
  • 网络revenue-producingasset;CORE ASSET
  1. 业界巨头李泽楷(richardli)旗下的香港固话电信集团电讯盈科(pccw)昨日表示,计划将一些核心资产重组至一个独立的控股集团,并将新公司45%的股权出售给投资者。

    PCCW , the Hong Kong fixed-line telecoms group chaired by tycoon Richard Li , said yesterday it planned to fold some of its core assets into a separate holding group and sell up to 45 per cent of the new company to investors .

  2. 油气储量既是油公司的核心资产,也是其价值的重要体现。

    Hydrocarbon reservoir is not only the core assets but also the value embodiment of the oilfield company .

  3. 所有这些在核心资产文件上的修改必须遵从RAS。

    All the modifications on the core asset file must follow the RAS .

  4. imf预期,去杠杆化大部分将通过出售证券和非核心资产进行。

    The IMF expected most of the deleveraging to come from sales of securities and non-core assets .

  5. 这些出售过程表明,在迪拜寻求削减其1000多亿美元债务之际,在迪拜世界(DubaiWorld)集团以外,迪拜各机构也在寻求出售业绩较好的非核心资产。

    These sales processes indicate that Dubai entities in addition to the Dubai World conglomerate are seeking to sell off better-performing , non-core assets as the emirate seeks to reduce its US $ 100bn-plus in debts .

  6. BP可以相当容易地筹到100亿美元。他指出,BP仅仅是在加速剥离其本来打算在未来3到5年剥离的非核心资产。

    BP can get to $ 10bn quite easily , he said , noting that the company was merely accelerating the divestments of non-core assets it would have otherwise sold over the next three to five years .

  7. 据行业研究及咨询公司derrickpetroleumservices称,受大型石油集团剥离非核心资产行动的拉动,过去两年,资产出售的步伐骤然加快。

    Driven by moves by the big oil groups to offload their non-core assets , the sell-off has gathered pace sharply over the past two years , according to derrick petroleum services , the industry research and consulting firm .

  8. 阿里巴巴是未上市的阿里巴巴集团的核心资产,阿里巴巴集团还拥有互联网拍卖网站淘宝网(Taobao)、在线支付系统支付宝(Alipay)以及2005年购入的雅虎(Yahoo)中国业务。

    Alibaba.com is the centrepiece of unlisted Alibaba Group , which also owns internet auction site Taobao , online payment system Alipay , and Yahoo 's China operations , acquired in 2005 .

  9. AIG在2008年末全球金融危机时期曾接受美国政府大约1800亿美元的纾困,随着AIG逐步偿还这笔救助款,该公司近期一直在出售非核心资产。

    AIG has been selling non-core assets as it moves to repay the US government , which bailed out the insurer to the tune of $ 180bn during the global financial crisis in late 2008 .

  10. 潘伟迪表示,花旗控股(CitiHoldings)继续出售业务,将有助于为亚洲的增长机遇提供资金。花旗控股持有花旗的非核心资产,其中包括美国次贷。

    The continuing sale of businesses in Citi Holdings , a unit that holds the bank 's non-core assets including US subprime mortgages , would help provide capital to fund growth opportunities in Asia , said Mr Pandit .

  11. creo表示,取得上述进展,是通过处置非核心资产,为投资资产进行再融资,并改善资本状况。

    Creo said that progress was being made to refinance investment assets and strengthen its capital position through the disposal of non-core holdings .

  12. 知情人士称,花旗集团(Citigroup)将于今日确定可能被出售的多至4000亿美元非核心资产,这是该行削减成本并恢复两位数利润增幅的计划的一部分。

    Citigroup will today identify as much as $ 400bn in non-core assets that could be sold as part of plans to reduce costs and restore profit growth to double-digit rates , according to people close to the situation .

  13. 在过去6个月中,该公司已处置了几处非核心资产,其中包括位于加拿大的ekati钻石矿。

    It has disposed of several non-core assets over the past six months , including the Ekati diamond mine in Canada .

  14. 上个月,电讯盈科拒绝了私人股本公司对HKT45%股权的出价,理由是要约吸引力并不足够。HKT是为电讯盈科核心资产新成立的控股公司。

    Last month , PCCW rejected private equity bids for a 45 per cent stake in HKT , a newly created holding company for the assets , dismissing the offers as not sufficiently attractive .

  15. 交易各方未披露交易条款,但条款很可能是与中国国资委(Sasac)共同商议后敲定的。国资委正在敦促大型国有工业集团出售非核心资产。

    The terms of that transaction were not disclosed but were likely to have been decided in consultation with China 's State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission , which is urging large state-owned industrial conglomerates to sell off non-core assets .

  16. 像这些非核心资产在上市前已被适当地分拆出来。

    The non-core asset was duly hived off before the listing .

  17. 强化油气储量核心资产的管理;

    Beef up management of core oil / gas assets ;

  18. 分析了核心资产库的度量与管理。

    Analyzed the measurement and management of core asset library .

  19. 一家大学捐赠基金的管理者称:美国国债过去是一项核心资产。

    Treasuries were a core holding , said one university fund manager .

  20. 这个缺口可以通过留存收益和出售其他非核心资产来弥补。

    That could be filled through retained earnings and sales of other non-core assets .

  21. 知识经济时代,无形资产是企业的核心资产。

    In the economic era , intangible asset is the core asset of an enterprise .

  22. 但与福特不同,通用必须尽快剥离非核心资产,否则就只能关闭。

    But unlike Ford , GM needs to shed non-core assets quickly or close them down .

  23. 因此,知识管理对于企业特别是以知识为核心资产的咨询公司来讲是至关重要的。

    Therefore , knowledge management is indispensable to enterprises especially those consulting companies whose core asset is knowledge .

  24. 二是为利润的长期增长进行战略性投资,继续推行向上游倾斜的政策。三是进行资产优化组合,剥离成本高、缺乏发展潜力的非战略核心资产,提高资本回报率。

    By making strategic investments and continuing to rely on the up-stream sector for long-term increase in profits ;

  25. 公司的核心资产包括其值得信赖的品牌和处于优势地位的房地产租约。

    Among the core assets of the company are its trusted brand and its well-placed real estate leases .

  26. 平台为用户提供了相应的核心资产生成工具,产品组装工具和管理工具。

    The platform provided users with the corresponding core asset generation tools , product assembly tools and management tools .

  27. 鉴于其核心资产组合的质量,债务重组也应该是可能的。

    Given the quality of the core portfolio , a debt restructuring should not be out of the question .

  28. 该集团表示,将在未来4年内裁员2500人,并出售非核心资产。

    The group said it would shed 2500 jobs over the next four years , and sell non-core assets .

  29. 专业外贸公司的核心资产的80%是客户资源和人才资源。

    The resources of clients and human resources take up 80 % of the total main capital in a corporation .

  30. 信贷作为现代商业银行的核心资产业务,受到中外商业银行的普遍重视。

    Credit as a core assets business of modern commercial banks draw universal attention at Chinese and foreign commercial banks .