
tiáo jiàn jù
  • Conditional sentence;conditional clause/sentence
  1. 条件句用于谈论有可能的、想像的或不可能的状况

    Conditionals are used to about possible , imaginary or impossible conditions .

  2. 如果我们的论述中有如果,我们在主张先行词,假设条件句或者结果,然后从句,或者我们说如果P那么。

    If we got an if then statement are we asserting an antecedent , an if clause or the consequent , Q the then clause , or are we saying if P then Q.

  3. 轮机英语中IF条件句的TAM研究

    TAM of If - conditionals in Marine Engineering English

  4. Go语言当中的条件句与C当中所熟知的if-else构造一样,但条件不需要被打包在括号内。

    Conditionals in Go have the same familiar if-else construction as those in C , but the condition need not be wrapped in parentheses .

  5. 超内涵的条件句逻辑的哲学基础

    The Philosophical Foundation of the Logic of Hyper - intentional Conditions

  6. notuntil直到,才……引导条件句我们收到警告明天之前不要离开庇护所。

    We were warned not to leave our shelter until tomorrow .

  7. If条件句范畴的原型与非原型分析

    The Analysis on the Prototypes and the Non-prototypes in the If-conditional Category

  8. 中国学习者对英语非真实条件句的习得研究

    A Study of the Acquisition of English Counterfactual Conditionals by Chinese Learners

  9. 英语将来时性条件句的可接受性分析

    A Study on the Acceptability of Conditionals with Future Orientation

  10. “要是我们去的话”是条件句。

    " If we go " is a conditional clause .

  11. 第一章从两个角度分析了条件句的逻辑类型。

    The first chapter mainly analyzed the types of conditionals in two respects .

  12. If-条件句的内涵语义分析&兼论if-条件句式和when-句式的相似性

    The intensional semantics of if-conditionals and its implications in the analysis of when-clauses

  13. IF条件句的类型及其语用初探

    Types of If - Conditionals and a Preliminary Research into Their Pragmatic Uses

  14. 如果明天下雨,我们就推迟运动会。(表示可能实现,真实条件句)

    If it rains tomorrow , we will put off the sports meeting .

  15. 汉语条件句的构成类型及其英译

    Different Forms of Chinese Adverbial Clause of Condition and Its Translation into English

  16. If条件句与常规关系效应关联分析

    If - Conditionals and Stereotype Causal Relation Analysis

  17. 论IF真实条件句的条件

    On the ' Conditions ' of Real Conditionals

  18. If条件句与常规关系

    If-Conditionals and Stereotype Cleft Sentence The Conventional Island

  19. 英语含蓄条件句解析

    The Analysis of Implicit Conditional Sentences in English

  20. 用于本研究的语法形式为过去条件句中虚拟语气的运用。

    The target form of this study was the past hypothetical conditional in English .

  21. 英语隐含条件句及其翻译

    Implied English Conditional Sentences and Their Chinese Translation

  22. 加入if条件句有助于提高你在语法方面的分数。

    Adding a conditional ' if * ' sentence might help your grammar score .

  23. 英语非真实条件句的认知研究

    A Cognitive Study of English Counterfactual Conditionals

  24. 英语隐含条件句剖析

    An Analysis of the English Conditional Sentences

  25. IF条件句的认知分析:预测、心理距离、空间选择与语用嬗变

    Cognitive Analysis of IF-conditionals : Prediction , Epistemic Distance , Alternative Space and Pragmatic Transmutation

  26. 从条件句悖论看信息流理论的哲学基础

    A View of Philosophical Foundations of Information Flow Theory from the Perspective of Conditional Paradoxes

  27. 根据If条件句中动词的不同形式,条件句可分为8类。

    Conditionals can be classified into 8 types according to the verb forms in them .

  28. 英语修辞条件句:反常与反证

    English Rhetorical Conditionals : Abnormality and Disproof

  29. 当代条件句逻辑研究的起点&Ramsey测验初探

    A Beginning of the Study of Contemporary Conditional Logic & A Study on Ramsey Test

  30. 英语间接条件句及其非语法化(上)

    English indirect conditionals and their degrammaticalization ;