
  • 网络comparative education research;COMPARATIVE EDUCATION REVIEW
  1. 《比较教育研究》的学术影响力评价

    Evaluation on the Academic Influence of Comparative Education Review

  2. 《比较教育研究》1998-2004年论文研究策略统计分析

    A Statistical Analysis of Research Strategies Used by the articles Published in Comparative Education Review from 1998 to 2004

  3. 北美比较教育研究CIES人员统计分析述略

    A Brief Account of North American Comparative Education Research & " CIES Staff Statistical Analysis "

  4. 全球化时代西方比较教育研究的现状及发展趋向

    Comparative Education in the west : Issues and Trends Under Globalization

  5. 我国比较教育研究中借鉴问题的反思&从后殖民理论角度出发

    A Reflection on the Borrowing in Comparative Education Studies in China

  6. 中国比较教育研究参与国际对话的方略选择

    The Participating Strategy of Chinese Comparative Education Research in International Dialogue

  7. 阐释了文化研究在比较教育研究中的意义。

    Study explains the cultural significance of Comparative Education Research .

  8. 知识与理性&哈耶克知识论观照下的比较教育研究

    Knowledge and Rationality-Comparative Education Research from the Perspective of Hayek 's Epistemology

  9. 论比较教育研究的实用性

    COMPARE On the Practicability of the Comparative Study of Education

  10. 论质的研究方法在我国比较教育研究中的应用

    The Application of Qualitative Research in Chinese Comparative Education Study

  11. 试论霍尔姆斯的比较教育研究方法&问题解决法

    On Holmes 's Comparative Education Research Method : Problem-solving Approach

  12. 全球化时代比较教育研究的使命与作用

    The Mission and Role of Comparative Education Research in the Globalization Era

  13. 论比较教育研究中的多元文化主义研究范式

    On the Comparative Education Research in the Paradigm of Multiculturalism

  14. 类比:比较教育研究及其创新的思维本质

    Analogy : The Essence of Thinking in Comparative Education Study and Its Innovation

  15. 民族国家教育知识和比较教育研究&比较教育学科体系再思考

    Educational Knowledge of Nation-state and Comparative Education Research

  16. 中国比较教育研究方法的革新:文化人类学视角

    Innovation of Research Methods for Chinese Comparative Education : the Perspective of Cultural Anthropology

  17. 是比较教育研究的需要;

    Need of study on comparative education ;

  18. 质的研究方法与比较教育研究

    Quality Study and Comparative Education Study

  19. 全球化与本土化视野下的比较教育研究范式之审视

    Examining the Research Paradigms of Comparative Education in the field of Vision of Globalization and Localization

  20. 本文主要探讨了比较教育研究国际视野和民族立场的关系问题。

    This paper focuses on the relationship between international perspective and national standpoint of comparative education research .

  21. 霍尔姆斯的比较教育研究方法&问题解决法在比较教育领域具有重要地位。

    Holmes 's comparative education research method , problem-solving approach has had important position in comparative education field .

  22. 《比较教育研究》计量评价与比较教育研究发展现状分析

    Analyses of the Current State of Comparative Education Research by Measuring and Evaluating " Comparative Education Research "

  23. 质的研究方法在国外的比较教育研究中应用很多,而在我国的应用尚不普遍。

    Qualitative research methods have been widely used in comparative education research at abroad and are not popular at home .

  24. 只有承认价值存在并分析其涉入比较教育研究的形式和条件,才能更好地促进比较教育研究的发展。

    We need to admit its existence and analysis the form and the conditions of value-involvement in comparative education research .

  25. 文章认为,比较教育研究应该有边界,教育体系、民族国家、教育问题的当代性等是比较教育研究的边界;

    It suggests that comparative education research should have boundaries , such as educational system , nation-states and contemporary nature of educational issues .

  26. 建立在后实证主义、批判主义、建构主义三种范式基础之上的质的研究方法在比较教育研究中日渐显其重要地位。

    Quality study , with its establishment based on post-positivism , criticism , and constructivism , is increasingly prominent in comparative education study .

  27. 在宏观与微观兼具的视野中积极地去透视、理解和改造教育,从而达到比较教育研究的目的。

    Knowing about , understanding and reforming education from the macro and micro perspective so as to achieve the goal of comparative education research .

  28. 在比较教育研究中人力资本理论多被用来解释发达国家和发展中国家为何都不惜成本地向教育事业投资的现象。

    Human capital theory is often used in comparative education study to explain why both developed country and developing country invest in education at all costs .

  29. 在研究方法方面,他将实证主义研究方法引入比较教育研究,开辟了比较教育实证范式研究的方向。

    On research methods , he has introduced positivist method into comparative education research , and has set a new direction of comparative education research paradigm .

  30. 目前,国内比较教育研究仍然多以发达国家为对象,对发展中国家教育问题的探讨较为缺乏。

    At present , developed countries are mainly taken as the study objective in domestic comparative education researches . However , the debate on developing countries are relatively less .