
  • 网络Exchange gains;Foreign exchange gains
  1. 同样,汇兑收益也应按新法相同规定进行处理。

    Likewise , the exchange gains shall be dealt with according to the same regulations of the New Law .

  2. 然而,净利润增长13%,达到创纪录的1070亿新台币,在一定程度上得益于汇兑收益。

    Net income , however , was up 13 per cent to a record T $ 107bn , partly because of foreign exchange gains .

  3. 二是美元贷款,积极增加美元负债,利用美元贬值增加汇兑收益。

    Second is the dollar loan , using the dollar debt to increase exchange gain .

  4. 三个中国汽车,南合并季度利润报告,该列的空白汇兑收益。

    Three cars in China , South merger quarterly profit report , the exchange gain of the column blank .

  5. 这样,如果你投资中国,就能过获得另外的汇兑收益。

    It seems likely therefore that if you invest there , you are going to make a currency gain there .

  6. 可以产生手续费收益、汇兑收益、平盘收益、利息收益等直接的经济效益。

    It produces the handling charge income , the remittance income , the interest income and so on as the direct economic income .

  7. 此外,从人民币升值可能成为2009年航空公司的汇兑收益将是贬值的汇率损失。

    In addition , from the appreciation of RMB may become a devaluation of the exchange gain of airlines in2009 will be the exchange rate losses .

  8. 与此同时,今年第三季度,随着人民币升值减速,三大路线的汇兑收益远远不能弥补的航空燃油价格的影响。

    At the same time , the third quarter of this year , with the slowdown in the appreciation of the renminbi , the three major routes of exchange gains far irreparable impact of aviation fuel prices .

  9. 知情人士称,亚太置地于2011年3月将该项目以人民币44亿元的价格出售,但人民币汇兑收益帮助该公司抵消了售价上的损失。

    Asia Pacific Land sold it for 4.4 billion yuan in March 2011 , but managed to offset the loss from gains in the Chinese currency , according to people familiar with the matter at that time .

  10. 一些基金经理认为,以人民币计价的传统基金股票类别在利用人民币升值方面具有超强的优势,它们既可以赚取汇兑收益,并且投资标的的回报率也高于通胀水平。

    Some fund managers argue that renminbi-denominated share classes of traditional funds are a superior play on the appreciation of the renminbi as they offer the chance to register a currency gain as well as a return on underlying investments higher than the inflation rate .