
qī mò
  • End of period;end of term;terminal
期末 [qī mò]
  • [end of term] 学期将结束的一段时间

期末[qī mò]
  1. 期末时学生须参加所有学科的考试。

    The students will be examined in all subjects at the end of term .

  2. 是的,音乐学校期末音乐会上Lavinia虽然只是娴熟地演奏出了一曲《玛丽有只小羊羔》,但是这位小小钢琴手却被认为是迷你钢琴大师,是英国最年轻的钢琴演奏明星。

    True , it might have been only a note-perfect rendition of Mary Had a Little Lamb at her music school 's end of term concert . But yesterday she was being hailed as a mini maestro in the making – and Britain 's youngest piano playing star .

  3. 你的成绩将根据四篇论文和期末考试决定。

    Your grade will be based on four papers and a final exam .

  4. 我总是担心期末考试不及格。

    I lived in fear of failing my end-of-term exams .

  5. 期末考试渐渐被连续性评估所取代。

    The balance continues to swing away from final examinations to continuous assessment .

  6. 他正参加会计学的期末考试。

    He 's sitting his final exams in accountancy .

  7. 我从来没有碰到过像那次那么难的期末考试。

    I never went through a final exam that was as difficult as that one

  8. 小学生期末考试的分数最多可以加5分,作为对其拼写、标点和语法正确的奖励。

    A bonus of up to 5 per cent can be added to a pupil 's final exam marks as a reward for good spelling , punctuation and grammar

  9. 下个月要进行期末考试。

    The final examination will take place next month .

  10. 期末考试他两门课亮了红灯。

    He failed two courses in the final exams .

  11. 小王平时学习不刻苦,以致期末考试没有及格。

    Xiao Wang didn 't study hard , so he failed the final exams .

  12. 因为快期末考试了,学生们正忙着准备数学和物理。

    As the final exam is approaching , the students are busy getting up mathematics and physics .

  13. 然而,更好的是,据说亨特学院的一个教授最近在她的期末考试中做了这样的事情。

    Better yet , how about what one Hunter College professor reportedly did recently for her final exam .

  14. “在老师们给出没有明确时间限制的课后考试时,学生们牺牲了健康和幸福,以及其他的期末功课,”她告诉我。

    " Students risk health and well being , as well as performance in other end-of-term work , when faculty offers take-home exams without clear , time-limited boundaries , " she told me .

  15. 但是,这一分歧在最近几个月的更加明显了,因为阿德霍尔德做出了一些改变,包括无作业夜晚、取消高中期中、期末考试以及降低参加音乐项目门槛的倡议。

    But the division has become more obvious in recent months as Aderhold has made changes , including no-homework nights , an end to high school midterms and finals , and an initiative that made it easier to participate in the music program .

  16. L:不客气。哦,南茜,我得走了,我要准备明天的期末考试。

    L : You 're welcome . Oh , Nancy . I have to leave now . I 'll prepare for tomorrow 's final exam .

  17. 我捡起它,看到它上面写着“期末考试”。

    I picked it up and saw the words " FINAL-TERM EXAMINATION " at the top .

  18. 我还发现,参加交流的每一个人在期末考试中的表现都要好得多。

    I also found the everyone who took part in the exchange did a lot better in their end of year exams .

  19. 时光飞逝!到了学期末,还有一件大事他很害怕,那就是期末考试。

    How time flew ! At the end of the term , there was one important event that he was afraid of — the final exam .

  20. 在特定的语境中,litmustest也可以翻译成“试金石”。例句今年期末考试的结果将是检验该校招生新政策是否奏效的试金石。

    The results of this year 's final exams will provide a litmus test for the school 's new admission1 policy2 .

  21. 他在期末考试中表现得不错。

    He put up a good show in the final examination .

  22. 我以优异的成绩通过了期末考试。

    Example : I passed my final exam with flying colours .

  23. 学生们都为期末考试而紧张起来。

    The students were all psyched up for their final exams .

  24. 老师常根据期末考试来评价他们的学生。

    Teachers always judge their students on the final examination .

  25. 如果你没通过期末考试,就没有机会再考一次了。

    If you flunk finals , you don 't get the chance to do them again .

  26. 因为生病,她错过了很多节课,但期末考试还是得了高分。

    She missed loads of lessons because she was ill , but she still aced her final exams .

  27. 一位有机生物学教授站在20名高年级的学生面前,正准备发期末考试的试卷。

    A professor stood before his class of 20 senior organic biology students , about to hand out the final exam .

  28. 我盯着成绩单,一刹那间没有反应过来,当我意识到我期末考试成绩是四个A时,我高兴得尖叫起来。

    For a split second I just stared at the results , then I screamed for joy as I realised I got four As in my final exams .

  29. 在期末考试之前,汤姆告诉他的母亲:“妈妈,我昨天晚上做了一个梦,梦见我通过了今天的考试。”

    Before the final1 examination3 , Tom told his mother , " Mom , I had4 a dream5 last night that I 'd passed today 's exam2 . "

  30. 我的老师总是做额外的工作,不遗余力地帮助我理解这门课程。所有参与期末项目的人都很愿意为确保项目成功多付出一点努力。

    My teacher always goes the extra mile to try and help me understand the course . All those involved in the end-of-term project were happy to go the extra mile to ensure success .