
  1. 运动控制技术及系统是影响智能装备功能及性能的关键技术之一。

    Motion control technology and system is one of the key techniques of developing intelligent equipment .

  2. 农业农村部表示,中国在控制新冠病毒疫情的同时,扩大了春耕“智能装备”的使用。

    The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs says China has expanded the use of " intelligent equipment " in spring farming while containing the COVID-19 outbreak .

  3. 伴随着中国经济的转型期,中国的制造业也从以往的劳动密集型向技术密集型进行转换,智能装备在其中起到了举足轻重的作用。

    Chinese manufacturing converts from the traditional labor-intensive to the technology-intensive in the period of the economic transition of China and the intelligent equipment plays an important role .

  4. 基于Petri网的智能终端装备操作训练考核通用建模方法

    Universal train and text modeling for intelligent terminal armament equipments operations based on Petri nets

  5. 在阐述智能制造装备特点的基础上,提出了一种基于CORBA规范的智能制造装备数字化设计与验证系统的体系结构,并探讨了实现该系统的关键技术。

    On the basis of expounding the features of intelligent manufacturing equipment , a CORBA-based system of the digital design and verification for the intelligent manufacturing equipment is presented . In the end , several kinds of key technologies to realize the system are discussed .

  6. 它可以最终建立起全套的智能系统装备网络;

    It could eventually roll out a full-body network of devices ;

  7. 发展自走式智能农业装备的机遇与挑战

    Challenges and Opportunities Related to the Development of Intelligent Mobile Agricultural Equipment

  8. 植物油精制智能化装备的研究和应用

    Study and application of intelligentized equipment for vegetable oil refining

  9. 智能制造装备数字化设计与验证系统研究

    A study on the digital design and verification system for intelligent manufacturing equipment

  10. 为进一步实施智能农业装备的变量作业,提供了研究平台。

    This system provides a platform for further research on variable-rate application of intelligent agricultural equipment .

  11. 基于人工智能的装备保障仿真训练系统

    AI-Based Equipment Support Simulation System

  12. 智能制造装备的设计水平不高是制约我国装备制造业发展因素之一。

    The poor design is one of the restrict factors to the development of the equipment manufacturing enterprise in China .

  13. 本课题以中科院知识创新工程重大项目:数字化智能制造装备与系统技术为背景。

    The background of this thesis was an important item of science institute automatic called digital intelligent manufacture equipment and system technology .

  14. 人机智能协同工程装备方案设计方法研究

    Methods of engineering equipments scheme design based on human-computer intelligent collaboration

  15. 小杂果全自动智能分级技术装备的开发与研究

    Develop and Study of Technical Equipment on Sundry Fruit Automatic and Intelligent Grading

  16. 嵌入式智能代理用于装备远程故障诊断

    A Study on Weapon Equipment Long-distance Fault Diagnosis Based on Embedded Intelligent Agents

  17. 面向联盟企业的智能化制造装备

    Extended - Enterprise - Oriented Intelligentized Manufacturing Equipment

  18. 建立了人机智能协同工程装备方案设计环境;

    And environments for engineering equipments scheme design based on human-computer intelligent collaboration were established .

  19. 实验结果表明该方法可以应用到智能型林业装备的视觉系统中,解决其在作业过程中估计立木枝干三维信息的问题。

    The experimental results show that the method can be used in the vision system of the intelligent forestry machine to solving the problem of getting the 3D information of the standing trees .

  20. 本文结合国家科技支撑计划课题面向节能与安全的集成智能化工程机械装备研发(课题编号2013BAF07B04)对工程车辆冷却风扇进行了研究。

    With National Science and Technology Support Programme Project " Energy-saving and safety-oriented , integrated engineering machinery and equipment research and development "( project number : 2013BAF07B04 ), this paper research on Aerodynamic Characteristics for Cooling Fan of Construction Vehicle .

  21. 基于智能体的武器装备体系评价模型研究

    Research on Evaluating Model of Army Weapon Equipment System Based on Agent

  22. 智能化农业机械装备的研究进展

    The Development of Research about Precision Agricultural Intelligent Equipments

  23. 目前以现场总线为基础的故障诊断系统应用已经比较广泛地用到工业控制、自动化仪器仪表、智能化的武器装备等许多领域。

    With the wide application of field bus , fault diagnosis system platform based on field bus been widely applied in such a lot of fields as industrial control , automatic instrument and apparatus , intelligent weaponry .

  24. 运动目标检测和跟踪一直是计算机视觉领域内研究的热点问题,它在智能监控,武器装备,自主导航车,医学诊断等众多领域都有广泛的应用。

    Moving object detection and tracking remain as the hot spot issue in the field of computer vision . They have been widely used in various fields like intelligent monitoring , military hardware , autonomous navigation and medical diagnosis .