
  • 网络general factors
  1. 应届大学毕业生的高离职率问题不仅仅受员工离职普遍因素的影响,也受诸多特殊因素的影响。

    The high demission rate for this year 's graduates is not only influenced by general factors of demission , but also influenced by specific factors .

  2. 风险在金融业中是影响金融行为的一个普遍因素。

    Risk is a common factor affecting financial behavior in the financial industry .

  3. 调查发现,对政局不稳的担心,被受访者列为是阻碍他们扩大在亚洲投资的最普遍因素。

    Fear of political instability in the region was the most common factor cited as a barrier to further investment , the survey found .

  4. 但除了这些普遍因素外,我们想要看清楚的是让他们远离控制器和鼠标的更为细节的原因。

    But beyond these generalizations , we wanted to discern the detail of what it was that kept them from picking up controller , mouse , or remote .

  5. 第一层是外部风险管理,外部风险管理是指担保市场的相关市场主体对担保机构影响的普遍因素的风险管理;第二层是内部风险管理。

    The first implication is outside managing risk , it is refer to managing risk of wider factor by the controller in the market . The second one is the inside managing risks .

  6. 无论我们是否认识到这一点,学生们非常容易退回到他们的舒适地带,关于这一点,我找到了一些普遍因素。

    I found some common threads that back up the results of other studies that indicate how easy it is to fall back to a comfort zone , whether we realize it or not .

  7. B群人格障碍组把负性事件多归因为普遍的因素,且认为是命运所定。

    B cluster PD group attribute negative events to widespread factor and regard these events as destiny .

  8. 水网密度与农村道路密度是影响村镇土地规模利用的普遍性因素。

    Water network density and road density in rural that affect large-scale land-use common factor .

  9. 健康结果方面的差距有众多原因,但贫穷是最普遍的因素。

    Gaps in health outcomes have multiple causes , but poverty is the most pervasive factor .

  10. 参加葬礼是一个普遍的因素,其中有一个案例是一名肥胖病人被卡在浴缸里而导致发病。

    Attending funerals was a common factor and one incident occurred after an obese patientgot stuck in the bath .

  11. 女性、有吸烟史、高血压史是颅内动脉瘤形成的独立高危因素,其中性别差异是最普遍的因素。

    Female , cigarette smoking , hypertension seemed to be independent risk factor for the formation of sporadic intracranial aneurysms patients in Chinese and sex was the most prevalent one .

  12. 本文分析了加入WTO之后对我国房地产业造成影响的原因,包括普遍的关联因素,直接的关联因素,间接的相关等方面。

    This article put on an all-around analysis on how entering WTO would affect the industry of real estate of our country , what are the general cause factors , direct and indirect possible factors .

  13. 城市是各民族文学中普遍存在的因素。

    City is a universal element existent in the literature of different nations .

  14. 它是由高等教育所处的大环境的普遍性市场因素和市场机制决定的。

    It 's decided by the universal market factors of the environment of higher education and market competition .

  15. 此外,在许多工业国减速的一个普遍的根本因素是投资开支的周期性。

    In addition , a common factor underlying the slowdown in many industrial countries was the cyclical deceleration in investment spending .

  16. 在决定企业长期命运方面,企业中的人力因素普遍比科技因素更具影响力。

    Human factors in business are generally more influential than technological ones in determining the long run fate of a company .

  17. 在航天领域,预测参数不但受其自身时序变化的影响,也普遍受到关联因素的交叉影响。

    In space domain , predictive parameter is affected not only by its time series , also interactively by associative factors at large .

  18. 针对在威胁估计中使用较普遍的多因素常权综合法出现的问题,提出了一种基于变权理论的空中目标威胁估计方法。

    To deal with the problem of invariable weight aggregate in threat assessment , a method of air threat assessment based on variable weight theory was introduced .

  19. 3高考试焦虑学生比中、低考试焦虑学生显著倾向于将失败归因于内部的、稳定的、普遍存在的因素,而将成功归因于外部的、不稳定的、特定情境的因索。

    The attribution style of high-cognitive test anxiety students was internal , stable , and global for failure , but external , unstable , situation-specific for success .

  20. 通过对多年地形变观测资料的整理分析,将带有普遍性干扰因素的典型畸变图像列出,并作了简要的物理机制说明,供同仁参考。

    Through collation of observation data in past years , typical patterns of various kinds of disturbances are given and their physical mechanisms are also explained briefly .

  21. 第三,教师普遍重视自身因素对提高课堂有效性的影响,即教师认真备课并形成书面的授课计划和教师有热情和活力。

    Thirdly , teachers attach importance to factors of theirs in influence on effective teaching . The factors are forming writing lesson plans and their warmth and vitality .

  22. 每个国家都有自己盛行的体育运动,基于政治,宗教,社会体系,民众普遍体型等因素,有些体育运动甚至上升到了代表一个民族的民族精神。

    Every country have their own fashionable sports activity , because of the factor such as politics , the religion , social system , people 's general size , etc.

  23. 我国在建设社会主义市场经济价值系统的过程中,可以借鉴和扬弃西方个性主义的普遍人类价值因素。

    During the process of constructing socialist market economic value system in our country , we must use for reference and sublate universal human value factors of Western " Individualism " .

  24. 最后,文章通过分析认为,终身教授职位的吸引力和压力以及教育经费短缺的压力是阻碍这些措施普遍实行的因素。

    Finally , the article pointed out that the rife implement of the measures would be cumbered by the attraction and pressure of the tenor system and the pressure of lack of finace .

  25. 但是,限于研究时间和研究水平,本论文还主要停留在对中小企业集群网络化成长的普遍性影响因素的分析,没有对个别特定因素做出深入研究。

    However , because of the limitation of time and research level , this paper mainly stay on the universal factors of network-based growth in small and medium-sized enterprises cluster , but makes no specific research on any individual factor .

  26. 但由于水分检测影响因素较多,现有的水分仪在处理数据时,普遍存在考虑因素单一,忽视一些次要因素影响等缺点,所以,在检测精度及重复性上一直不能取得令人满意的效果。

    Whereas , due to the influences of several other factors in moisture measurement , existing moisture instruments have some defects such as ignoring influences by subordinate factors . Hence , the measurement precision and the repeatability are not satisfied .

  27. 出现上述这些问题的原因,主要包括缺乏统一的执行听证法律体系、长期的重实体轻程序观念以及执行法官的综合素质普遍不高等因素。

    The reason for these problems , including the lack of a unified legal system to perform a hearing , the overall quality of long-term physical light weight concept and the implementation of the program judges generally not higher and other factors .

  28. 只有从各种文化的内部出发,寻找出符合普遍伦理的因素并加以发展,使各种文化和而不同,才是公平有效的方法。

    It is an equal and effective method that proceeds from the interior of various cultures , searching for factors fitting in with universal ethnics , and has it developed so as to enable different cultures " to develop in harmony and yet remain distinct from one another " .

  29. 这种普遍性的主要因素是应用逻辑和安全逻辑之间的结构差

    A major cause of this pervasiveness is the structural difference between application logic and security logic .

  30. PLC的具体病因和发病机制仍不明确,普遍认为是多因素、多途径、多步骤共同作用的结果。

    The concrete cause and mechanism of PLC is still unclear , but it generally was considered that many factors , ways , steps participated in this process .