
běn wèi zhǔ yì
  • selfish departmentalism;departmental selfishness;parochialism
本位主义 [běn wèi zhǔ yì]
  • [selfish departmentalism] 为自己所在的小单位打算而不顾整体利益的思想作风

本位主义[běn wèi zhǔ yì]
  1. 流行的观点忽视或否认实际联系理论,在实践上造成了狭隘而严重的功利主义、本位主义后果,在理论上造成了自我发展的混乱和残缺。

    The popular thoughts neglect or " integrating practice with theory ", and causes parochial and serious utilitarianism and selfish departmentalism , which leads to the confusion and defection of self-development .

  2. 杨情的《文德论》是就北朝残酷的现实政治而发的,富有强烈的现实批评精神,但同时还洋溢着文化本位主义精神。

    With intense realistic criticism , the article On literators ' morals by Yang Yin is directed against the brutal realpolitik , but is simultaneously also brimming with the cultural selfish departmentalism .

  3. 本位主义是放大了的个人主义。

    Departmentalism is magnified individualism .

  4. 近30年过去后,在这个警惕自我本位主义者的公司,凭借善于团队合作的声誉,这位说话温和的比利时人接替包必达(peterbrabeck),成为了这家瑞士食品公司的首席执行官。

    Nearly three decades later , that reputation as a team player in a company wary of prima donnas helped the quietly spoken Belgian succeed Peter Brabeck to become chief executive of the Swiss food company .

  5. 不如此,就会发生地方主义、本位主义和山头主义。

    Otherwise , localism , departmentalism and mountain-stronghold mentality will result .

  6. 我们本位主义的狭隘性和傲慢文化是一个危险的结合。

    Our parochial narrowness and cultural hubris are a dangerous combination .

  7. 第三章:责任本位主义的理论基石。

    Chapter three : the theoretical cornerstone of responsibility standard .

  8. 道德本位主义是辜鸿铭伦理思想突出的理论局限。

    Moral parochialism is the most obvious theory limitation of his ethical thoughts .

  9. 对国家安全利益的认识,具有显著的国家本位主义特征。

    There is obvious selfish departmentalism in the recognition of national security interest .

  10. 沉默权长期被我国刑事立法忽视的主要原因是渊源于宗教赎罪观和国家本位主义的自我归罪原则的影响。

    The right of silence is an emergency problem which is neglected in criminal legislation in our country .

  11. 另一方面主张在人我关系领域以自存为原初目的强调人格尊严的个人本位主义。

    The second is the advocating of individualism for the primitive purpose of existence and dignity in human relations .

  12. 形成于古希腊时期的整体主义政治哲学主要表现为城邦本位主义。

    The holistic political philosophy which is present in a form of city-state parochialism mainly formed in ancient Greek .

  13. 尤其在国难面前,他们更强调自己在对金(清)交涉中的主体意识、唯我的利益本位主义。

    Especially , in front of disaster of the nation , they even emphasized their principal ideology and solipsism .

  14. 关于情感上失败的宏大转变成为完全自我陶醉的本位主义实体的感觉。

    It deals with the feeling of failed emotional grandiosity that turns one into a completely self-obsessed egotistical entity .

  15. 作为省内开设的乡土历史课程,还应把握科学、客观态度,避免本位主义指导下的诠释。

    The teacher should follow scientific and objective principle when teaching a local curriculum , and so can avoid sectionalism .

  16. 随着立法由个人本位主义向社会本位主义的转变,公共利益的保护也被提到了议事日程。

    Along with the change from individualism to socialism , the protection of social public interest has been put on agenda .

  17. 十七大报告的正义观:社会正义和全球正义本位主义是放大了的个人主义。

    Two Justice Pictures of the Report to the Seventeenth National Congress of the CPC ; Departmentalism is the magnified individualism .

  18. 没有本位主义,为了一个共同目标与其它同事平等合作。

    Works well with others to achieve common goals for everyone 's benefit rather than seeking exclusive advantage for self or peers .

  19. 同时,还要肃清机会主义和盲动主义的残余,打破四军本位主义。

    At the same time , eliminate the remnants of opportunism and putschism and break down the selfish departmentalism of the Fourth Army .

  20. 因此,希腊的城邦本位主义较之于罗马有着更为稳定的维持城邦制度的社会稳定性。

    Makes the Greek " polis parochialism " has a more stable compared to the maintenance of the Roman city-state system of social stability .

  21. 教学时应切勿犯教师“本位主义”的错误,重视情感教育的重要作用和学生的能动性。

    In the teaching , the mistake of departmentalism should be avoided and the important function of feeling education and the students'activity should be emphasized .

  22. E&OSH一体化管理体系中的文化因素,提出社会本位主义企业文化的价值观和发展思路;

    The fourth part brings forward " the social standard enterprise culture " value view and development thought in Q. E & OSH integrated management system .

  23. 实事求是就是要照顾全局,一切从实际出发,克服地方主义、本位主义和分散主义。

    Seeking truth from facts must consider the situation as a whole , proceed from actual conditions entirely , and overcome localism , departmental selfishness and decentralism .

  24. 英语文化的小我本位主义与汉语文化的大我本位主义&不同文化价值观在语言中的投影

    ⅰ - Oriented Self - Concept in English Culture and Others - Oriented Self - Concept in Chinese Culture & On Language Expressions Reflecting Different Culture Perceptions

  25. 首先从法律程序的价值论出发,将对法律程序价值的认识分为程序工具主义和程序本位主义。

    First , based on the value of law procedure , the knowledge of the value of law procedure is divided into procedure instrumentalism and procedure parochialism .

  26. 布朗运动及其本位主义已广泛地出现在许多纯科学领域中,如物理,经济,通信理论,生物,管理科学与数理统计等。

    Brownian motion has been widely popular in many purely scientific fields , such as physics 、 economics 、 communications theory 、 biology 、 management science and mathematical statistics .

  27. 个人本位主义、合理利己主义、虚假的集体主义等等,由于其种种局限性,不能作为现时代的伦理价值导向。

    The individual selfish departmentalism , rational egoism , false collectivism , and the like cannot be the contemporary orientation of ethical value on account of their various limitations .

  28. 实践中我国民事检察监督因立法的简陋而难以操作;学术上对现行民事检察监督制度的研究,或者受制于“注释法学”的研究方式,或者基于部门本位主义而结论有所偏颇。

    Civil trial supervision is difficult to implement because of the simple legislation in practice and academically restricted by method of expository jurisprudence of prejudiced for branch standpoint dependent .

  29. 我们认为,程序工具主义和程序本位主义都失之偏颇,因为它们均违背了马克思主义关于内容与形式的基本原理。

    We think that both " instrumentalism of procedure " and " departmentalism of procedure " violate the general principles concerning the content and form of Marxism and become incomplete .

  30. (六)本位主义,一切只知道为四军打算,不知道武装地方群众是红军的重要任务之一。

    Selfish departmentalism & they think only of the Fourth Army and do not realize that it is an important task of the Red Army to arm the local masses .