
  • 网络The Crystal Skull
  1. 这正是传奇能够给故事以灵感的原因,比如电影印第安纳琼斯与水晶头骨。

    There is a reason legends inspiring stories such Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull exist .

  2. 1527年,在当西班牙征服新世界时,一个古老水晶头骨被发现。

    During the Spanish Conquer in the new world , in1527 , an ancient Crystal Skull was found .

  3. 《圣战奇兵》问世19年后才推出《水晶头骨王国》,为什么印第安纳·琼斯系列两部剧集间隔如此之长?

    Why the19-year hiatus between " Crystal Skull " and its predecessor ," Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade "?