
  • 网络tgv;Train à grande vitesse;LGV Est
  1. 法国高速列车运行在精心特制的轨道上,最高时速创下了357英里每小时的记录。

    S.passenger rail system up to the standards of , say , the French Train a Grande Vitesse , which runs on dedicated tracks and holds the record for fastest train at357 miles per hour .

  2. 法国TGV高速列车焊接转向架构架的设计

    Design of the Welded Bogie Frame on TGV High Speed Train in France

  3. 法国TGV高速列车的社会经济效益

    Socioeconomic Benefit of French TGV High-speed Train

  4. 临时伦敦人乘坐的火车本身就将充当事实上的办公室:与郊区通勤列车完全不同的是,欧洲之星(Eurostar)、法国TGV高速列车和大力士高速列车(Thalys)可以保证你有一个座位和一张折叠桌板。

    The trains that carry occasional Londoners will themselves act as de facto offices : the Eurostar , French TGVs and Thalys , in utter contrast to suburban commuting trains , guarantee you a seat and a fold-out table .

  5. 周六这天,他们搭乘法国高速TVG列车到里维埃拉,到坎城和摩纳哥定下的79家五星级酒店的4760间套房休息,又在当天上午专为他们开放的老佛爷百货购物。

    On Saturday , the visitors jumped aboard France 's high-speed TGV trains and headed to the French Riviera to relax in one of the 4760 rooms reserved at 79 hotels in Cannes and Monaco . They spent the morning shopping at the Galeries Lafayette , which had been opened exclusively for Tien employees .

  6. 法国新一代高速列车AGV

    The New Generation of High Speed Train AGV in France

  7. 简介了日本、法国等国外高速铁路列车超速防护系统的控制方式。

    The control patterns applied to Automatic Train Protection System of high speed railways in Japan and France are introduced .