
zhì lì zhànɡ ài
  • Intellectual impairment;dysgnosia
  1. 方法对34例甲状腺功能低下骨龄落后状况、X线改变与甲状腺功能(TT3,TT4)以及智力障碍程度对比分析。

    Methods Bone age , X-ray features , thyropenia ( TT 3 , TT 4 ) and dysgnosia in 34 cases with hypothyroidism were comparatively analyzed .

  2. 结论:1、构建了生长发育迟缓智力障碍全基因组拷贝数变异(CNV)数据库。

    Established the Genomic Copy Number Variation Database of Growth and mental retardation .

  3. 收集了来自168个生长发育迟缓智力障碍患者共812个CNVs数据。

    It has collected 812 CNVs datas from 168 patients of Growth and mental retardation . 2 .

  4. BAEP异常最高的疾患为听力障碍、听力障碍危险因素、语言障碍、脑干肿瘤、智力障碍和脑性瘫痪。

    The diseases induced abnormal BAEP were in tern hearing handicap , risk factors of hearing handicap , language handicap , tumor of brain term , mental retardation and cerebral paralysis .

  5. 结果脑干损伤、颅内血肿、格拉斯高昏迷评分(GCS)、脑损伤范围、昏迷时间与智力障碍,精神病性症状及人格改变关系密切。

    Results The intellectual disorder , neurotic symptom , psychotic symptom and personality change related well to brain stem injury , intracranial hematoma , GCS , injury area and duration of ex-animation .

  6. 结果经治疗后治疗组和对照组相比较,智力障碍程度变化(有效率、MMSE、ADL积分)、肌力、步行能力改变有显著性差异,p<0.05。

    Result After the treatment the changes of mental retardation degree ( effective rate , MMSE , ADL integral ), muscle strength and the changes of walking faculty were compared between the two groups and the difference was significant ( P < 0.05 ) .

  7. 目的:1、建立生长发育迟缓智力障碍全基因组拷贝数变异(CNV)数据库2、分析拷贝数变异序列特征,对其形成机制进行初步研究。

    Objective : 1 . To establish a Genomic Copy Number Variation Database of Growth and mental retardation . 2 . To analyze the sequence features of Copy Number Variation in order to study their formation mechanism . Methods : 1 .

  8. 智力障碍人士性教育原则初探

    Preliminary Research on Sexuality Education Principles for People with Mental Disability

  9. 第三,社会支持也对于智力障碍者存在重大的影响。

    Social supports for adults with intellectual disabilities are of significant impact .

  10. 其次,健康是智力障碍者的重点关注因素。

    Good health is the focus of intellectual disabilities factors .

  11. 没有智力障碍者的和谐,和谐社会就不算真正意义的和谐。

    No mental disorder harmony , harmonious society is not true harmony .

  12. 智力障碍者生育权问题面临着两难的道德困境。

    Intellectual disabilities reproductive rights issues faced dilemmas ethical dilemma .

  13. 120例原发性智力障碍患儿的细胞遗传学研究

    Cytogenetic studies of primary mental retardation in 120 children

  14. 测验发现其有轻度智力障碍,脑部磁振摄影也有异常发现。

    He also had mild mental retardation and abnormal findings on brain MRI .

  15. 对情绪失调的智力障碍学生心理辅导的个案研究

    A Case Study on the Guidance of Emotional Disorder for Mentally Retarded Students

  16. 适应每个智力障碍学生发展的多元发展评价研究

    The Research on Multi-development Evaluation for the Progress of Each Mentally Retarded Student

  17. 目的预防智力障碍的发生,提高出生人口素质。

    Objective : To prevent mental disorders and develop the quality of population .

  18. 一例智力障碍先症者及其儿子的分子细胞遗传学分析

    Cytogenetic and Molecular Analysis in a Proband and His Son with Mental Retardation

  19. 智力障碍儿童特殊体育教学原则探究

    Analysis of the Principle of Children Special PE

  20. 智力障碍儿童生存教育课程建设案例研究

    The Survival Education of Mental Retarded Children : A Case Study of Curriculum Development

  21. 每年美国学校要花80亿美元来给智力障碍的学生提供教育。

    American schools spend more than $ 8 billion a year educating the mentally retarded .

  22. 游戏治疗的内涵及其对智力障碍儿童心理发展的意义

    The Connotation and Significance of Play Therapy to Mental Development of Children with Mental Retardation

  23. 有智力障碍的人们和糖尿病患者检查体重的可能性较低。

    People with intellectual impairments and diabetes are less likely to have their weight checked .

  24. 智力障碍的病因及遗传学研究

    Etiologic and genetic study of mental retardation

  25. 不幸的是,患者的智商通常很低并患有智力障碍。

    Unfortunately , the sufferer often has a very low IQ and other mental disabilities .

  26. 未经治疗的患儿出生后将出现脑损伤及不可逆性智力障碍。

    If left untreated , PKU patients will develop potential brain damage and irreversible mental retardation .

  27. 临床上以癫痫、智力障碍和皮脂腺腺瘤作为诊断依据。

    They were diagnosed by three clinical appearances ; epilepsy , intellectual disturbance , sebaceous adenoma .

  28. 赖氨酸锗与老年性智力障碍

    Lysine germanium and senile intelligence disturbance

  29. 智力障碍儿童全纳教育的多元教学模式

    Multi-element Instructional Model in Inclusive Education

  30. 促进智力障碍学生自我决定能力发展的家庭支持个案研究

    A Case Study on the Family Support to Advance the Self-determination Development for Student with Intellectual Disability