
tāng jì
  • decoction;decoction of herbal medicine
汤剂 [tāng jì]
  • [decoction of herbal medicine] 中药剂,把中药加水熬出汤汁,除去药滓而成

汤剂[tāng jì]
  1. 目的研究包括中药汤剂在内的多种可能因素对急性心肌梗死(acutemyocardialinfarction,AMI)远期预后的影响。

    Objective To study the effects of the potential factors , including Chinese herbal decoction , on the long term prognosis of acute myocardial infarction ( AMI ) .

  2. 六味地黄冲剂与丸、汤剂对肾阴虚患者血浆中cAMP,E2,T,Zn,Cu含量的影响

    Effect of Liuwei Dihuang Granules , Pills and Decoction on Contents of cAMP , E_2 , T , Zn and Cu in Plasma of Renal Yin Deficient Patients

  3. HPLC法测定麻黄汤分煎及合煎汤剂中甘草酸含量

    Determination of glycyrrhizic acid in MAHUANG DECOCTION by HPLC when decocted separately or as a whole

  4. 前言:目的探讨中药汤剂对系统性红斑狼疮(SLE)合并贫血的影响。

    Objective : To discuss the effect of Chinese herbal decoction on SLE .

  5. 当归补血汤汤剂中挥发油成分的GC-MS分析

    GC-MS analysis of volatile oil of Danggui Buxue Decoction

  6. E组大鼠于术后次日开始进行中药八味明目饮汤剂灌胃治疗。

    The next day after the operation , Group E rats receive decoction gavage treatment of the Chinese medicine Ba Wei Ming Mu Yin .

  7. AA患者各组均使用健脾补肾活血的中药汤剂,并配合服用康力龙等西药治疗。

    All the AA patients take Chinese herbs ' prescriptions under Invigorating Spleen and Kidney Therapy , together with other drugs .

  8. 方法:采用HPLC色谱指纹图谱方法,比较月月舒免煎配方颗粒和月月舒汤剂两者指纹图谱的差别,并通过相似度软件分析两者的相似性。

    Methods : Comparative Study on fingerprints of Traditional Herbs Decoction and Compatible Granules of Yueyueshu by HPLC , and applied Computer Aided Similarity Evaluation to analyze similarity .

  9. 麻黄汤合煎汤剂与颗粒汤剂中苦杏仁苷含量测定麻黄附子细辛汤对Th1、Th2型细胞因子和淋巴细胞凋亡的影响

    The effect of Chinese Ephedra , Aconite and Asarum Decoction on Th1 、 Th2 and apoptosis of lymphocytes

  10. 方法:对比研究了三黄泻心汤传统饮片汤剂与中药配方颗粒汤剂中生物碱类的薄层色谱(TLC)、高效液相色谱(HPLC)。

    Method : A contrastive research was used to analyze alkaloids in Sanhuang decoction for purging stomach-fire and its concentrated granule by TLC and HPLC methods .

  11. 结果枳实配方颗粒与相应饮片和汤剂HPLC图谱出峰数量、峰位无差异;

    Result There were no differences in elution peak quantity and peak position in the HPLC spectrum of Fructus Aurantii Immaturus formula granule with corresponding cut crude drug and decoction .

  12. 配合特制中草药汤剂于HDF前后进行口服(或灌肠),对照组只用常规药物治疗。

    The control group was treated with routine medicine .

  13. 火焰原子吸收法测定了中草药黄芪原生药及汤剂中6种微量元素Cu、Zn、Mn、Fe、Mg、Sr的含量,并对其溶出率进行了计算。

    The dissolved rates of six microelements Cu , Zn , Mn , Fe , Mg , Sr in Chinese herbal drug radix astragali and their determination by FAAS are reported .

  14. 治疗组:采用TAM加中药汤剂,对照组:采用TAM治疗。

    The treatment group : the drugs TAM adds the Chinese native , the control group : the simple drugs TAM .

  15. 抑制HSC活化、增殖,诱导HSC凋亡可能是复方中药汤剂治疗肝纤维化作用的另一重要机制。

    Inhibiting HSC activation and proliferation and inducing HSC apoptosis may be another functional mechanisms of Compound traditional chinese medicine decoction against hepatic fibrosis .

  16. 方法:对服用中药汤剂或成药治疗10年以上艾滋病病例的CD4计数、CD8计数、CD4/CD8比值以及体重进行前后对照并作统计学处理。

    Methods : CD_4 , CD_8 , CD_4 / CD_8 ratio and body weight before and after treatment in the patients who had been treated decoction or proprietary medicine of TCM for over 10 years were compared .

  17. [方法]模拟汤剂临床煎法将石菖蒲置陶器中煎煮2次并浓缩,采用气相色谱-质谱联用(GC-MS)技术直接进样对6批次水煎液及浓缩液进行分析比较。

    [ Methods ] RAT was decocted and concentrated in the pottery for two times and then 6 batches of the decoction and its concentrated decoction were analyzed by GC-MS .

