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qiāng guǎn
  • barrel;gun-barrel;barrel of a gun;barrel assembly
枪管[qiāng guǎn]
  1. 他把枪管塞进了另一个人的嘴里。

    He pushed the barrel of the gun into the other man 's open mouth .

  2. 在TKB-022突击步枪是气与周围的环形气体活塞位于枪管武器。

    The TKB-022 assault rifle is gas-operated weapon with annular gas piston located around the barrel .

  3. 枪管温度场和热应力的研究

    The Study to Temperature Field and Thermal Stress in the Barrel

  4. 枪管的一端装有镭。

    At one end of the barrel there was some radium .

  5. 子弹卡在枪管里了,对吗?

    The bullet jammed in the feed , didn 't it ?

  6. 很可能是从多边形的枪管里发射的。

    Which means it was probably fired from a polygonal barrel .

  7. 锅炉吹灰器枪管环缝焊接机床的设计

    Design of encircling welding lathe for boiler sootblower 's pipe

  8. 陶瓷内衬煤粉喷枪枪管的制备

    Manufacture of ceramic lined barrel of coal powder injection gun

  9. 这位枪管局的女士是要跟我们合作的吗?

    This the ATF lady that 's working with us ?

  10. 承受热冲击的大口径机枪枪管的热效应分析

    Thermal Effect of Large-calibre Machine-gun Barrel Subjected to Thermal Shock

  11. 枪管径向冷精锻成形技术的应用研究

    Application Research of Radial Cold Forging Technology on Barrels Forming

  12. 他把枪管放在洞里枪口朝外。

    He placed his guns in the cave pointing outwards .

  13. 深孔镀铬与枪管寿命的关系

    The Relation of Deep Hole Cr-plating to Barrel Life

  14. 枪管镀铬的若干问题

    Discussion about Several Problems on the Chrome-plating of Barrels

  15. 复合枪管传热的数值分析

    Numerical Analysis of Heat Transfer for Composite Gun Barrel

  16. 石油油井用枪管的研制

    The development of the barrel for petroleum well

  17. 不同机匣-枪管联结系统的动特性实验

    The Experimental Studies of the Dynamic Properties of the Combined Receiver-barrel System of Gun

  18. 凯尔,过渡时期行政区域渔业步枪是燃气经营,使用短行程导气活塞位于枪管上方。

    Kel-tec RFB rifle is gas-operated , using short-stroke gas piston located above the barrel .

  19. 枪管旋压机微机控制系统的设计与应用

    Design and Application of Microcomputer Control System in Spinning Machine of The Hunting Rifle Tube

  20. 在射击试验中,一枚子弹在枪管中爆炸,有两个人受了伤。

    Two men were injured when a shell burst in a barrel during firing tests .

  21. 机枪在射击过程中,枪管温度的升高直接影响机枪的动力特性。

    In firing of machine guns , temperature field of barrel affects the dynamic characteristic directly .

  22. 建立了陶瓷镶套枪管设计理论并开发了通用设计程序。

    The theory for gun tube design is established , and general program is worked out .

  23. 由此气体得以枪管里泄出,而子弹的速度也会降到音速以下。

    This lets the gas escape and slows the bullet to below the speed of sound .

  24. 计算结果对进一步研究枪管结构具有参考价值。

    The calculation results are valuable for the further study on the structure of gun barrel .

  25. 它也可能配备有一个在枪管下榴弹发射器或使用一个小刺刀。

    It also can be fitted with an under-barrel grenade launcher or with a knife bayonet .

  26. 枪管本身的轮廓和身份证重凹槽,以减轻重量,提高散热。

    The barrel itself has heavy contours and id fluted to reduce weight and improve heat dissipation .

  27. 枪管缓冲器活塞杆组件

    Barrel buffer piston rod assembly

  28. 通过对玩具枪管塑件的结构和工艺分析,进行了模具设计。

    The injection mold was designed by analysis of structure and process of a toy gun barrel .

  29. 枪管裂纹分析

    Crack Analysis of Barrel

  30. 该发射器采用原位冷凝法同时冷凝25支枪管生成25粒氢或氘丸。

    The in situ condensation is employed in this injector for making 25 pellets in 25 gun barrels simultaneously .