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qì shì
  • momentum;imposing manner
气势 [qì shì]
  • [momentum] [人或事物] 表现出来的力量、威势

  • 民族解放运动的磅礴气势

气势[qì shì]
  1. 七檐佛殿背倚山岩,楼层飞檐翘角,殿顶琉璃装饰,流光溢彩,气势恢宏,蔚为壮观。

    Rock permitted seven canopies , cornices floors , decorative glass , Ambilight , momentum magnificent , magnificent .

  2. 她本来希望,能把这股气势带到青少年比赛中。她在那里是单打的头号种子,却在第二轮的比拼中以6(9)比7、6比2和1比6输给了俄罗斯的娜塔莉亚·维赫扬采娃(NataliaVikhlyantseva)。

    She was hoping to take that momentum through the junior tournament , where she was the No. 1 seed . But she could not get past Natalia Vikhlyantseva of Russia and lost in the second round , 7-6 ( 9 ) , 2-6 , 6-1 .

  3. 这座建筑的规模和设计气势宏伟。

    The building was awe-inspiring in size and design .

  4. 这幅画的总体效果气势磅礡。

    The overall effect of the painting is overwhelming .

  5. 圆柱在建筑中通常用来增添气势和显示地位。

    Columns are usually intended in architecture to add grandeur and status

  6. 看到此处气势如此恢宏,你可能会觉得自己很渺小。

    You may feel dwarfed by the sheer scale of the place

  7. 克林顿总统开腔时颇有气势。

    President Clinton displayed no lack of vigor when he began to speak .

  8. 杰克在宾馆里四处转了转,为其宏伟气势所倾倒。

    Jack walked around the hotel and was mesmerized by its sheer size .

  9. 这是一部气势恢宏、引人入胜的电影,充满了动人心魄的瑰丽意象。

    This is an ambitious and intriguing movie , full of striking imagery .

  10. 单从规模和气势来说,肯特的利兹城堡独领风骚。

    For sheer scale and grandeur , Leeds Castle in Kent takes some beating .

  11. 一栋如此气势辉煌的大楼就任其腐朽颓败,令人满腔愤慨。

    It is absolutely scandalous that a fantastic building like this is just left to rot away .

  12. 排球队以不可阻挡的气势,直落三局击败对手。

    The volleyball team overwhelmed their opponents in three straight games .

  13. 他开始弹钢琴时那股气势充满活力。

    At the piano , his attack was full of life .

  14. 这决不会叫人联想到晶莹的清水,如画的两岸,雄壮的气势。

    It'suggests no crystal waters , no picturesque shores , no sublimity .

  15. 酒店整体设计新颖,风格别致,功能齐全,无论是主题建筑,还是装饰装修,都构思巧妙,气势宏大。

    Integral designed with novelty , delicate style and comprehensive function , the hotel and considerably grandiosity .

  16. 在CCTV“心连心”慰问演出中,哪首歌没有气势呢?

    In the CCTV " heart to heart " show sympathy , which is not imposing this song ?

  17. 但是,智能电视目前气势强盛,增速超过了Roku或AppleTV等专用的“互联网至电视”设备(即流媒体机顶盒)。

    But smart TVs are coming on strong , growing faster than dedicated internet-to-tv devices like roku or Apple TV ( AAPL ) .

  18. 内部重装修的设计者来自伦敦的RichmondInternational建筑设计事务所,他们意在重建(至少在建筑精神上)酒店原先那些气势恢弘的新古典主义风格的公共区域。

    The designers of its new interiors , London-based Richmond International , have aimed to recreate the imposing neoclassical public areas of the original building , at least in spirit .

  19. 科普兰饰演的天鹅王后奥杰塔有时勇敢高贵,在这些时刻,你能感觉到柴可夫斯基(Tchaikovsky)这部著名戏剧的英雄气势。

    As Odette , the Swan Queen , Ms. Copeland has moments of courage and grandeur when you feel the heroic scale of Tchaikovsky 's celebrated drama .

  20. 本文指出了Magoon关于成熟烃源岩体个数划分含油气系统方法的局限性,以油气势能理论为依据,提出了一种以主要高势面划分含油气系统的新方法。

    In this paper , the author pointed out the limitation of division method of petroleum system given by Magoon . Based on oil and gas potential theory , a new method which petroleum system is divided according to the main high potential interface has been advanced .

  21. 北起明尼苏达,南至新奥尔良,气势雄浑的密西西比河。

    Running from Minnesota to New Orleans , the Mighty Mississippi .

  22. 他们很想压一压那个年轻狂妄家伙的气势。

    They wereeager to take the young peacock down a peg .

  23. 营造欧亚风格的小区,气势恢宏。

    Build the District of the style of eurasia , powerful .

  24. 旗开得胜,那气势是很了不起的。

    This initial victory displayed the terrific momentum of our counteroffensive .

  25. 他胜利地微笑着,以男人咄咄逼人的气势使她哑口无言。

    He laughed triumphantly , and silenced her by manly smothering .

  26. 附近自然虚张声势他的这种张狂气势令他丢了工作机会。

    close by naturally bravado His bravado cost him the job .

  27. 这支球队争取冠军的气势似锐不可当。

    The team seems unstoppable in their drive for the championship .

  28. 气势雄伟的龙门石窟,是佛门珍贵的古代雕刻艺术。

    The magnificent Longmen Grottoes are ancient sculptures priceless to Buddhists .

  29. 我们可以感受到他的笔锋的力量和气势。

    We can feel the vigor and strength in his strokes ;

  30. 我们能听见教堂唱诗班气势恢宏的合唱。

    We could hear the lusty singing of the church choir .