
zhèng fǎn jiāo
  • reciprocal cross
正反交[zhèng fǎn jiāo]
  1. 正反交F1花培绿苗率存在一定差异。

    Differences of green plantlet frequency were detected in each reciprocal cross .

  2. 南黄大麦经正反交遗传实验,F1代叶色性状均表现母本性状,故为细胞质遗传。

    Nanchong yellowish barley ′ s reciprocal cross experiments showed that the leaf character of F is the same as the maternal ones . So it is due to cytoplasm heredity .

  3. 正反交F1培养力间存在显著差异。

    The culture abilities were also significantly different between reciprocal crosses ( F_1 ) .

  4. F1的结实率正反交组合均很低,平均为2.98%,种子发芽率平均为32.38%。

    The seed-set rate of reciprocal cross combination is 2.98 % , rate of mean seed emergence is 32.38 % .

  5. Waxy蛋白缺失小麦及正反交组合淀粉特性的研究

    Starch Properties of Waxy-Protein Deficient Wheat and Its Reciprocal Hybrids

  6. 对完全双列杂交F1的正反交进行t测验,在11个具有开颖角度的正反交组合中,只有3个组合差异极显著,存在细胞质效应。

    The three combinations can be examined apparent cytoplasm effect by t-test among 11 F1 reciprocal crosses that can open glume .

  7. 整体上,亲子代间及正反交F1间甲基化差异不显著。

    As a whole , cytosine methylation was not significantly different among parental lines and hybrids of reciprocal crosses . 3 .

  8. 叶片形态偏离正常的孟德尔式遗传,正反交F2与回交B2世代之间性状分离结果呈现出显著差异,而且这种分离差异在高世代衍生家系间以及不同交配系统中和不同年度间表现一致。

    It was shown that the inheritance of leaf shape deviated from the Mendelian manner . The segregation ratios differed significantly between the reciprocal crosses in the F_2 generation as well as in the BC_2 generation .

  9. 应用BLUP法分析正反交循环杂交试验中遗传效应的研究

    Study on the analysis of the genetic effects in reciprocal circulant crosses with BLUP

  10. 结论:果蝇翅型基因互作类型为隐性上位,正反交F2比例不同。

    Conclusion : The fin-type gene interaction of Drosophila melanogaster is recessive epistasis , and the proportion of F2 in reciprocal crosses is different .

  11. 结果表明:卵期,正反交F1代的酯酶活性较两亲本的活性高,正反交F1代的酯酶活性OD值分别为0.6305,0.5515;

    Results showed that the optical density ( OD ) of esterase activity of reciprocal hybrids was 0.6305, 0.5515 respectively , and higher than their parents ′ .

  12. 本文报道不同遗传型的12个粳稻品种间正反交F1对水稻花药培养力的影响,以及愈伤组织诱导率和绿苗分化率与培养力的关系。

    12 japonica varieties were used to study the effects of genotype on anther culture ability and the contribution of callus inducing rate , green plant differentiation rate to anther culture ability in rice in this report .

  13. 以甘蔗6个亲本选配8个正反交组合的F1代为试验材料,研究了亲本品种作母本或作父本对后代7个主要经济性状表现的相对效应。

    The F_1 generation of 8 direct and reciprocal crosses mated by 6 sugarcane varieties was used as experimental material . The relative effects of pistil or pollen parents on 7 major economic characters of progenies were evaluated .

  14. 研究了Waxy蛋白缺失类型小麦材料及正反交组合F1代的直链淀粉含量、膨胀势和降落数值等淀粉理化特性以及它们之间的相关性。

    The properties of starch such as amylose content , swelling potential and falling number in different Waxy-protein deficient materials and their reciprocal hybrids were studied in this paper .

