
hūn mí
  • coma;unconsciousness;stupor;insensible;exanimation;blurred;stupor, coma;oblivion;muzziness
昏迷 [hūn mí]
  • (1) [stupor,coma]∶因大脑功能严重紊乱而长时间失去知觉

  • 昏迷不醒

  • (2) [blurred]∶昏暗糊涂

  • 昏迷不恭

昏迷[hūn mí]
  1. 酒后的争吵、狂暴、昏迷、沉睡

    A drunken argument , fury , stupor , sleep

  2. 罗斯在可怕的昏迷中嚎叫。

    Los howl 'd in a dismal stupor .

  3. 出院两天后,她再度昏迷。

    Two days after leaving the hospital she relapsed into a coma .

  4. 我昏迷了,醒来时只知道自己在医院里。

    I fainted and the next thing I knew I was in the hospital .

  5. 病人陷入昏迷状态。

    The patient had slipped into a coma .

  6. 他昏迷了一个多小时,在医院才苏醒过来。

    He was out for more than an hour and came round in the hospital .

  7. 他陷入了昏迷状态。

    He had lapsed into unconsciousness .

  8. 他处于昏迷中,靠呼吸机维持生命。

    He is in a coma and on a life-support machine .

  9. 我昏迷了几分钟。

    I suffered a black-out which lasted for several minutes .

  10. 到医院时,她已陷入昏迷。

    She had slipped into a coma by the time she reached hospital .

  11. 我神志不清,昏迷了好几次。

    I was delirious and blacked out several times .

  12. 她处于昏迷状态,但还有呼吸。

    She was out cold but still breathing .

  13. 她已经昏迷7个星期了。

    She was in a coma for seven weeks

  14. 他时而清醒,时而昏迷。

    He drifted in and out of consciousness .

  15. 那晚他陷入了深度昏迷。

    That night he sank into a deep coma

  16. 由于右脑遭受重创,我昏迷了一个月。

    The right side of my brain had been so severely bruised that I was comatose for a month .

  17. 送到医院,人已经昏迷过去了。

    When the patient was taken to hospital , he had already lost consciousness .

  18. 他昏迷了三天,刚刚醒过来。

    He was unconscious for three days and has just come to .

  19. 针刺疗法经常可使昏迷中的人苏醒过来。

    Acupuncture will often bring a fainting person to .

  20. 他昏迷了几个星期。

    He was in a coma for several weeks .

  21. 他昏迷了一个多小时才苏醒过来。

    He remained unconscious for more than an hour before he came to .

  22. 她已昏迷了十分钟。

    She 's been out for ten minutes .

  23. 他昏迷过去,人事不知。

    He fainted and lost consciousness .

  24. 这不过是由于一时昏迷和惊奇而发生的疑问,那答案是明显的。

    It was but the inquiry of his first confusion and astonishment , the answer being obvious .

  25. 那些极端恐惧的人可能会被安放进一种昏迷状态。

    Those in extreme fear can be put into a comatose type state .

  26. 病人从昏迷中苏醒过来。

    The patient rallied from the coma .

  27. 他因悲伤而昏迷了

    He was numbed with grief .

  28. 病人渐渐昏迷了

    The patient gradually became stuporous .

  29. 我们会故意让大脑受伤的患者进入昏迷状态,以便镇定身体系统,让头脑在消肿的同时自行恢复功能。

    We purposely keep patients with traumatic brain injuries in a comatose2 state in order to calm their systems and allow the brain time to heal itself while the swelling3 subsides4 .

  30. 这就是餐后困倦,一般称为“食物昏迷”,指的是在大吃一顿后感到昏昏欲睡,我们很多人都有体会。

    There 's a name for it : It 's called postprandial somnolence1 -- commonly referred to as " food coma2 . " The phenomenon refers to the tired , sleepy feeling that many of us experience after eating a big meal .