
  1. 《武媚娘传奇》在以流行节目著名的省级电视台湖南卫视播出。

    a provincial television station known for its popular programs .

  2. 电视剧《武媚娘传奇》成了观众们的新宠。

    The TV drama The Empress of China is hot among audiences recently .

  3. 上周四,《武媚娘传奇》得以复播,只是经过剪裁的画面就只剩下演员们的“大头”。

    The show began to air once again on last Thursday , but with edited scenes that show only the character 's heads .

  4. 因为人物穿着暴露的“技术原因”,《武媚娘传奇》一度遭到停播;近日,这部国产电视剧携仅剩“大头照”的演员重回荧幕。

    A Chinese television drama that was pulled off the air for " technical reasons " after the characters were shown in revealing clothing is now back on TV showing only the actor 's heads .

  5. 戴安娜还表示,仅2015年,该字幕组就为《武媚娘传奇》、《无心法师》、《他来了,请闭眼》和《花千骨》等多部中国电视剧做了字幕。

    According to Diana , in 2015 alone , the Bears has subtitled various Chinese series like The Empress of China , Wu Xin : the Monster Killer , Love Me If You Dare , The Journey of Flower and so on .

  6. 这部讲述中国唯一女帝武则天的《武媚娘传奇》于2014年12月21日开播,仅一周之后,就因为“技术原因”被湖南卫视停播。

    The drama , " The Empress of China " also known as the " Saga of Wu Zetian , " highlights the life of China 's only known empress . It began broadcasting on Dec. 21 , 2014 , but was removed a week later by commercial satellite station Hunan TV for " technical reasons . "