
  • 网络service logic
  1. TestCase1调用这个JAX-WSweb服务逻辑的一个内联Javabean实现。

    Test Case # 1 invokes an inline Java bean implementation of the JAX-WS web service logic .

  2. 服务逻辑接收标记、URL和用户身份并将其写到数据库。

    The service logic receives the tag and writes it to a database , along with the URL and the user 's identity .

  3. 服务逻辑的修正&基于价值创造的观点

    Service Logic Revisited & View Based on Value Creation

  4. 数据服务逻辑可应用于多个业务流程,这极大地推动了重用。

    Data services logic can apply to several business processes greatly facilitating reuse .

  5. 在这种密钥管理机制中,将为组提供的服务逻辑分成两个层次。

    In the key management mechanism , the services that a group gets are logic divided into two hierarchical levels .

  6. 最大的优点在于,这些更改都不需要服务逻辑或中介流逻辑的任何更新!

    Best of all , none of these changes require any update of the service logic or the mediation flow logic !

  7. 中介模块记录每个请求和每个响应消息,并将请求路由到实际服务逻辑的两个实现之一。

    The mediation module logs each request and each response message , and routes the requests to one of two implementations of the actual service logic .

  8. 重点论述网络环境下教学参考书数据库建设的必要性、服务逻辑、建设内容、数据收集、拟解决的关键问题等内容。

    This paper discusses the significance 、 content 、 data collection 、 service logic and the problems should be solved in the construction of teaching reference books system database under the network environment .

  9. 运用专家系统的基本理论和方法,对临床警报专家系统的各个组成部分(知识获取部分、警报服务逻辑、警报服务器、输出控制)及工作原理进行了阐述。

    Using the basic theory and methods of Expert System , the components ( Knowledge acquisition , Logic of alert server , Alert server , Output control ) and the working principle of clinical alert expert systen are set forth .

  10. 此信息将提供给Web服务业务逻辑。

    This information is given to the Web service business logic .

  11. 该service元素通过名称属性将相关端口组合在一起,为该服务提供逻辑名称。

    The service element groups related ports together and , through its name attribute , provides a logical name for the service .

  12. 分析了用传统描述逻辑和动作理论作为智能Web中服务的逻辑基础的不充分性。

    The insufficiency of using description logic and action theory as the logical foundation for services in intelligent Web is analyzed .

  13. 事实上,电信的所有服务,逻辑网络,包括Internet,都共享数目相对较少的骨干光纤传送网络。

    In fact , all services and logical networks , including the Internet , share physical transport on relatively few backbone fiber optic transmission systems .

  14. 如果新的Web服务业务逻辑或者以数据为中心提供更好的或者额外的服务或功能,开发人员必须减少或者完全消除冗余的Web请求。

    If the new web service business logic or data-centric provides better or additional service or functionality , developers must reduce or altogether eliminate redundant web requests .

  15. Linux中可用的一个最重要的服务是逻辑卷管理器(LogicalVolumeManager,LVM)。

    One of the most important services available in Linux is the Logical Volume Manager ( LVM ) .

  16. 根据样例REST式服务的逻辑,来自服务的响应应该为Score=4000。

    According to the logic of the sample RESTful service provided , the returned reply from the service should be Score = 4000 .

  17. 第一部分使用ClaimCheck服务处理逻辑附件的签入和签出,而第二部分为物理附件执行同样的功能。

    The first part handles the checking in and checking out of a logical attachment using the claim check service , while the second part performs the same function for a physical attachment .

  18. 当ClaimCheck服务返回逻辑附件时,数据处理程序将逻辑附件附加在ShipmentRequisition数据对象上。

    When the logical attachment is returned by the Claim Check service , the data handler attaches the logical attachment to the ShipmentRequisition data object .

  19. 根据您的MVC模式,实现情况会有所不同,但决定如何同时访问静态和动态服务的逻辑是一样的。

    Your implementation will differ , depending on own your MVC pattern , but the logic determining how you access static and dynamic services at the same time will remain the same .

  20. 相反,您会在服务的逻辑流中看到,处理程序将调用一个帮助器服务来调用实际的UCA。

    Instead as you 'll see in the logic flow of the service , the handler will call a helper service to invoke the real UCA .

  21. 让程序员实现那种handlers-like的逻辑(如:监控和审计日志)和服务实现逻辑的分离。

    Make it possible for developers to keep handlers-like logic , for example monitoring or auditing logic , separate from service implementation logic .

  22. 图38显示了该服务的逻辑流。

    Figure 38 shows the logic flow for the service .

  23. 面向服务的逻辑承载网构建方法研究

    Research on Construction of Service-Oriented Logical Carrying Network

  24. 您会在服务的逻辑中看到此转换是如何发生的。

    You 'll see in the logic of the service how this translation happens .

  25. 一种基于策略服务的逻辑结构

    A logical architecture of policy based service

  26. 存储服务:逻辑卷管理

    Storage services : logical volume management

  27. 业务层,包含了实现服务业务逻辑的组件。

    The Business layer , which incorporates components that implement the business logic of the service .

  28. 本文概要介绍了该项研究的主要成果,明确提出了地方ITS体系框架的概念和开发方法,概要介绍了江苏省ITS用户服务、逻辑框架、物理框架和应用系统分析的主要内容。

    Meanwhile , regional ITS user service , logic architecture , physical architecture and application system for Jiangsu Province are also introduced in detail .

  29. 对一类非对称型、队列容量有限、实施门限方式全服务的逻辑环随机模型的结构及运行特点进行了研究。

    The authors analyzed the structure and characteristics of an unsymmetrical logic ring stochastic model that has limited capacity and adopts threshold full service mode .

  30. 因为服务在逻辑上是相互独立的,所以为了防止不当访问,所有服务实际上都需要先执行身份验证,然后再处理请求。

    As services are logically independent from each other practically all of them will require authentication before they will handle a request to prevent unintended access .