  15. 长形果与短形果的正反交,F1代果实均出现长形果,表现为长形果显性遗传;

    Hybridization of long shape and short shape fruits in positive and negative way , F_1 hybrid generation are all long shape , showed obvious long shape pear heredity ;

  16. 自交不亲和系的‘9’总体甲基化的水平比自交不亲和系的‘甘6’高出2.34%;正反交的子代基因组DNA的甲基化水平差异较小。

    Self-incompatibility line of ' 9 ' overall percentage of methylation than the self-incompatibility system in the ' Gan 6 ' higher than 2.34 % . Self-compatible line and the self-incompatible line reciprocal cross the progeny genomic DNA methylation level of disparity . 2 .

  17. 结果表明:正反交后代的显性度分别为-03153(F1)和-03763(F′1),表明抗性遗传为常染色体的不完全隐性;

    The results showed that the main resistant gene was autosomal and incompletely recessive , with degree of dominance ( D ) -0.3153 ( F - ( 1 )) and -0.3763 ( F ~ ′ - ( 1 ));

  18. F2这6种特征性状均为连续变异,有相当比例的个体表现超亲遗传,正反交趋势一致;

    The 6 Chen g 's index traits of F 2 ranged successively , and many individuals showed over - parent genetics , with the same trends in both direct cross and reciprocal cross .

  19. 以桃品种‘京玉’、‘美味’的正反交F1代群体69株为试材,采用RAPD、AFLP技术与BSA相结合的方法筛选与桃果实非酸/酸性状连锁的分子标记。

    In this research molecular markers linked to non-acid / acid trait in peach fruit were detected with RAPD and AFLP technique coupled with BSA method in 69 F1 population hybrid from the intra-specific cross between peach cultivars Jingyu ?

  20. 采用刺梨‘贵农6号’(抗)ב贵农5号’(感)正反交获得的F1代群体,对刺梨白粉病抗性的遗传倾向进行研究。

    F_1 progenies of ' Guinong 6 '( resistant )×' Guinong 5 '( susceptible ) and their reciprocal cross were used to investigate the inheritance tendency of resistance to powdery mildew disease of chestnut rose ( Rosa roxburghii Tratt ) .

  21. 以选自不同杂优类群、淀粉含量不同的10个自交系为亲本,按照Griffing设计配成正反交90个组合,在河南3个地点随机区组试验。

    Ninety reciprocal crosses were composed according to Griffing design using 10 inbreds with variance starch concentration selected from different heterotic groups , and treated under randomized block design at three locations in Henan .

  22. 为了提高千粒重,连续8年对普通小麦(T.aestivum)和硬粒小麦(T.durum)的正反交后代进行种质创新研究。

    In order to improve the thousand-grain weight ( TGW ), the researches on progenies derivated from interspecific reciprocal hybridization between common wheat ( T.aestivum ) and durum wheat ( T.durum ) have been carried out 8 years successively to innovate new germplasm .

  23. 玉米正反交对主要性状和产量影响的研究

    Effect of Reciprocal Crosses on Main Characters and Yield of Maize Hybrids

  24. 正反交间存在显著差异。

    There existed remarkable difference between a cross and its reciprocal cross ing .

  25. 野黄瓜与栽培黄瓜正反交异源四倍体序列消除的初步研究

    Preliminary studies on sequence elimination of reciprocal allotetraploids from Cucumis hystrix and C. sativus

  26. 大豆脂肪酸组份含量的正反交效应和配合力分析

    Analysis of reciprocal cross effect and combining ability of fatty acid compositions of soybean

  27. 三个番茄品种及其正反交后代离体培养分化成苗能力的研究

    Study on In Vitro Shoot-Forming Capacity of Three Tomato Varieties and Their Reciprocal Gross Progenies

  28. 陆地棉品种间杂交种鄂杂棉3号正反交后代产量性状研究

    Study on yield components of offspring of reciprocal cross in upland cotton intervarietal hybrid E-za-mian No.3

  29. 鲤科鱼类6个正反交人工异源三倍体胚胎的染色体变化及其发育命运

    Chromosomal changes and developmental fates of artificial allotriploid embryos in 6 reciprocal crosses of cyprinid fishes

  30. 水稻正反交导入系群体构建和重要农艺性状的分子定位

    Molecular Mapping of Important Agronomic Traits in Rice Using Reciprocal Introgressive Line ( IL ) Populations