
fǎ lǜ ɡuān xì
  • jural relation;juridical relation;legal nexus;legal relation
  1. 按照不同当事人之间各自的法律关系,责任人承担赔偿责任的基础和依据各异。

    The libility basis and indemnity foundation are quite different according to respective jural relation between litigants .

  2. 军事法律关系研究

    On the military jural relation

  3. 经济合法原则主要是就经济法律关系来说的。

    The principle of economic legality is mainly regard to the economic legal relation .

  4. 论BOT的法律关系性质

    On the Nature of BOT Legal Relation

  5. 判断利用P2P网络传播技术上传和下载行为是合法还是非法,必须深入探讨它背后存在的法律关系,必须研究这种法律关系主体之间合理的权利义务配置。

    We should study the law relationship of the network broadcasting by P2P software and the allocation of right or responsibilities as to judge whether these activities are legal .

  6. 因此,法律关系清晰、风险隔离效果良好的真实出售模式是今后AMC开展不良贷款证券化的最佳选择。

    Therefore , the authors point out that true sale is the best pattern for AMC 's NPLS in the future .

  7. 市政公用设施TOT项目,是一种兼具国有资产转让、特许经营管理、项目融资等多重法律关系的项目类型。

    TOT for public utilities is a kind of project covering several legal relations like state-owned assets transfer , concession and project financing .

  8. 本文从分析KODA合约的本质及其相关法律关系入手,得知KODA实质上是一种风险极高的金融衍生理财产品,纠纷产生的重要原因之一就是因为我国对金融衍生理财产品缺乏有效的监管。

    This paper analyzes the essence of the contract and the legal relationship . In fact , KODA is a high risk of product derived from financial .

  9. 医疗行为涉及多层次、多主体的法律关系。

    Medical behaviors involve multi level and multi subject legal relations .

  10. 内部法律关系则包括院医、院护等法律关系。

    Internal legal relations involve physicians , nurses and hospital authorities .

  11. 论典权及与类似法律关系之差异

    On the Differences between Pawnee 's Rights and Similar Legal Relations

  12. 正视民工与用人单位之间的法律关系

    Face Up to the Legal Relationship Between Immigration Workers and Employees

  13. 论合同中的缔约责任和免责条款及其法律关系

    Signatory obligation , exception clauses and the legal relation between them

  14. 网络信息资源知识产权法律关系研究

    Research on the Legal Relations of Network Information Resource Intellectual Property

  15. 论开证行与受益人之间的法律关系

    On the Legal Relationship between the Issuing Bank and the Beneficiary

  16. 第二个部分主要探讨开证行和开证申请人之间的法律关系的性质。

    The second part is on the nature of the legal relationship .

  17. 强制拍卖船舶中各方当事人法律关系分析

    In forced sale ships all quarters litigant legal relationship analysis

  18. 商品房预售是一种法律关系复杂的交易行为。

    The pre-sale of commercial housing is a complex legal relationship transaction .

  19. 医患法律关系涉及平等的财产关系和人身关系;

    Doctor patient relationship involves the equality of property and personal relationships .

  20. 契约型投资基金法律关系评析

    Agreement Type Investment Funds Legal Relation Evaluation and Analysis

  21. 其外部法律关系严谨,管理规定合法性让人质疑。

    The legality of their management stipulations is questionable .

  22. 第二部分,农村宅基地使用权的法律关系。

    The legal relationship of this right is discussed in the second part .

  23. 但不容置疑,刑事法律关系的存在是必然的。

    But it is undoubted that to establish criminal legal relation is necessary .

  24. 第三部分浅尝辄止的谈了一下法律关系客体的价值。

    The third part discusses the value of the object of legal relation .

  25. 正文的第三部分详细分析了报关代理法律关系的构成要件。

    Part four explores the composing parts of the Customs Broking on law .

  26. 第三方物流民商事法律关系研究

    The Study on the Civil and Commercial Legal Relationship of the Third-party Logistics

  27. 浅析矿业权法律关系的构成要素

    The Constitution of Legal Relationships of Mining Industry Rights

  28. 刑事法律关系具有客观性、强制性和纵向不平等性特征。

    This relation is characterized by objectivity , compulsion , and vertical inequality .

  29. 代位权制度具有保全债权的功能。第二章债权人代位权法律关系。

    Subrogation with preservation of function . Chapter ⅱ, Legal relations of Subrogation .

  30. 论分支机构在劳动法律关系中的地位

    The Position of Branch Institutes In Labor Law Relationship