
  • 网络Temporal redundancy;Time Redundancy;temporal correlation
  1. 基于时间冗余的显著测量误差处理方法

    An Approach for Estimation of MGEs Based on Temporal Redundancy

  2. 另一个是视频信号相邻帧之间的时间冗余度。

    The other is the temporal redundancy of neighbor frame images in video sequences .

  3. 一种基于ALU单元的时间冗余模型检错技术

    An Error Detection Method Based on the Module of Time Redundancy Using in ALU

  4. 介绍了计算机容错设计所采用的硬件冗余、信息冗余和时间冗余技术,着重分析了RAID技术和纠错码技术;

    Then the redundancy techniques used for designing fault-tolerant computers are presented , which include hardware redundancy , information redundancy and time redundancy . Especially , the RAID and error correcting code technology are analyzed in detail .

  5. 提出利用规范变量分析(CVA)结合空间冗余信息的动态数据协调方法,该方法充分利用了数据的时间冗余信息。

    A novel method of dynamic data reconciliation ( DDR ) based on the canonical variable analysis ( CVA ) is proposed to make better application of both temporal and spatial redundancy information .

  6. 它在信源编码上采用了与H.261标准相类似的混合编码技术:在空域上采用DCT变换编码方式消除空间冗余,在时域上采用帧间预测编码消除时间冗余;

    It has used the mix code technology which is similar with the H.261 standard in the source code : Using the transformation coding method to remove the spatial redundancy in the air domain and using the frame predictive coding to remove the time redundancy in the time domain .

  7. 基于时间冗余度侦破过失误差的修正系数法

    Correction coefficient method for gross error detection based on temporal redundancy

  8. 基于空间时间冗余的替代主版本冗余调度算法

    An Alternate Primary Redundancy Scheduling Algorithm Based on Time and Space Redundancy

  9. 基于时间冗余的一种新的切变系统的稳定条件及其算法

    A New Stability Condition and Algorithm of Switched System Based on Time Redundancy

  10. 基于时间冗余的一致空间法在故障检测及隔离中的应用

    Application of Time Redundancy Based Parity Space Approach in Fault Detection and Isolation

  11. 对于网络中存在的节点瞬时故障,通过时间冗余的检测方法,降低故障诊断的虚警率。

    Time redundancy is used to reduce faulty alarm rate for transient faults of nodes in WSNs .

  12. 本文讨论了实现硬件冗余、软件冗余、信息冗余和时间冗余的各种方法。

    Various methods of realizing hardware redundancy , software redundancy , imformation redundancy and time redundancy are discussed .

  13. 编码中采用运动估计技术能消除帧间的时间冗余,从而提高编码的效率。

    The motion estimation is used to eliminate the temporal redundancy , which can improve the coding efficiency .

  14. 时间冗余作为容错的重要手段被广泛应用于安全关键实时系统中。

    Time redundancy has been used widely in most safety critical real-time systems to tolerate the transient faults .

  15. 冗余磁盘阵列的时间冗余度

    Time Redundancy of RAID

  16. 提出了一种新的时间冗余的切变系统的稳定条件及其算法。

    In this paper , we present a new stability condition and algorithm of switched systems based on time redundancy .

  17. 提出基于时间冗余的不可删显著误差处理方法。

    An approach for estimation of undeletable measurements with gross errors ( MGEs ) is proposed based on temporal redundancy information .

  18. 在视频压缩中,使用基于块匹配技术的运动估计能够有效去除视频序列之间存在的大量时间冗余,对于提高压缩的效率是至关重要的。

    Block-based motion estimation is the key technique of video coding which can reduce the temporal redundancies of sequences to make compression efficient .

  19. 第二种文字检测方法运用了文字的内在结构属性和视频帧的时间冗余信息来检测文字区域。

    The second algorithm is to use the internal structure of the text and video frame time redundant information to detect the text area .

  20. 容错技术常采用冗余的方式:硬件冗余、软件冗余、时间冗余和信息冗余。

    Generally there are three kinds of resource redundancy in Fault-tolerance that are hardware redundancy , software redundancy , time redundancy and information redundancy .

  21. 它是去除视频数据中时间冗余度的有效方法,它的性能好坏直接影响编码的效率和图像的质量。

    It is an effective method to remove the video data time redundancy , which directly affects the performance of coding efficiency and image quality .

  22. 传统视频编码主要是基于统计相关性去除空间、时间冗余,以达到尽可能高地压缩效果。

    Traditional video coding is based mainly on statistical correlation to remove the spatial and temporal redundancy , achieving better compression results as efficiently as possible .

  23. 当前,视频压缩技术主要从三个方面消除数据中的冗余:空间冗余、时间冗余和统计冗余。

    At present , the video compression technologies mainly focus on three aspects of elimination of redundant data : spatial redundancy , temporal redundancy and statistics redundancy .

  24. 改进后的算法利用时间冗余性,通过加入对过程测量变量的上下限约束,避免了显著误差的误判。

    By using temporal redundancy , upper and lower bounds of process measurements are added in the modified SICC method to avoid the misidentification of gross errors .

  25. 它基于时间冗余,通过卷回到由检查点保存的系统规范状态,对故障进行恢复。

    Based on the idea of time redundancy , it helps the system recover from failures through rolling back to some consistent global state saved in checkpoints .

  26. 运动估计的作用是消除存在于视频序列中时间冗余,同时与运动补偿技术结合可以显著提升编码器的效率,因此快速运动估计算法成为了研究的热点领域。

    The efficiency of encoder gains significant improvement by motion compensation technique and motion estimation , which play an important role in eliminating the time redundancy in video sequences .

  27. 由于信息不会在同一时间冗余地存于几个地方,它将可能更快地记录可供备件。

    As a result , information will not be stored redundantly in several places at the same time and it will be possible to record available spare parts more quickly .

  28. 由于所提出的双模比较冗余结构是基于时间冗余原理工作的,因此它适用于对速度要求不是非常苛刻的容错系统。

    The concurrent error location capability of the proposed DMRC structure is built by the time redundancy principle , so it is suitable to be used in the non-speed-critical fault tolerant systems .

  29. 本算法相比于其他的签名认证算法有着显著的优点,相对于将整条签名曲线进行匹配的方法,通过在计算机上运行的结果分析,它有着较低的时间冗余度。

    Compared with the other signature verification algorithms , it has distinct advantage . It has lower degree of redundancy in computer running compared with the method that matching the whole curves .

  30. 在视频编码和视频处理领域,运动估计和运动补偿技术对降低视频序列时间冗余度、提高编码效率起着非常关键的作用。

    In the video encoding and video processing , motion estimation and motion compensation technology to reduce the redundancy of video sequence time , improve the coding efficiency plays the very essential role .