmental Course and Basic Characteristics of Postwar Japanese University Assessment

  5. 日本大学图书馆资源共建共享方式介绍

    The Study on Resources Co-Construction and Sharing in Japanese University Libraries

  6. 日本大学制度创新的重要举措&《国立大学法人法》的出台及其分析

    An Important Measure of Renovation in the Institution of Japanese University

  7. 战后日本大学的课程设置与教育内容改革

    The Reforms of Curriculum and Contents of Post-war Japanese University

  8. 当今美国和日本大学的通识教育课程实践

    The Contemporary General Education Curriculum and Practice of American and Japanese Universities

  9. 日本大学第三者评价的运行机制

    The Operation System of The Third-party Evaluation of Japanese Universities

  10. 日本大学评价政策的形成过程

    The Formation of Policy of Higher Education Accreditation in Japan

  11. 战后日本大学体制改革研究

    The Research on Postwar Reform of Japanese Higher Educational System

  12. 中国与日本大学的定量评价与文化比较

    The Quantitative Evaluation and Cultural Comparison of Universities in China and Japan

  13. 日本大学电子图书馆技术的应用与开发

    Application and Development of Electronic Library 's Technology of University in Japan

  14. 日本大学的通识教育改革及其启示

    Reform of General Education at Japanese Universities and Its Enlightenment

  15. 日本大学学分制变迁:外部博弈与内部调适

    Changes of Credit System in Japanese Universities : External Game and Internal Adjustment

  16. 日本大学入学选拔制度述评

    Study on the System of Japanese College Entrance Examination

  17. 日本大学改革特点及启示

    Characteristics and Apocalypse of the University Reform in Japan

  18. 中国和日本大学英语专业课程设置比较

    A Comparative Study on Curriculum Design for English Major between China and Japan

  19. 日本大学入学考试中的推荐入学制研究

    Study on Entrance-Recommending System in HEE Exam of Japan

  20. 日本大学的志愿者活动

    Enlightenment from Volunteers ' Activities in Japan 's Universities

  21. 试论日本大学教师任期制

    A Probe on Tenure System in Universities in Japan

  22. 借鉴日本大学教师依法管理的思考

    Some Thoughts on Learning from the Law-based Management of College Teachers in Japan

  23. 日本大学招生考试制度的多样化

    The Diversification of Enrolment Examination System in Japanese Universities

  24. 您好!我姓本田,是日本大学的学生。

    Hi I 'm honda from Tokyo , Japan .

  25. 日本大学环境教育研究

    A Study on the Environmental Education in Japanese Universities

  26. 日本大学毕业生的就业援助体系

    On Employment Aid System for University Graduates in Japan

  27. 日本大学图书馆概况与多样化读者服务

    The Multifarious Services for Readers at Japanese Universities

  28. 高等教育大众化对日本大学入学制度的影响及启示

    Impact and Reflections of the popularization of Higher Education on Japanese College Entrance Examination

  29. 日本大学图书馆发展概况&从创立到七十年代

    A Survey Of University Library Development In Japan & From Its Establishment to 70s

  30. 日本大学教育改革综述

    Introduction of College Teaching Reform in Japan