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mín yáo
  • ballad;folk songs;folk music;folk rhyme;popular ballad
民谣 [mín yáo]
  • [folk rhyme;popular ballad] 民间歌谣

民谣[mín yáo]
  1. 第二部分主要对历史民谣资源开发利用的现状进行研究。

    The second part of the paper mainly talks about the current situation of the exploitation and utilization of the history folk rhyme resource .

  2. 本文针对政治性民谣这一现象进行辩证分析,认为其在给社会带来不安定因素的同时又能对政府作风起一种良药苦口的作用;

    This essay analyses the phenomenon of political folk rhyme , which brings impacts to the society and also plays a advisable role of proving government 's style .

  3. 埃尔维斯认为自己是民谣歌手。

    Elvis conceived of himself as a ballad singer .

  4. 那首民谣已传了几代了。

    That folk song has been handed down through generations .

  5. 她是一个民谣歌手。

    She is a folk singer .

  6. 她整晚一个接一个地大唱民谣和乡村小调。

    She belted out ballads and hillbilly songs one after another all evening .

  7. 她教他读书,还教他唱两三首民谣,弹着她的旧钢琴为他伴奏

    She taught him to read and even to sing two or three little ballads , accompanying him on her old piano .

  8. 这时候,我想起了一首充满了古老民间智慧的民谣,歌的名字叫做:《神奇的硬币》(“MagicPenny”):

    But about this time I remembered an old folk song , with old folk wisdom , called " Magic Penny " :

  9. 在1987年,桑德斯以民谣和诵读专辑《我们终将克服困难》(WeShallOvercome)开启了一段(非常)短暂的歌唱生涯。

    In 1987 , Mr. Sanders set off on a ( very ) brief singing career , with " We Shall Overcome , " an album of folk music and spoken word .

  10. 维克多开着一辆蓝色福特旅行车,同行的还有民谣乐手保罗·克莱顿(PaulClayton)和记者彼得·卡尔曼(PeterKarman)。

    Victor took the wheel of a blue Ford station wagon , also joined by the folk musician Paul Clayton and the journalist Peter Karman .

  11. 伊奈甚至计划邀请日本歌手兼作曲家KanaUemura为世博游客表演她的民谣卫浴之王(TheToiletGod)。

    The company even plans to fly in Japanese singer-songwriter Kana Uemura to treat Expo audiences to her ballad , The Toilet God .

  12. 威廉姆斯参与的八分钟动力民谣,一段搭配65人管弦乐团的合唱,以及一些沉郁的合成民谣(像一台安非他酮抗抑郁药吃完了的GPS导航仪在演奏一)。

    an eight-minute power-ballad featuring Paul Williams , a choir and a 65-person orchestra ; and a handful of downer synth ballads that sound like they 're being performed by a GPS device that 's gone off its Wellbutrin .

  13. 今年29岁的“火星哥”虽然只发行过两张录音室专辑,但是已有5首单曲登顶公告牌排行榜,其中既有深情民谣《WhenIWasYourMan》,也有雷鬼摇滚风的《LockedOutofHeaven》。

    With only two studio albums under his belt , 29-year-old Mars has already scored five No 1 songs on the Billboard charts , including the soulful ballad When I Was Your Man and the reggae-rock-style Locked Out of Heaven .

  14. 奥斯卡•伊萨克(OscarIsaac)在片中出演一位自暴自弃的民谣乐手,宿命般地献身于他的艺术,他的卓越表演令这部影片极其震撼人心。

    So much of it , though , gets to something stirring by way of Oscar Isaac 's phenomenal performance as a self-defeating folk singer fatefully dedicated to his art .

  15. 涉及的类型有民谣,有smoothjazz,甚至有些相当酷的音乐类型,比如著名纽约厂牌Fania的salsa,或是SonicYouth的一张合辑。

    The category was folk , it was smooth jazz , it was even certain types of really cool music like salsa from the famed New York label Fania or a compilation album from Sonic Youth .

  16. 失去和思念的细致表达,它可与卡朋特(TheCarpenters)及披头士一些最好的民谣比肩。

    An exquisite expression of loss and yearning , it stands should-to-shoulder with some of the best folk ballads of The Carpenters and The Beatles .

  17. 歌手Gotye的《曾经熟悉的人》获得年度音乐作品奖,民谣乐队Mumford&Sons获得年度最佳专辑奖。

    Gotye 's Somebody I Used to Know picked up record of the year and Folk-Rockers ' Mumford & Sons won album of the year for their platinum-selling Babel .

  18. 流行民谣乐队BonIver摘取最佳新人奖和最佳另类音乐专辑,JustinVernon是乐队的领唱兼词曲作者。

    Bon Iver , a folk group headed by singer-songwriter Justin Vernon , was named Best New Artist and earned a second Grammy for Best Alternative Music Album .

  19. 我不想承认我选择马拉喀什只是因为美国民谣合唱团体“Crosby,Stills&Nash”的一首歌,而我到非斯旅行则是因为滑稽帽子。

    I didn 't want to admit I chose Marrakech because of a Crosby , Stills & Nash song and that I was travelling to Fez because of the funny hats .

  20. 法昆多·卡布拉(FacundoCabral)是阿根廷最受尊敬的民谣歌手之一,在乘车前往危地马拉城机场的途中遭遇伏击。

    Facundo Cabral , one of Latin America 's most respected folk singers , was being driven to the airport in Guatemala City when his car was ambushed .

  21. 这间酒吧是欣赏葡萄牙悱恻动人的海上民谣——法朵(Fado)的最佳去处,据说拉奎尔·塔瓦雷斯(RaquelTavares)、玛瑞莎(Mariza)等明星均曾匿名在这里即兴演出过。

    The bar is a haven of Fado , Portugal 's melancholy seafaring folk music , and stars like Raquel Tavares and Mariza have been known to stop by incognito for impromptu performances .

  22. 苏格兰有一个传统就是唱一首名Auldlangsyne的传统民谣,它让我们在展望未来的时候想起了过去的美好时光,如今它正风靡英国和美国。

    One Scottish tradition which is now popular throughout the UK as well as in the USA , is the singing of a traditional folk song . ' Auld lang syne ' , reminds us to think of old friends and remember the good times of the past , as we look to the future .

  23. 苏格兰民谣的华彩乐章&彭斯抒情诗歌赏析

    The Highlight of Scottish Ballads-The Appreciation of Burn ′ s Lyrics

  24. 这专辑的主题是唱校园民谣和原创歌。

    This series focuses on school folk songs and original compositions .

  25. 披头族就会啊民谣歌手和机车骑士

    beatniks , for one . Folk singers and motorbike riders .

  26. 去年,中国民谣悄然复兴。

    Last year , Chinese folk music experienced a * renaissance .

  27. 这位民谣歌本的街头叫卖者使所有的人唱起了自由之歌;

    The street ballad seller set all men singing of liberty ;

  28. 第三章对英语民谣从起源、搜集、分类、特点进行了总结。

    Then a systematic introduction about the English ballads is made .

  29. 一种收录短小的文学作品、诗歌、民谣等的文选。

    An anthology of short literary pieces and poems and ballads etc.

  30. 民谣能让我们了解不同文化的生活。

    Folk music tells us of the life of different cultures .