
  1. 道德危险问题一直伴随着保险业的发展,这在死亡保险合同中表现得更为明显。

    The insurance line is always developing with moral hazards , which is more obvious in the Death Insurance Contract .

  2. 接着以可保危险为参照对道德危险进行研究,并比较、分析了道德危险在死亡保险合同与其他保险合同中的区别。

    The author analyzes three theories about moral hazard , and define the moral hazard by comparing with deceit in insurance as well as other concepts .

  3. 保险受益权是指受益人依照具有死亡因素的保险合同的约定或者法律的规定,于被保险人死亡后享有的领取保险金的权利。

    If the beneficiary deliberately contributes to the death of the insured , he will forfeit his beneficial right in the light of the law .

  4. 保险受益人仅存在于生存保险之外的人身保险合同中,即具有死亡因素的保险合同中。

    The former is valid only in the contract of life insurance except that of the endowment insurance , the insurance contract that encompasses death elements in other words .

  5. 不论在保险费交付期,还是在养老金领取期,如被保险人死亡,则保险合同即告终止,保险人没有退还保险费或给付养老金的义务。

    Be in no matter insurance premium consign period , still get in annuities period , if insurant dies , safe the contract ends namely stop , the underwriter did not reimburse insurance premium or give the obligation that pays old-age pension .