
  • 网络Yoshiro Mori
  1. 日本首相森喜朗内阁的不信任决议案于星期二被否决,森喜朗已经开始作改组内阁的准备。

    Japanese Prime Minister Yoshiro mori , whose cabinet survived a no-confidence motion on tuesday , has begun preparations for a cabinet reshuffle .

  2. 2020年东京奥组委主席森喜朗于上周五表示,福岛县营吾妻球场将举办至少一场棒球和垒球比赛。

    The Azuma Baseball Stadium in Fukushima city will host at least one baseball and one softball match , Tokyo 2020 president Yoshiro Mori said on Friday .

  3. 要求日相森喜朗下台压力日渐升高。

    Pressure mounts on Japan PM Mori to step down .

  4. 森喜朗上台后的日本外交

    Japanese Diplomacy Since Mori Came to Power

  5. 森喜朗表示,在这个地点举办比赛,将有利于推动该地区的灾后重建。

    The move to hold matches in the prefecture will help boost the region , Mr Mori said .

  6. 事于效率功于发展&从效率研究探索现代化医疗环境可持续发展的若干思考森喜朗安度倒阁案,但支持率持续下滑

    Working on Efficiency , Aiming at Development : Some Reflection upon Exploring the Sustainable Development of the Modernized Medical Environmental from the Aspect of Efficiency Research

  7. 在佐佐木宏辞职前,担任2020年东京奥运会组委会主席的森喜朗上个月因针对女性的性别歧视言论辞职。

    Sasaki 's resignation follows that of Yoshiro Mori who served as president of the Tokyo 2020 organizing committee . Mori last month over sexist remarks against women .

  8. 在这项史无前例的人事异动中,森喜朗将指派宫泽喜一及桥本龙太郎这两位前任首相出任重要的职务,而他们也都在国会中都拥有大批忠实的拥护者。

    In an unprecedented move , Mori assigned key posts to two former prime ministers-Kiichi Miyazawa and Ryutaro Hashimoto , who both have legions of loyal followers in Parliament .

  9. 在一份联合声明中,日本首相森喜朗和法国总统希拉克称他们认识到许多人对世界经济全球化的担忧。

    In a joint statement , Japan 's Premier Mori and French President Jacques Chirac said they accepted that many people were worried by the growing globalisation of the world economy .

  10. 日本首相森喜朗的内阁周二上午进行总辞,为森喜朗宣布新内阁名单正式开启了一条路。

    Prime Minister Yoshiro Mori 's Cabinet resigned en masse Tuesday morning , formally opening the way for Mori to announce a new Cabinet that will oversee a sweeping restructuring of Japan 's bureaucracy .