
  • 网络archive compilation
  1. 浅谈企业档案编研的几个问题

    Talking about Some Problems of the Compiling-Studying of Enterprise 's Archives

  2. 关于高校档案编研工作的几点思考

    Some thoughts about college compiling and researching work of college files

  3. 从矛盾转化看档案编研的未来走向

    Future Trend in Editing and Studying Archives in View of Contradiction Transformation

  4. 科技档案编研工作浅议

    Discussion on the Compiling and Researching Work of Sci-tech Archives

  5. 新时期档案编研工作刍议

    Tentative Suggestions for Compiling and Researching Work of Archives in New Period

  6. 深化与拓展高校档案编研之我见

    Deepening and Expanding Editing and Researching of Archives in Higher Education Institutions

  7. 对民族档案编研中田野调查的几点思考

    Some Thoughts on Field Investigation in Editing and Researching on Ethnic Archives

  8. 提高高校档案编研质量的思考

    Thinking about How to Improve Quality of Compilation and Research of College Archives

  9. 对企业档案编研工作的探索与思考

    Exploration thought on file organization research work in enterprise

  10. 提高机关档案编研能力充分利用档案信息资源

    Enhances the institution file to arrange grinds ability full use file information resource

  11. 论宋代档案编研机构及其成就

    Organizations of File Editing and Studying and Its Achievement

  12. 建立电力工程设计档案编研模式的探讨

    Discussion about Establish of Electric Power Engineering Design Archives Compilation and Research mode

  13. 议档案编研工作的发展方向

    Development Trend in Archival Editing and Studying Work

  14. 高校档案编研工作的创新

    Innovation of archives editing and research in universities

  15. 浅谈信息时代网络环境中档案编研工作的特点

    On the Characteristics of File Editing and Research in the Age of Computer Networks

  16. 档案编研是以档案为依托开发利用档案信息的工作,在编研工作的诸多环节中涉及到著作权问题。

    Archival compilation which is dependent on archives is the information work of archives .

  17. 走向认知实践&档案编研工作的新突破

    Towards Practice of Cognition & New Breakthrough in Compiling and Researching Work of Archives

  18. 加强档案编研为企业创新发展服务

    Strength the Edition and Research of Files to Service the Enterprise for Innovation and Development

  19. 简述企业档案编研工作

    Brief Description of Enterprise 's Archives Compilation

  20. 开展科技档案编研工作加快汽车产品开发速度

    Carrying out the Editing and Researching of Technology Archives to Accelerating the Automobile Products Development

  21. 规范管理是做好科技档案编研工作的保证

    Standardized Management Is the Guarantee of Doing Well in the Compilation and research of Sci-tech Archives

  22. 也谈档案编研

    On Archival Editing and Studying

  23. 档案编研是开发利用档案信息资源的重要方式之一。

    The compiling-studying of the archives is one of the important modes for developing and utilizing the archives .

  24. 文章简述了编研工作的意义、特点以及龙羊峡水电厂开展档案编研工作的历程。

    The paper briefly describes the compilation work 's meaning , characteristic and the course of compilation work in Longyangxia Hydropower Station .

  25. 做好数字档案编研工作,可以最大限度地挖掘馆藏,为社会各项事业服务。

    Archival compilation can be applied in mining the holding at the utmost extent in order to serve various industries in the society .

  26. 信息技术的发展,使档案编研的理念、方式、方法和形式都发生了重大的变化。

    With the development of computer and network technology , archives editing and research work has witnessed fundamental changes in ideas , methods and forms .

  27. 网络环境对档案编研工作的手段方式、表现形式、档案编研信息传播利用等都产生了深刻的影响.电子计算机、多媒体处理和数据库等现代技术的应用;

    The archival documents compilation profoundly influenced by the information conditions , including application of modem techniques , such as computers , multimedia disposal and databases ;

  28. 网络时代档案编研高效便捷、灵活多样、开放集约的特点,使之具有传统档案编研无法比拟的优势。

    As a result , it is highly-effective , flexible , open and intensive , which is regarded as an unmatchable advantage compared with traditional working means .

  29. 当前,在数字档案编研工作实践中还存在着编研工作现代化程度不高、技术落后、缺乏专业人才等一些亟待解决的问题。

    Nowadays many problems remain to be solved such as low degree of modernization , lag in technology , lack of professional talents in digital data archival compilation .

  30. 数字档案编研工作作为数字档案管理工作的一个环节,是开发利用数字档案信息资源的重要手段。

    Digital data archives compilation is one of the procedures of digital data archives management , which can also play an important role in developing and utilizing the digital data archives .