
  • 网络Unwed mother;Unmarried mothers
  1. 兰珍珍:以未婚妈妈的名义

    In the name of unmarried mothers

  2. 但是只要未婚妈妈的社会知觉不改变,针对这些女性的服务就不会出现。

    But as long as social perception of unmarried mothers does not change , it will be difficult for these women to come out .

  3. 有强有力的理由来支持未婚妈妈。这再也不是什么丢脸的事了。

    There is a strong argument for remaining an unmarried mother . There 's no stigma attached any more

  4. 魏伟(音),一个帮助农民工的非政府组织“小鸟”(LittleBird)的一名社会工作者,说当其它原因率先出现在帮助线的时候,中国社会不支持向未婚妈妈提供帮助。

    Wei Wei , a social worker with Little Bird - an NGO that provides help for migrant workers - says Chinese society does not support aid to unwed mothers , as other causes come first in the helping line .

  5. 我遇到一个名叫法伊扎(Faiza)的年轻未婚妈妈。

    I met a young unmarried mother called Faiza .

  6. 门户网站百度上一个专注于未婚妈妈在线聊天的论坛上有三千多活跃用户,该论坛的版主Yiyi说。

    More than 3 , 000 users are active in an online chat dedicated to unwed mothers on Internet portal Baidu , said the forum 's moderator Yiyi .

  7. 美国俄亥俄州立大学社会学副教授、克丽丝蒂?威廉姆斯(KristiWilliams)博士说,和其他的结婚人群不同,贫困的未婚妈妈不会从结婚中受益。

    The reason , said Kristi Williams , Ph.D. , an associate professor of sociology at The Ohio State University , is that marriage fails to provide the same benefits to poor , single mothers as it does for others .

  8. 未婚妈妈的数量也减少了。

    The number of births to unmarried moms also declined .

  9. 未婚妈妈的结婚推广政策对孩子的成长而言也没有多大帮助。

    Promoting marriage among single mothers may not help their children , either .

  10. 在美国,几乎每三个新生儿当中就有一个系未婚妈妈所生。

    Nearly one out of three births in America is to an unwed mother .

  11. 这个小孩被他的未婚妈妈遗弃了。

    The baby was abandoned by his teenaged .

  12. 琼觉得它无法使别人忘记她是个未婚妈妈的事实。

    Joan felt she could never live down the fact that she was an unwed mother .

  13. 威廉姆斯说:但是,该政策的缺陷在于,它想当然地认为所有结婚的未婚妈妈都能脱贫。

    But the flaw in this approach is the assumption that all marriages are equally beneficial , Williams said .

  14. 她说,政府应该采取措施控制意外生育,给未婚妈妈提供更多的儿童保育援助。

    That could include preventing unwanted births and giving more child care support for single mothers , she said .

  15. 她的父母不管她,她和坏人们混在一起,并且怀孕成为了未婚妈妈。

    Neglected by her parents , she hangs with a bad crowd , gets pregnant and becomes a neglectful parent .

  16. 她说:那些结过婚又离婚的未婚妈妈的经济状况比从未结婚的未婚妈妈的经济状况要糟得多。

    Single mothers who marry and later divorce are worse off economically than single mothers who never marry , she said .

  17. 这个家顿时充满了温暖和活力,我也终于感觉到原来我真的是结了婚的,而不是一个未婚妈妈。

    Life becomes beautiful . I eventually have the feeling that I 'm a married woman instead of a unmarried mother .

  18. 生活在社会边缘,无助的未婚妈妈们强烈地彼此依赖。

    On the fringes of society , where no help is available to them , unwed mothers rely heavily on each other .

  19. 我的亲生母亲当时是个研究生,年轻未婚妈妈,她决定让别人收养我。

    My biological mother was a young , unwed college graduate student , and she decided to put me up for adoption .

  20. 越来越多的宝宝不是在婚姻家庭中出生——约有4成婴儿的母亲是未婚妈妈。

    More children are born out of wedlock these days as well - four in every 10 births come from unmarried women .

  21. 外来工未婚妈妈是一个多重弱势的群体,她们面临着精神压力、经济压力、家庭支持缺失、公共救助政策的缺位等多重压力。

    They have to face with mental stress , economic pressures , lack of family support , absence of public assistance policy or other pressures .

  22. 其中很多婴幼儿都有身体或智力上的残疾,还有些是被无法照顾孩子的未婚妈妈抛弃的。

    And the numbers of infant deaths and abandoned children are bound to get worse as the rate of children born to single mothers increases .

  23. 威廉姆斯和几位同事最近进行的研究表明,对于大多数出生在未婚妈妈家庭的青少年来说,母亲后来结婚这件事,没有对他们身心成长大有裨益。

    Recent research by Williams and several colleagues found no physical or psychological advantages for the majority of teenagers born to a single mother who later married .

  24. 实际上,研究表明,居住在贫民区的未婚妈妈很可能嫁得不好,她们的丈夫帮不了她们脱贫。

    In fact , research shows that single mothers living in impoverished neighborhoods are likely to marry men who won 't help them get out of poverty .

  25. 另一方面,无法避免地方政府针对未婚妈妈违反一个孩子政策征收的社会抚养费。

    On the other hand , no solution is available to avoid the social compensation fees imposed by local government on unwed mothers for breaking the one-child policy .

  26. 一位研究主管称,政府制定了政策,想要通过促成未婚妈妈结婚来帮助她们脱贫。但是,这不能从根本上解决问题,结婚可能不会帮助未婚妈妈脱贫。

    The government policy that promotes marriage among single mothers as a key part of the effort to fight poverty has missed the mark , according to one leading researcher .

  27. 杨女士,位于北京东城区的中国妇女联合会的的一位官员,承认未婚妈妈极少向类似她们那样的由政府资助的机构寻求帮助。

    Yang , an officer at the All China Women 's Federation in Beijing 's Dongcheng District , acknowledges that unwed mothers rarely seek help at government-sponsored agencies like theirs .

  28. 然而当她鼓起勇气决定继续妊娠将留住孩子的时候,她陷入了一个不断变大着的无形世界&在那个世界里,未婚妈妈们在传统统治下的中国竭力生存。

    But as she mustered courage and decided to carry on with her pregnancy , the woman fell into an invisible growing world of unwed mothers struggling to survive in tradition-dominated China .

  29. 同样的模式不断出现:未婚妈妈、未成年妈妈和教育程度在高中以下的妈妈生育的孩子比例在每年1月达到高峰。

    The same pattern kept turning up : The percentage of children born to unwed mothers , teenage mothers and mothers who hadn 't completed high school kept peaking in January every year .

  30. 1996年,国会通过福利改革法案,允许各州花费社会福利,以致力于推动未婚妈妈结婚。此后,婚姻促成政策正式成为美国的一项政策。

    Marriage promotion became an official U.S. policy in 1996 when Congress passed welfare reform legislation that allowed states to spend welfare funds on a range of efforts to get single mothers to marry .