
zǎo cān
  • breakfast;meal;déjeuner
早餐 [zǎo cān]
  • [breakfast] 早晨进餐;早点

早餐[zǎo cān]
  1. 早餐有无黄油的面包和一杯茶。

    Breakfast consisted of dry bread and a cup of tea .

  2. 他吃早餐时两眼迷糊,宿醉未醒。

    He appeared at breakfast bleary-eyed and with a hangover .

  3. 这个地区有几家不错的提供住宿加早餐的旅馆。

    There were several good bed and breakfasts in the area .

  4. 第二天早上,他一边吃着早餐一边查问她。

    He questioned her next morning over the breakfast table .

  5. 他把早餐用托盘给她送到床上。

    He brought her breakfast in bed on a tray .

  6. 我这就收拾早餐餐具。

    I 'll just clear away the breakfast things .

  7. 早餐供应时间从7点到10点。

    Breakfast is served between 7 and 10 a.m.

  8. 多数谷类早餐食物都添加了维生素。

    Most breakfast cereals are enriched with vitamins .

  9. 我们在平台上慢条斯理地吃着早餐。

    We lingered over breakfast on the terrace .

  10. 在阳台上用早餐,真是惬意无比!

    Breakfast on the terrace ─ how civilized !

  11. 一个房间收费30英镑,但早餐另计。

    The rate for a room is £ 30 , but breakfast is extra .

  12. 供应早餐,不另收费。

    Breakfast is provided at no extra charge .

  13. 愈来愈多的旅行者在寻找由私人住户提供住宿和早餐的服务。

    More and more travelers are looking for bed and breakfast accommodations in private homes .

  14. 你们提供住宿加早餐的服务吗?

    Do you do bed and breakfast ?

  15. 你的早餐很快就到。

    Your breakfast is coming soon .

  16. 他吃了一顿丰盛的早餐。

    He ate a substantial breakfast .

  17. 我为儿子的所有朋友做了早餐,就像供应食物给五千人一样。

    I made breakfast for all my son 's friends ─ it was like the Feeding of the Five Thousand .

  18. 他早餐就吃了点水煮荷包蛋,喝了点茶。

    He had a light breakfast of poached eggs and tea .

  19. 早餐我吃了一片厚厚的涂了糖浆的面包。

    For breakfast I had a thick slice of bread and syrup

  20. 他们早餐吃了无黄油的面包,还喝了茶。

    For breakfast , they had dry bread and tea .

  21. 他们全天供应早餐,而且价钱公道。

    They served breakfast all day and sold it cheap .

  22. 住宿免费——你只需付早餐和正餐的钱。

    Accommodation is free — all you pay for is breakfast and dinner

  23. 8点半女佣给我送来了早餐。

    A maid brought me breakfast at half past eight .

  24. 8点15分了,亲爱的,你的早餐已经做好了。

    It 's eight-fifteen , dear , and your breakfast 's ready .

  25. 提供住宿和早餐的家庭旅馆遍布全岛。

    There are B & Bs all over the islands .

  26. 住宿加次日早餐每人每晚30英镑起。

    Bed and breakfast costs from £ 30 per person per night .

  27. 住宿可以安排在当地提供住宿加次日早餐的家庭旅馆。

    Accommodation can be arranged at local bed and breakfasts .

  28. 我肯定是你做的早餐并且清洗了他们的餐具。

    I bet you make breakfast and wash up their plates , too .

  29. 早餐送来的时候他还在浴室里。

    Breakfast arrived while he was in the bathroom .

  30. 体力劳动者身体消耗巨大,早餐要丰盛一些。

    Manual workers need a good breakfast for high-energy output