首页 / 词典 / good


lái shǐ
  • To send;messenger;envoy;envoy from another country or state
来使 [lái shǐ]
  • [a messenger;representative from another country] 派来的使者

  • 两国交兵,不斩来使

  1. 经常使用护发剂来使你的头发柔软而且易于梳理。

    Use conditioner regularly to make your hair soft and manageable .

  2. 我们希望通过立法来使这一程序合法化。

    We want to legitimate this process by passing a law .

  3. 官员们希望通过减少外国人入境的数量来使局势平定下来。

    Officials hoped admitting fewer foreigners would calm the situation

  4. 他们也正试图通过提供售后服务来使该汽车采购商成为长期客户。

    They are also attempting to keep the car buyer as a long-term customer by offering after-sales service .

  5. 多年不见后,肯特突然走进来使我大吃一惊。

    I could have fallen off my chair when Kent walked in after all those years !

  6. 两国交兵,不斩来使。

    When two states are at war , the envoys are never executed . [ an old maxim ]

  7. 有些植物储存水分来使它们度过干旱。

    Some plants store reserves of water to see them through a drought .

  8. 我认为伊索暗示的是,当你对他人做了一件善事,你可以希望这一善事会返回来使你——做这件善事的人——在某种程度上受益。

    " I think what Aesop was suggesting is that when you offer a good turn to another human being , one can hope that that good deed will come back and sort of pay a profit to you , the doer of the good deed . "

  9. 学生们应该做些事情来使自己精神上强大起来。

    Students should do something to make themselves mentally strong .

  10. "它花了我两年时间,"凯特琳说,"我们从小处做起,我们想做些事情来使我们与众不同。"

    “ It took me two years , " Kaitlin said . " We started small.We wanted to do something to make a difference . "

  11. 通过交替的冻结、抽空和溶化来使溶液除气。

    The solution is degassed by alternately freezing , evacuating and thawing .

  12. 她想出了一些惊人的计划来使她的收入翻一番。

    She 's come up with some amazing schemes1 to double her income .

  13. 同靠杂婚制来使自己的生活更美好的丈夫并存的还有一个被遗弃的妻子

    At the side of the husband who embellishes his existence with hetaerism stands the neglected wife .

  14. 因此,您可以通过将style属性设置为display:none来使按钮不可见。

    Therefore , you make the button invisible by setting the style attribute to display : none .

  15. 什么前提放在这里好呢?,来使论点无效?非P,对?

    What premise would you like me to put in here in order to make this argument invalid ? Not p.yea ?

  16. 下一步,您要通过使用CooperativeTarget向导来使目标portlet接收数据。

    Next , you will enable the target portlet to receive data by using the Cooperative Target wizard .

  17. 一直以来,Java语言都是通过添加功能(如面向方面编程)来使其更为动态的。

    Over time , the Java language is getting more dynamic through the addition of features such as aspect-oriented programming .

  18. DB2提供了存储过程来使这个过程自动化,管理员也可以手动发出相应的命令。

    DB2 provides stored procedures to automate the process , or administrators can manually issue corresponding commands .

  19. 我们在这里面可以添加哪些组件来使Linux更加稳健地进入消费设备领域呢?

    What component can be added to this mix to insinuate Linux even more firmly into the consumer device arena ?

  20. 很显然,巴拉克奥巴马(barackobama)既不是天使,也不是天堂来使。

    It is clear that Barack Obama is neither an angel nor a man sent from heaven .

  21. 除此之外,企业可以通过在内部采用经过验证的业务流程(如来自IBMIndustryModels的流程)来使自己获得优于竞争者的优势。

    In addition to these , enterprises can differentiate themselves from their competitors by internally adopting proven business processes like the ones from the IBM Industry Models .

  22. 动词“restore”的意思是通过修理和清理来使某物恢复到以前的状态。

    The verb " restore " means to return something to an earlier condition by repairing and cleaning it .

  23. SOA的一个挑战就是明智地使用治理来使SOA更好地工作,而不会让治理方面的顾虑淹没了所有其他事项。

    A challenge for SOA is using governance judiciously to make SOA work better without letting concerns about governance overwhelm everything else .

  24. 利用UNIX所固有的命令行工具和特性来使您成为更优秀的博客所有者。

    Take advantage of the command-line tools and features inherent to UNIX to make you a better blogger .

  25. 在DB2中,行不能跨页,您可能无法实现足够的压缩来使一页可以容纳多行。

    DB2 rows cannot span pages , and you may not achieve enough compression to fit more than one row on a page .

  26. 在使用MappingEditor时,可以使用一些最佳实践来使映射更易于导航、理解和维护。

    When working in the Mapping Editor , there are things you can do to make the maps easier to navigate , understand , and maintain .

  27. JavaScript中有一些使用关键字函数的方法来使其偏向于面向对象。

    With JavaScript , there are a handful of ways to get something object-ish , all of which use the keyword function .

  28. PortfolioManager提供了需要的框架来使这个联合容易实现,鼓励讨论,并允许基于工程出现的正在进行的人员配备调整。

    Portfolio Manager provides the needed framework to facilitate this joining , stimulates the discussion , and allows for ongoing staffing adjustments based on the emergence of the project .

  29. 你可以用幻灯片和Powerpoint等视觉效果来使演讲更有趣。

    You can make your speech more interesting using visual aids like overhead slides and Powerpoint .

  30. 我试图使用这个工具箱的很不错的高级功能来使自己只需调用Web服务就可以得到Java编程语言的一个简单的老基本数据类型double。

    I try to use the nice high level features of the toolkit to allow me to simply call the Web service and get back a plain old Java programming language double primitive type .