
  • 网络After Life;World after death;Life after Life;after-world
  1. 我见过我死后的世界。

    I 've seen life after my death .

  2. 看来古驰保护自己品牌的热情已经延伸到了死后的世界。

    It seems Gucci 's zeal to protect its brand extends into the hereafter .

  3. 随着年龄的变老,人们尤其是天主教徒往往会更多地思考死后的世界。

    As you get older , people – especially Catholics – tend to think more about the afterlife .

  4. 因为当我想象自己死后的世界时,会再度将自己带入其中。

    Because when I try to imagine a world in which I 'm dead , I smuggle myself back in .

  5. 有许许多多的哲学流派描述了死后的世界,却全都彼此矛盾。

    There are scores of philosophies which speak about what happens after death and all these philosophies are contradictory to each other .

  6. 冥币是给去世的家人的钱,可以用来在死后的世界买到他们需要的东西。

    Ancestor money is the money that family members who have passed on can use t in the afterlife to get things they need .

  7. 所以我并没有真正,想想自己不存在的世界,自己死后的世界,一个我无法再思考和观察的世界。

    So I haven 't really imagined the world in which I no longer exist , a world in which I 'm dead , a world in which I 'm incapable of thought and observation .

  8. 可惜的是,现在还没法解释死后的生命世界。

    Unfortunately , there are no answers to the question of life after death .

  9. 你要好好照顾他和我们的孩子。会有一天我们将重逢在一个更幸福的世界里的,人们死后就会到来的那个世界。

    Take care of him and our child , and one day we shall all meet again in the happier world that comes after death .