
yuè yùn
  • lunar halo;lunar aureole
月晕 [yuè yùn]
  • [lunar halo] 又称风圈,月光被云层折射,在月亮周围形成光圈,可以做为天气变化预兆

  • 月晕而风,础润而雨

月晕[yuè yùn]
  1. 夜晚有时也能看见类似的月晕。

    A similar Moon Halo may be visible during the night .

  2. 本研究发现论坛情境中的人际知觉中存在刻板印象、投射作用、两者相似性、以及月晕效应的影响。

    Stereotype , projection , and hallo effect are also found in this research .

  3. 月牙透过云层把微光从深广的暗蓝色夜空撒向山丘的田野上。苍茫的夜色,躁动的浮云,斑驳的月光,褐色月晕,浑然成为一体。

    The crescent moon had broken through the clouds , casting its faint beams from the fathomless dark blue night sky onto the hills and fields .