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shā jī
  • the intention to kill;want to kill;time, mood or plan to kill
杀机 [shā jī]
  • [want to kill;time,mood or plan to kill] 杀人的念头

  • 陡起杀机

杀机[shā jī]
  1. 逢蒙学到后羿的技法后,认为天下除了后羿之外,再也没有人比自己强,为了夺取天下第一的名号,逢蒙心中顿起杀机。

    After he had learned al the skills from Hou Yi , he thought that except Hou Yi , there was no one in the world whose archery skill were better than his .

  2. 这款名为“Web2.0自杀机”的程序以速度著称。

    The advantage of the tastefully-named Web2.0 Suicide Machine is its speed .

  3. 《黎明杀机》是一款由加拿大游戏开发工作室BehaviorInteractive制作的非对称生存恐怖游戏,该游戏于上周二发布了预告片,推出一个新角色。

    Dead by Daylight , an asymmetric survival horror video game developed by Canadian game development studio Behavior Interactive , released a trailer introducing the new character last Tuesday .

  4. 并非柯南伯格停拍新片了;他的俄罗斯黑手党故事片《巨塔杀机》(easternpromises)在电影节开幕当晚进行了首映。

    Not that Cronenberg has stopped making new films ; his Russian Mafia story Eastern Promises premiered at the opening night of the festival .

  5. 但她也喜欢更轻松的享受,比如英国电视剧《杀机四伏》(MidsomerMurders)。

    But she also enjoys lighter fare , such as Midsomer Murders , a British TV show .

  6. 继在电影《007:大破天幕杀机》中,和丹尼尔·克雷格(DanielCraig)演对手戏,饰演神秘的塞芙琳(Severine)一角后,这名法国女星第二次挑战以英语为主要语言的角色。

    This is second major English-language role for the French actress , who co-stars opposite Daniel Craig in Skyfall as the enigmatic Severine .

  7. Amazon和Netflix等网络公司也暗藏杀机,它们破坏性强且拥有大量资金,通过因特网向观众提供低价或免费的电影和电视节目。

    Disruptive , deep-pocketed firms like Amazon and Netflix lurk , whispering promises of internet-delivered films and television shows for little or no money .

  8. 但一如横穿加拿大北部冰冷水域,世人期待已久的西北航道(NorthwestPassage)对于船舶,特别是那些缺乏没有使用防冰增强和加固船体的船舶来说,东北航道依然是一个暗藏杀机的凶险地带。

    But the Northeast passage , like the long-sought northwest passage across the icy waters north of Canada , remains a treacherous place for ships to operate , especially those lacking ice-hardened , reinforced hulls .

  9. “所有的人都低估了下坡跑,主要是因为它们暗藏杀机,”教练和运动生理学家,JackDaniels博士说。

    " Everyone underestimates downhills , generally because they don 't present much of a challenge to negotiate ," says coach and exercise physiologist Jack Daniels , Ph.D.

  10. 在出演喜剧《温莎王室Windsors》的王妃角色前,她曾出演《情迷意乱》,路易斯开玩笑说:“除非我演MidsomerMurders《杀机四伏》,她才会很喜欢。”

    She appeared in Channel 4 comedy drama Crashing before landing her royal role in The Windsors , but jokes : " My mother would love it if I was in Midsomer Murders . "

  11. 在电影《007:大破天幕杀机》中饰演邦女郎的贝纳尼丝·玛尔洛(BereniceMarlohe),已经确认加盟导演特伦斯·马立克(TerrenceMalick)执导的最新电影作品,目前此影片正在奥斯汀进行拍摄。

    Skyfall Bond girl Berenice Marlohe has joined the all-star cast of Terrence Malick 's latest movie , which is in production in Austin .

  12. 最出名的例子就是2011年的《007:大破天幕杀机》。

    Most notably with the Bond film Skyfall in 2011 .

  13. 乔治?布什满脸笑容,背后却隐藏着杀机。

    George Bush bares the iron teeth behind his smile .

  14. 007系列电影主题曲第三名:阿黛尔--《天降杀机》

    James Bond Themes 3 . " Skyfall " by Adele

  15. 1922年,她的第二本书《暗藏杀机》问世。

    Her second book The Secret Adversary followed in1922 .

  16. 黄鳝宰杀机的研究

    Research on the Machine of Common Eel Slaughter

  17. 他们妒忌,满怀杀机,热中纷争,欺诈,用心险恶。

    They were full of envy , murder , strife , deceit , maliciousness .

  18. 007系列电影主题曲第六名:杜兰·杜兰--《雷霆杀机》

    James Bond Themes 6 . " A View to a Kill " by Duran Duran

  19. 我突然从斯台普顿的笑脸之后看到了他那暗藏杀机的狠毒心肠。

    Suddenly I saw behind Stapleton 's smiling face a heart with murder in it .

  20. 安东·齐格:通过投硬币决定的事情里,你觉得自己失去最多的是什么?(暗下杀机)

    Anton Chigurh : What 's the most you ever lost on a coin toss .

  21. 在参加《007:大破天幕杀机》巡回宣传的同时,玛尔洛也会拍摄由马立克执导的新电影。

    Marlohe will shoot the Malick film concurrently with the ongoing press tour for Skyfall .

  22. 法国制片《绝命杀机》获得最佳海外电视短剧奖项。

    French production " No Second Chance " took the TV film / miniseries award .

  23. 虽然电影《007:大破天幕杀机》在北美洲的公映时间是11月9号,但它已经在国际范围内开始向票房纪录发起进攻。

    The movie opens Nov. 9 in North America but already is shattering records internationally .

  24. 他的眼睛是最有杀机的。

    His eyes are number one .

  25. 莎士比亚曾说过:“你对我说,我的眼中暗藏杀机。”

    Shakespeare had these words : " Thou tell'st me there is murder in mine eye . "

  26. 007:大破天幕杀机是邦德系列电影的第23部,邦德的历史可以追述到1962年。

    Skyfall is the twenty-third film in the James Bond franchise , which dates back to 1962 .

  27. 这将是阿黛尔首次在现场倾情演绎歌曲《天降杀机》。

    It 'll be the first time Adele will sing " Skyfall " live for an audience .

  28. 可是那些貌似傻乎乎的试题后面巧埋地雷,暗藏杀机。

    But lying behind those deceptively simple questions are cleverly con cealed landmines and daggers in the dark .

  29. 一些评论家认为这部电影的票房可能会打破《大破天幕杀机》的纪录,成为史上最成功的007电影。

    Some critics say the movie could break Skyfall 's record as the most successful Bond film to date .

  30. 一场模棱两可却暗藏杀机的演出,源自我们模棱两可却又暗潮涌动的生活。

    A performance that is ambiguous but that could kill originates in our ambiguous lives surging with hidden currents .