
  • 网络aquatic food chain
  1. 大型食肉鱼类-如方头鱼,旗鱼和鲭鱼的甲基汞水平往往高于比他们更小的鱼,因为其水生食物链中更高。

    Large , predatory fish such as tilefish , swordfish and king mackerel tend to have higher levels of methyl mercury than do smaller fish because they 're higher in the aquatic food chain .

  2. 水生食物链不同于陆地食物链。

    Aquatic food chains are different from terrestrial ones .

  3. 多溴联苯醚在典型电子垃圾污染区域水生食物链上的生物富集特征

    Bioaccumulation of Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers in a Contaminated Freshwater Food Web from an E-Waste Recycling Site , South China

  4. 原生动物是水生生态系统食物链中重要环节,发挥着十分重要的生态功能作用。

    Protozoa is an important component in the aquatic ecosystem , and exhibits many of the characteristics of structure and function of entire aquatic ecosystems .

  5. 水溞(Daphnia)属于甲壳纲、淡水枝角类的浮游水生动物,广泛分布于世界各地,是水生食物链中的关键生物。

    Daphnia ( Cladocero : crustacea ), an important animal of the diet for many fish , is widespread in the world and has a critical role in aquatic ecology chains .