  18. 第二部分,采用HPLC法测定盐酸小檗碱在大鼠血浆中的浓度,比较灌胃传统饮片汤剂和配方颗粒汤剂后大鼠血浆中盐酸小檗碱的药动学行为。

    Compare the pharmacokinetic characters of berberine in the rat plasma after Intragastric administration of traditional slice decoction and dispensing granule decoction . 3 The contents of baicalin in the rat plasma was determined between two decoctions by HPLC .

  19. 结果白花蛇舌草的水提液(汤剂)对S-180肿瘤细胞没有明显的抑制作用;

    RESULTS Experimental results indicated that the elementary aqueous extract of H. diffusa had no marked anti-tumor effect on Sarcoma-180 cells implanted in mice .

  20. 传统的中药复方汤剂有不同程度的改善CRF营养不良的作用,但服用不方便,疗效不统一,质量难以控制。

    Traditional Chinese herbal compound has better effects on malnutrition of CRF patients , but it is inconvenient to take and the effects are not uniform and the quality is difficult to control .

  21. 方法:用SBD法和CD法制备汤剂,用热板法、扭体法和电刺激法对小鼠进行止痛实验。

    METHOD : This decoction prepared by the method of SBD and CD , were subjected to alleviating pain test to rats with the methods of hot plate , wring body and electric stimulus .

  22. 63例病人西医全部予UDCA治疗,中医通过辨证论治给予中药汤剂口服。

    All 63 cases of patients to the UDCA treatment of Western medicine , Chinese medicine decoction of Chinese medicine by giving oral syndrome differentiation .

  23. 中药汤剂治疗对于轻中度及早期睡眠呼吸暂停综合征患者的治疗效果较好,所以及早的中医药干预对于SAS患者可以缓解临床症状,控制病情。

    Decoction of Chinese medicine treatment for mild to moderate and early sleep apnea hypopnea syndrome patients has better efficacy , so early in medical interventions for SAS patients can alleviate clinical symptoms and control the disease .

  24. [方法]制造大鼠急性胆道感染模型,灌胃给中药汤剂后,检测肺毛细血管通透性,肺磷脂酶A2活性,血气分析和检测血清铁蛋白含量。

    [ Methods ] To establish acute cholangitis infection model rats and intragastric administrate to traditional Chinese herbs decoction . To determine lung capillary permeability , phospholipase A2 , blood gas analysis and serum ferritin content .

  25. 试验结果表明,0.2%中药汤剂能有效预防仔猪腹泻,并能提高RBC、TP、IgG的数量和水平,腹泻率较对照组下降33.7%(P<0.01)。

    The results showed that , compared with control , the 0.2 % decoction could ( control ) piglet diarrhea and rise the RBC , TP , IgG level and reduce significantly the ( diarrhea ) rate by ( 33.7 % ) ( P < 0.01 ) .

  26. 不久,大姐将水和药草搁在炉上煮,让我喝佳木(jamu)汤剂&巴厘岛传统自制药汤。

    Soon Wayan had water and herbs boiling up on the stove , and was making me drink jamu & traditional Indonesian homemade medicinal concoctions .

  27. 不久,大姐将水和药草搁在炉上煮,让我喝“佳木”(jamu)汤剂——巴厘岛传统自制药汤。

    Soon Wayan had water and herbs boiling up on the stove , and was making me drink jamu - traditional Indonesian homemade medicinal concoctions .

  28. 方法选取肝郁脾虚证患者10例,测定患者在口服加味逍遥散汤剂5、10、15、30、60、90、120min的血清样本中阿魏酸的浓度。

    Methods Ten patients with liver-qi stagnation and spleen insufficiency were chosen and given ( Jiaweixiaoyao ) Powder orally . At the time of 5,10,15,30,60,90 and 120 min , the concentration of ferulic acid in the serum samples was determined .

  29. 方法:建立槐花散汤剂中芦丁的高效液相色谱含量测定法,平行设计两种煎药方法,比较GNG中药抽出机煎煮法与常压直火煎煮法制备的槐花散汤剂中芦丁含量的差异。

    Methods : A HPLC method was established for determination of rutin content in Huaihua powders , and two decocting methods were parallel designed to compare the rutin content in Huaihua powders prepared by GNG medicine extracting method and fire heating decocting method .

  30. 用正交试验法优选醋山甲入汤剂时的最佳粒度和煎煮条件,结果表明醋山甲最粗粉加水浸泡30min后,煎煮70min,其水浸出物煎出量最高。

    This article , through orthogonal test , optimizes the optimum granularity and condition in decocting vinegared pangolin scales , after the coarsest powder of vinegared pangolin scales immersed in water half an hour and then decocted 70 minutes the decocting rate was the highest .