
  • 网络essentialism;essentialist
  1. Gelman等人探讨了类别成员关系、语言标签、心理本质主义在幼儿的归纳推理中的作用,发现:2-4岁幼儿的归纳推理受基本水平的类别成员关系所限制,也是一个基于概念的过程。

    Gelman et al discussed the role of category membership , linguistic labels , psychological essentialism in young children 's inductive inference and found that 2-4 year children 's inductive inference was constrained by basic level of category membership , and it was also a process based on concept .

  2. 现象理论:本质主义与人本主义的困境与出路

    Phenomenological Theories : Problems and the Outlet of Essentialism and Humanism

  3. 中国教育学研究中的本质主义与反本质主义:从分歧到融合

    On the Dispute between Essentialism and Anti-essentialism in Pedagogy of China

  4. 从月亮神话看性别本质主义

    A Research on Gender Essentialism from the Mythology of the Moon

  5. 反本质主义与艺术本质问题

    Anti - essentialism and Issue of the Essence of Art

  6. 西方古典哲学本质主义思维方式的演进

    On Evolvement of the Essentialist Mode of Thinking in Western Classical Philosophy

  7. 第三章考察了反本质主义的文学本质观。

    The third chapter inspected the literary essence of anti-essentialism .

  8. 当代中国文学理论反本质主义批判的批判

    Re-criticism to the Criticism of Anti-Essentialism of the Contemporary Chinese Literary Theory

  9. 他们显然是站在本质主义一边而反对唯名主义。

    They will be inclined to side with essentialism and against nominalism .

  10. 解构性别本质主义:女性主义对先进性别文化的贡献

    Deconstructing Gender Essentialism : The Contribution of Feminism to Progressive Gender Culture

  11. 在西方哲学史上,本质主义源远流长。

    In the history of Western philosophy , essentialism has a long history .

  12. 然而,反本质主义已成为当代哲学一种较普遍的倾向。

    However , anti-essentialism of contemporary philosophy has become a more general tendency .

  13. 反对法律本质主义,否定法律的确定性和普适性;

    Denial on the definitude and universality of law , by objecting essentialism ;

  14. 另类写作:反本质主义的都市欲望文本

    Non-conventional Writing about the City Appetency and Anti-essentialism

  15. 第二部分,总结本质主义的特征,并对这一思维方式进行评价。

    Second part , Summarize essentialism characteristic and appraise to this mode of thinking .

  16. 中国法律理想图景与反本质主义&一个本质主义者的追问

    China 's Legal Ambition Prospect and Anti-essentialism & A person of essentialism question closely

  17. 后现代心理学的典型特征是反对基础主义和本质主义。

    The typical feature of modern psychology is its objection to basics and essentials .

  18. 普特南论自然种类词:当代逻辑哲学视域下的本质主义研究

    Putnam on Terms of Natural Kinds & On Essentialism in Contemporary Logic Philosophical Vision

  19. 建构主义是对文学理论的一种新主张,建构主义反对本质主义。

    Constructivism is a new idea of literary theory , constructivism is against essentialism .

  20. 学术界关于高等教育中学科专业的性别隔离主要有两种解释,一是生物本质主义的解释;

    There are mainly two interpretations about gender segregation in discipline in higher education .

  21. 论个别性与本质主义的矛盾&反思本质主义的一条新思路

    On the Contradiction between Individuality and Essentialism ── A New Way to Reflect on Essentialism

  22. 维特根斯坦与后现代反本质主义思潮浅析中国传统思维方式的认识论特质

    Ludwig Wittgenstein and Postmodern Theory of Anti-essentialism ; On Epistemological Characteristics of Chinese Traditional Thinking

  23. 性别本质主义必然导致性别对立、性别价值上的不平等。

    The essentialism of gender necessarily made for gender opposition and gender inequality from value .

  24. 黑格尔以及现代的克里普克等人都从不同程度上发展了本质主义。

    Hegel and modern Kripke , Putnam and others have developed the essentialism on certain degrees .

  25. 波普反本质主义的理论困境

    Theoretical Dilemmas of Popper 's Anti-essentialism

  26. 在这部分,主要是阐明后期的维特根斯坦是如何实现对传统本质主义美学的批判。

    In this part , I intend to expound how Wittgenstein criticized the traditional essentialism of aesthetics .

  27. 在他看来,传统本质主义美学对美的本质等的追问和界定,是冲撞语言界限的结果,是错误的行为。

    To him , the questioning and definition of the essence of beauty was a wrong behavior .

  28. 本质主义与反本质主义

    Essentialism and Anti - essentialism

  29. 不可定义的教育&论本质主义教育思维方式的终结

    The Education That Can Not Be " Defined "── The End of Educational Thinking Mode of Essentialism

  30. 在资本主义文化分析与批评中,要坚持反本质主义的立场。

    At last , in capitalist cultural analysis and cultural criticism , adhere to the anti-essentialism position .