
mín zú yǔ
  • Ethnic language;national language
  1. 只愿意去学汉语或英语,反对民族语教学的现象。

    Only want to learn Chinese or English oppose national language teaching .

  2. 第三部分对杂居区的语言使用现状(包括方言和民族语)和普通话水平现状进行说明。

    The third part has depicted the language usage and Putonghua level in the multiethnic areas ( including dialects and national language ) .

  3. 基于GMM的语种识别系统,不需要人工标注语料,具有良好的移植性,特别适合于中国少数民族语的语种识别。

    Based on GMM for language identification system does not require manual tagging corpus , so it has a good portable .

  4. 临夏话受当地少数民族语影响,基本语序已变为sov型。

    Influenced by local minority dialects including Dongxiang , Linxia dialect has basically been changed into svo pattern .

  5. 据此提出,近60年来,使用鄂伦春语的人数逐渐减少,不懂本民族语的人数逐渐增多,近20年速度明显加快。

    By the present 60 years , more and more people knew little about the Olunchun language .

  6. 除此之外,现代锡伯族还掌握汉语、维吾尔语、哈萨克语等民族语。

    What is more , they can also speak Chinese , Uigur , Kazakh , and so on .

  7. 并且,没有任何一种民族语能够承担得起为了适应别的民族的需要而改革本族语。

    Further , no Nation can afford to modify its native language enough to accommodate the rest of the world .

  8. 汉语教育和民族语教育都是为民族的繁荣发展服务的,只不过汉语教育重在发展而民族语教育则重在保护。

    Both education of Chinese and education of ethnic languages have the common purpose of serving the prosperous development of nationalities .

  9. 少数民族语地名汉语拼音字母音译转写法GB/T3259-1992中文书刊名称汉语拼音拼写法

    Methods for Converting Minority-language Geographical Names to Pinyin Romanization Transliterating rules of Chinese phonetic-Alphabet on titles for books and periodicals in Chinese

  10. 民族语译制是加速器,可以促进民族地区的经济和社会进步;

    For another , where home-made-mandarin products are rendered for ethnic audiences , it is an accelerator for local economy and social progress .

  11. 第五章重点讨论汉藏系少数民族语鼻音的分布和演变为汉语研究提供的启示。

    Chapter Five talks about the inspiration to the study of Chinese based on the distribution and historical evolution of the minority languages .

  12. 清以前,少数民族语名称的汉语音译多有不准确、不稳定、带附会歧视色彩等缺失。

    Before the Qing dynasty , there was so much disadvantages as inaccurate , instable and discrimination in the transliterated course of names from minorities'language .

  13. 最好的办法是为全世界所接受的共同语言,这种语言必须是一个人造的语言,因为现存的所有民族语均不能胜任。

    Such a language must necessarily be an artificial one , for no existing National language can really pretend to be sufficiently suitable for the purpose .

  14. 地名的构成具有一定的语法规律,地名的用词和民族语、方言紧密相关,呈现出区域的差异性。

    The composition of the place-name has a certain grammar rule , and terms of place-name have close connection with national language and dialects , shows regional differences .

  15. 在此情况下,包含我国族际通用语汉语和本民族语母语的少数民族双语学习已很难满足社会发展的需求。

    In this case , the bilingual learning , that is , Chinese and another national minority language ( mother tongue ), is inadequate to meet the demand of social development in minority ethnic district .

  16. 中国东西部民族语地名修辞方法初探&以满语与苗语地名为例

    Tentatively on the Rhetoric of Place Names in the National Languages in the Eastern and Western Parts of China Taking Manchu and Miao Language as Examples ; Methods for Converting Minority-language Geographical Names to Pinyin Romanization

  17. 英语在当今世界交往中起到了暂时国际辅助语的作用,但由于民族语的局限、英语变体的存在,使英语不可能满足世界范围的交际需要。

    Now English plays a role of international common language in world communication . But because of the limits of national language and because of the existence of different changes of English , it cannot meet the needs of worldwide communication .

  18. 以实例探讨汉语借词对少数民族语语音、语义、语法系统的影响,从而证明汉语借词对少数民族语具有丰富语体色彩词汇等积极作用。

    This paper takes living examples to probe into the influence of Chinese loanwords on the phonetic , semantic , grammatical system of minority languages , which proves that Chinese loanwords has positive function to enrich semantic vocabulary of minority languages .

  19. 长期以来《圣经》翻译的地位举足轻重,特别是在古罗马后期以及中古时期各民族语发展过程中,《圣经》翻译扮演着最为重要的角色。

    A long time the translation of The Bible holds an important position , especially in the late ancient Rome as well as the process of the development of the national language of the Middle Ages . The translation of The Bible plays a most important role .

  20. 第三,虽然一些论著涉及到词义变异或词汇发展变化,但多以民族语中的汉语借词为主,对于固有词的发展变化则论述较少。

    Thirdly , while some of works refer to development and changes of meaning variation or vocabulary , most of them have mainly focused on the Chinese loanwords in ethnic languages . Thus , discussions on the development and changes of the inherent ethnic words have been relatively small .

  21. 现代汉民族共同语的变化与方言

    Dialects and the Variance of Modern Lingua Franca of Han Nationality

  22. 中国少数民族三语教学形式简析

    A Brief Analysis on the Trilingual-teaching Forms in the Minority Areas of China

  23. 指现代汉民族共同语的书面语言。

    Vernacular Chinese is the written language commonly used by modern Han people .

  24. 民族习惯语在其形成、传承及流变中,蕴藉着丰厚的文化内涵。

    National habits have deeper cultural meaning in its formation , spread and evolution .

  25. 从电视直播庭审看提高民族共同语素质的紧迫性

    The Urgency of Improving the Quality of Putonghua Viewed by Live Trial on TV

  26. 我想要和别人交谈,用她们的民族标准语。

    I want to talk with people when they are using their mother tongue .

  27. 入选语文教材的外国语文与民族共同语的规范意识&关于《语文》(七年级·上册)《爱的教育》译文的严重缺憾

    The Foreign Language Selected for Teaching Material Language and the Norm Consciousness for the Common Language of Chinese

  28. 黑话是民族共同语在犯罪亚社会群内产生的特殊变异,它的使用往往折射出种种犯罪心理现象。

    Cants are the special aberrance of ethical common language in the criminal community ; its usage tends to reflect the various criminal psychologies .

  29. 普通话是现代汉民族共同语,是教师必备的职业技能之一。

    Putonghua ( Mandarin Chinese ) is the common speech of the modern Chinese language , which is an essential professional skill for the teachers .

  30. 民族侮慢语是一个民族对其他民族表达侮辱、贬低、歧视的语言形式,它可以通过语义降格实现,也可以绰号、蔑称或谚语的形式实现。

    National slur is a linguistic form expressing unequal treatment of one ethnic by another . It is formed through semantic degradation , by giving nicknames or derogatory terms and making proverbs .