
  • 网络Materia Medica;Pentsaology;Bencaology;herbaloism;Cruydeboeck
  1. 江户时代是日本文化史上承前启后、高度繁盛的时期,也是本草学发展的鼎盛期。

    The history of the Edo period is a link between past and future of Japanese culture , also is the development at its peak of herbal medicine .

  2. 本草学的现代研究开始起步,植物学、生物学工作者对确定中药品种及资料调查方面做了大量工作。

    Materia Medica of the modern study began , botany , biology workers to determine the species and information on traditional Chinese medicine has done a lot of investigation work .

  3. 通过本草学考证,认为七种蜂类隶属昆虫纲膜翅目7科8属,涉及相关物种17种1变种。

    According to herbal textual research , the 7 medicinal bees belong to 8 genus of 7 familes in Hymenoptera of Insecta , and have reference to 17 species and 1 Variety .

  4. 他的医学思想与方法具有该通、实用、创新、求实和辩证的特点,对后世本草学的发展具有重大的启迪作用。

    His medical thinking and methodology , which are practical , initiative , realistic and dialectic , exerted a profound impact on the development of the study of herbology in later ages .

  5. 在生物学方面,唐代本草学和动植物生态学,对选种、祥瑞、杂交,对名实考证研究和昆虫研究,对园艺植物以及生物资源保护的思想,备加重视。

    In terms of biology , the plants science and ecology in Tang Dynasty laid much emphasis on the seed selection , auspicious sign , hybridizing , the labelling textual research and the insect research , the protection of gardening plants and biological resources .

  6. 他采用比较科学的方法对药物进行分类,每种药物后面附有用法和方剂,就药论治,按证寻药,创立了本草学的新体系。

    In the course of compiling the work , Li Shizhen made his endeavors all the way throughout the country to pick up specimens in the wild and to search and collect folk recipes . His classifications of medicine were based on fairly scientific approaches . Each type of medicine was followed by an explanation of usage and dosage .

  7. 《新修本草图经》实为本草学史上第一部本草形态学研究专著,对后世的本草形态学发展具有深远的影响。

    Classic Figure of The Newly-revised Materia Medica was truly the first writings for the research of Materia Medica morphology in the pharmacological history .