
  • 网络The Weekly Review
  1. 《每周评论》对推动五四时期舆论界的进步起了极为重要的作用。

    The Weekly Review was effecting on the media in the period of the May fourth movement .

  2. 《每周评论》时期高一涵政治思想研究

    On Gao Yi-han 's politic thought in the period of Weekly Review

  3. 治疗我们的世界:每周评论生命能够在地球耗竭的臭氧层底下存活吗?

    Healing Our World : Weekly Comment Can Life Survive Earth 's Depleted Ozone Layer ?

  4. 课程包括每周评论。

    The classes included weekly criticism .

  5. 五四新文化派的政治转向及其思想差异&以《每周评论》时期为中心的分析

    Neo-Culture Intellectuals ' Shift to Political Reality and Their Ideological Differences & Focusing on Period of Weekly Review

  6. 间接传播有三种不同的传播途径,其一、借助于《新青年》的卫星刊物《新潮》、《每周评论》等;

    Indirect media have three approaches : the first one is Renaissance and The Weekly Criticism that circle New Youth .

  7. 从《新青年》和《每周评论》演绎出的思想史命题来看,今天的学术立意不应该总是停留在孰胜孰负的判别上。

    From the perspective of the topics of the ideological history that evolved from New Youth and Weekly Review , the present academic conception should not remain at the stage of judgment of winners or losers .

  8. 传记作家,每周为《国民评论》撰写专栏。

    He is a biographer and weekly columnist for the national review .

  9. 教师安东尼-科迪在《每周教育》中评论到:人为教学的好处就在于我们当然都是感性的。

    Teacher Anthony Cody , writing in Education Week , commented : The wonderful thing about having human beings as teachers is that we are naturally empathetic .

  10. 教师安东尼-科迪在《每周教育》中评论到:“人为教学的好处就在于我们当然都是感性的。我们不需要皮肤电流传感器来检测学生什么时候昏昏欲睡,什么时候不感兴趣。我们环顾一下教室就知道了!”

    Teacher Anthony Cody , writing in Education Week , commented : " The wonderful thing about having human beings as teachers is that we are naturally empathetic . We do not need galvanic skin sensors to detect when our students are drowsy or disinterested we can look around the room in an instant and know ! "