
  • 网络mechanical operation
  1. 其中,国有农场系统依托大中型农业机械作业,而农村地区个体农户则依赖小型农机具作业。

    In general , state farms rely on large and medium-sized agricultural mechanical operation , and individual farmers depend on mini-type farming machines in rural areas .

  2. 这种处理方法工艺简单,处理效果较好,机械作业工期短,可广泛用于湿陷性黄土地区的工业与民用建筑。

    This treating method can be widely used in the industrial and civil buildings in collapsible loess areas because of its simple process , better treating effect and shorter mechanical operation period .

  3. 在驾车或重型机械作业等需要高度警醒的工作中出现微睡眠状况是极度危险的。经历过微睡眠状况的人通常都对此毫不察觉,他们以为自己一直处于清醒状态,或者认为自己只是偶尔走神了。

    Microsleeps become extremely dangerous when they occur in situations which demand constant alertness , such as driving a motor vehicle or working with heavy machinery of them , instead believing themselves to have been awake the whole time , or to have temporarily lost focus .

  4. 采用Delphi法对起重机械作业人员职业适性指标进行了研究。

    Test indexes for occupational aptitude of craneman are studied by Delphi method .

  5. 特别是电气化铁路增建二线小间距(4m)、小半径曲线(R-400m)、隧道口架梁等地段,国内现有铺架机械作业均需特殊措施才能顺利施工。

    Especially in the construction of double-track electrified railway with the minimum pitch of 4m and the minimum radius circle of R-400m or erection in the tunnel inlet , only with some special measures , can the domestic mechanical paving operation be smoothly taken .

  6. 爆破技术与机械作业在拆除工程中的综合应用

    Integrating application of blasting technology and mechanical work in demolition projects

  7. 国家鼓励跨行政区域开展农业机械作业服务。

    The state encourages the provision of trans-regional agricultural machinery services .

  8. 论工程机械作业安全管理体系

    Dissertation on the Operation Safety Management System of Construction Machinery

  9. 工程机械作业参数遥测系统的研究和设计

    Research and Design of the Working Parameters Telemetry System of Engineering Machinery

  10. 兴安落叶松人工林抚育机械作业效率的研究

    Operation efficiency of tending machineries to plantation of Larix dahurica

  11. 提高露天矿采剥机械作业率的途径

    The Way of Increasing the Working Factor of Opencast Mining and Stripping Machineries

  12. 沥青改性机械作业性能评价指标及检测方法

    Assessment Indices and Inspection Method of the Operating Performance of Asphalt Modifying Machines

  13. 大豆联合收割机械作业质量标准与检测的研究

    Study on the quality requirements and examinations for soy bean combine harvester working

  14. 繁忙干线大型养路机械作业方式研究

    Research on the Construction Organization Method of Large Instrument in Rail Whirl Trunks

  15. 手工劳动还是机械作业?

    Doing work : by hand or using machines ?

  16. 铲土运输机械作业组合系统的优化

    Optimization of Performance Composition Systems for Earthmoving Machines

  17. 铲土运输机械作业稳定性研究

    Research for the operation stability of earthmoving machinery

  18. 矿山机械作业环境分析

    Comment on the operation surroundings of mining machinery

  19. 工程机械作业能力的理论分析

    The Theoretical Analysis of Road Machinery Productivity

  20. 第二,对冲压机械作业危险因素进行识别,运用事故树分析等方法,对其进行原因分析。

    Secondly , recognizing the risk factors of pressing and analyzing the reasons by using accident trees method ;

  21. 经过推导,单位面积上的机械作业费与服务面积间的关系图形为一双曲线。

    The . relationship between the machinery cost and service area can be shown as hyperbolic curve on coordinate diagram .

  22. 该技术适用于水深4~6m、无大型钻孔机械作业时水中人工挖孔桩施工。

    This technology was also applicable to the construction of manual excavating pile hole in water 46 meters height without using large-scale machinery .

  23. 针对农业机械作业工况的多样性,导出了多工况载荷谱合成扩展以及最大载荷推断的通用公式;

    A general formula of composition and extension of load spectrum in different working conditions and the calculation of maximum load value is derived .

  24. 燃油补贴应当向直接从事农业机械作业的农民和农业生产经营组织发放。

    Such subsidies shall be given directly to the peasants and agricultural production and operation organizations that are engaged in operations with agricultural machines .

  25. 有偿农业机械作业应当符合国家或者地方规定的农业机械作业质量标准。

    The onerous agricultural machinery operation service shall meet the quality standard for agricultural machinery operation as prescribed by the state or local regions .

  26. 在驾驶摩托车,或是进行重型机械作业等需要高度警醒的工作中,出现微睡眠状况是极度危险的。

    Microsleeps become extremely dangerous when they occur in situations which demand constant alertness , such as driving a motor vehicle or working with heavy machinery .

  27. 指挥施工机械作业人员,必须站在可让人了望的安全地点并明确规定指挥联络信号。

    When directing construction machinery operation , instructors must stand at a safe place where he can be watched and use definitely specified directing and communicating signals .

  28. 一定强度的机械作业振动、汽车振动、声波特别是次声波振动等都会对人体造成生理功能改变,甚至病理性损伤。

    The vibration of the machines , automobiles , and infrasound wave , etc. can lead to physiological function change and even pathological injury to human when it reaches some intensity .

  29. 为了提高养路机械作业的精度和稳定性,保证正常作业,需要对其作业参数进行仿真和优化。

    In order to improve the precision and stability of the road maintenance machinery , and guarantee it to work normally , the work parameters need to be simulated and optimized .

  30. 这些水泥混凝土路面形状通常不规则,不适宜大规模的机械作业,一般只能用小型机具法施工。

    Solving the crack in concrete pavement slab should master key technology of small tools method , adopt construction craft and technology measures from management point and set up suitable sewing .