
  • 网络menstruation;To menstruate;menstruate;menarche
  1. 许多妇女在月经来潮二至十四天前有的症状。

    A syndrome that occurs in many women from 2 to 14 days before the onset of menstruation .

  2. 于月经来潮第一天开始服药,连服3个月经周期为一疗程。

    The capsules were taken from the first day of the menstruation cycle , a total of 3 menstruation cycles .

  3. 其中B组患者治疗方法为手术后第一次月经来潮的第一日,肌注,3.75mg,而后每隔28日注射一次,共4次。

    B group usage : injected 3.75 mg in the first day of first period after Laparoscopy , and later once every 28 days , a total of 4 times .

  4. E2第Ⅰ峰一般出现于LH峰的前一天,E2第Ⅱ峰出现于黄体期,较宽,与孕酮峰相印,均于月经来潮前二日下降。

    The second peak of E_2 occurring in the progesterone stage was broader and coincided with the peak of progesterone . Both the levels of E_2 and P declined two days before the onset of menstruation .

  5. 分别于停药后3~5d和停药后月经来潮干净3&7d观察疗效和安全性。

    The efficacy and safety were observed respectively 3 - 5 d after end of treatment and 3 - 7 d after menorrhea .

  6. 停药后月经来潮干净后3~7d,试验组和对照组有效率分别为82.6%和75.4%,2组疗效无显著差异(P>0.05)。

    The efficacy rates were 82.6 % in trial group and 75.4 % in control group respectively 3 - 7 d after menorrhea , with no significant difference in clinical efficacy between these two groups ( P > 0.05 ) .

  7. CTX冲击治疗时年龄≥8岁、临床治愈、末次随访年龄≥17岁的18例精液检查或月经来潮正常,已婚7例男女均已生育。

    The sperm test and menstrual onset were normal in 18 cases , whose ages ≥ 8 years at beginning of treatment , who were clinically cured and whose ages ≥ 17 years at the time of last following up , 7 of them who had married could have children .

  8. 丽贝卡:我第一次月经来潮是在十三岁的时候。

    REBECCA : I have my first period when I was thirteen .

  9. 经治疗9例患者月经来潮。

    Nine of the patients had their menses recovered .

  10. 经前一周开始服药,至月经来潮第1天停服。

    One week before the beginning of menstruation by medication , the first day to stop menstruation .

  11. 月经来潮来月经的过程或情况2000年1~12月份我国铁合金生产经营情况简析

    The process or an instance of discharging the menses . Production and Management of Ferroalloy between Jan. 2000 & Dec. 2000

  12. 一项研究显示,童年时期进食大量肉类的女孩似乎月经来潮比其他人要早。

    Girls who eat a lot of meat during childhood tend to start their periods earlier than others , a study suggests .

  13. 观察治疗前后患者中医主、次证及月经来潮、妊娠等情况。

    Observed before and after treatment of traditional Chinese medicine , times the patients indication and menstrual cramps , pregnancy , and so on .

  14. 根据有无月经来潮可分为原发性闭经和继发性闭经,其中继发性闭经可占95%。

    According to whether menstrual cramps can be divided into primary amenorrhoea and secondary amenorrhea , including secondary amenorrhea can be occupied 95 % .

  15. 治疗组共32例,对照组共30例。治疗组予阴三针为主针刺,配合灸法,每日治疗1次,月经来潮前5天开始治疗,直到月经期第二天。

    Treatment group got 32 cases , whom were treated by acupuncture and moxibustion once a day , 5 days before menstruation to begin treatment until the next menstrual period .

  16. 但是,论文作者和其他专家也指出,胎龄只是一个有根据的推测,根据的是孕妇对自己最近一次月经来潮日期的回忆,以及所估计的胎儿大小。

    But the authors and other experts also noted that gestational age is an educated guess , based on women 's recollection of their last menstrual period and estimated fetal size .

  17. 由于一直没有月经来潮,她在16岁时接受了内科检查,这才发现她虽然有卵巢却没有子宫——这是一种在4500名新生女婴中才有1例的综合征。

    She was 16 when medical tests , performed because she had not begun menstruating , found that she had ovaries but no uterus - a syndrome that affects about 1 in 4500 newborn girls .

  18. 方法:80例原发性痛经患者与80例健康女性作为受试者,在月经来潮第1日测量双侧列缺、公孙穴导电量。

    Methods Electrical conduction volume on bilateral Lieque ( LU 7 ) and Gongsun ( SP 4 ) were determined at the first day of menstruation in 80 cases of primary dysmenorrhea and 80 healthy women .

  19. 停药后月经来潮干净后3~7天,临床治愈率分别为70.15%和68.12%,有效率分别为73.13%和72.46%,病原学清除率分别为73.13%和72.46%。

    Three to seven days after menorrhea , the cure rates were 70.15 % intest group , and 68.12 % in control group , the efficacy rates were 73.13 % and 72.46 % , the eradicated rates of pathogen were 73.13 % and 72.46 % , respectively .

  20. 结果有374名(67.9%)女中学生月经已来潮,其初潮年龄主要集中在13~14岁;

    Results Three hundred and seventy four girls ( 67.9 percent ) had experienced menses , the age of menarche ranged from 13 to 14 years old .

  21. 临床症状、体征:月经周期、月经来潮天数治疗前后,差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。

    Clinical symptoms and signs : menstrual cycles and days before and after treatment had statistically significant difference ( P0.05 ) . Score of symptoms before and after treatment had statistically significant difference ( P0.05 ) .

  22. 专家发现,女性偏头痛往往在两次月经之间的排卵期或月经来潮之前出现,而处于这一时期的女性体内雌激素含量远较平常要高得多。

    Experts found that women often migraine in two between menstrual oviposit period or menstrual cramps , and appear before in this period of estrogen in women far higher than usual .

  23. 结论:中医周期疗法能有效治疗月经后期,并能明显改善相关临床症状,能促使卵巢排卵,改善子宫内在环境,使月经如期来潮。

    Conclusion : This study shows that cycle therapy of TCM is able to treat menstruation delay and ameliorate the correlate symptom . it can also promote ovulation , improve the inner environment of uterus , and regulate menstruation .